(ARA) You made it through the wed- have room, Hankey also suggests a big colding, so now comes the relaxing part - lapsible hat, but you can always buy one - your romantic honeymoon in a faraway when you land. What do you wear on the plane when destination. But what do you pack and how much do you need? Gone are the days of you’re taking off in sub-zero weather and multiple suitcases stacked at the doorway landing in a heat wave? “My favorite trick to accompany you on your flight. With air- is to wear black exercise clothes,” says lines charging fees for checked luggage, Stephanie Schuller, fashion marketing today’s friendly skies will only allow you and management instructor at The Illinois just so much, so you’d better make the most Institute of Art -- Chicago. “They’ll insulate you so in cold weather they’ll keep you of your checked bag and your carry-on. There are three basic honeymoon desti- warm and they can keep you from sweating nation types: the beach, the mountains, and in warm weather because they are designed the city. Each one requires careful planning to regulate your body temperature when on your part to make sure you have enough, you work out.” If you decide to head to a winter ski but not so much that you wind up forking over extra cash at your airline’s check-in resort on your honeymoon, you can still keep counter. ��������������������������������your bulkier winter wear to a miniIf the beach is your ����������� destination -- a great mum. Hankey suggests you pack your ski choice for all the northerners who spend boots with your skis in your checked lugmost of the winter digging their driveways gage. “Wear your ski parka on the plane out from under mounds of snow – there is with a nice pair of jeans, a sweater, and a chance that you may have to carry on all casual boots. Bring two pairs of leggings and a few your items if you or your spouse want to bring along the golf clubs. But have no fear, thermal T-shirts to layer under your parka when you hit the slopes and don’t forget it can be done. “Chances are you’re just going to be at your socks, gloves, and ski goggles. “Pack the pool most of the day, so two swimsuits, a few sparkly tops or tank tops that you can a wrap or two and flip-flops will take care pair with the jeans you wore on the plane of most of your daytime needs,” says Anne and don’t forget your swimsuit for the hot Hankey, a fashion marketing & manage- tub,” says Hankey. Schuller also suggests a matte jersey ment instructor at The Illinois Institute of dress that can be rolled up and won’t wrinArt - Chicago. Hankey also suggests neutral T-shirts, kle for one special night out. Just throw in sexy dresses that can be dressed up or a pair of dressy heels to wear with the dress down, shorts, a couple of skirts, and a pair and jeans and a pair of flip-flops for the hot of casual and dressy sandals. Don’t forget tub and you’re ready to go. If you decide to jet off to a destinayour sunglasses, a small, unique “statement bag” and a big bag you can use as a tion like Paris or New York for your honcarry-on, on the plane and as your beach eymoon, Schuller stresses you should not bag once you get to your destination. If you forget to bring along a pair of comfortable
Packing well for your winter honeymoon
January 28, 2009 THE VILLADOM TIMES IV • Page 27
and stylish shoes on your journey. “You can pack a little more, because you won’t have golf clubs or skis in tow,” says Hankey. She suggests you wear jeans and flats on the plane, along with a simple sweater and dressy jacket or coat. Bring a pashmina in a fashionable bag as your carry-on. Your suitcase should contain a couple of simple dresses. “Wrap dresses work very well because you can roll them up,” says Hankey. Don’t forget your basic black slacks and a variety of thin tops and sweaters that can be dressed up or down. “Jewelry
and a Hermes scarf can really transform an outfit,” she points out. No matter the destination, Hankey stresses that you should always take along travel size toiletries -- they’re usually under the three-ounce carry-on limit and take up little room in your checked bags. Schuller adds, “Don’t forget to allow room for souvenirs, because if you overpack, you can’t bring anything new home.” Both Hankey and Schuller have one last piece of advice: don’t forget the lingerie. As Schuller points out, “It’s not like it takes up a lot of room.”
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