Ramsey February 11, 2009 THE VILLADOM TIMES IV • Page 9 Imagine that you witness someone walking across a frozen pond and all of the sudden, that person falls through the ice. As you reach for the telephone and call 911, you see the person struggling to stay afloat as hypothermia and panic begin to overwhelm the individual. Will the local emergency services arrive in time, and will they know what to do? That exact scenario played out last at Ramsey’s Suraci’s Pond, but the incident was a controlled exercise and the responding emergency forces knew exactly what to do. The Ramsey Rescue Squad dispatched its two heavy rescue trucks, the Hummer, and two four-wheel drive vehicles to the scene with approximately 25 members. The Ramsey Ambulance Corps also deployed both of its basic life support ambulances, with approximately a dozen emergency medical technicians. Ice rescue exercise carried out at Suraci’s Pond Donning high-visibility dry-suits, each member took turns plunging into a four-foot by four-foot hole that had been cut with a chain saw through the six-inch thick ice. The icy water and the grey, overcast skies soon reduced the “victims” to teeth-chattering, rosy-cheeked “patients.” Once pulled from the pond and placed safety back on shore, each person was quickly warmed and had his or her vital signs taken. “Watching training films on ice rescue, which we all did the Thursday night before, and actually being both a victim and a rescuer is a totally different learning experience,” commented Ramsey Rescue Squad and Ramsey Ambulance Corps senior riding member Michael Adams. “I think that the biggest lesson learned was the lack of time in the rescue and treatment phases.” Scenes from the recent Ice rescue exercise held at Ramsey’s Suraci’s Pond. SPOTS • Pre-Kindergarten LEFT... • Optional 2-11-09 pat/janine Kindergarten CirinoBW2x2(created2/11/08) • K-Enrichment 2 X 2” •• • • •• •• FALL A FEW ENROLLMENT • Nursery Program But STILL can’t lose that Tummy or Cellulite? Call me about VelaShapeTM A NEW Nonsurgical method of Fat reduction and body contouring • Non-invasive • No Anesthesia • No Downtime Beverly Dunn, MD Waldwick, NJ • 201-445-0032 Dieting? Working Out? Green Twig School Midland Park • 201-445-0747 