Page 20 THE VILLADOM TIMES I, II, III & IV • September 2, 2009 DVDs (continued from Restaurant page) young, mostly Latin players who board with them each summer. Sugar is touched by their generosity and takes a shine to their granddaughter, Anne (Ellary Porterfield). When his performance on the mound falters, he begins to question the single track of his life’s ambition. It is not necessary to be a baseball fan to appreciate this film. “Sugar” blends elements of sports drama, the immigrant experience, and the coming-of-age tale as it traces Miguel’s path to self-discovery. He is depicted having a tough time with the language barrier, finding his own identity while traveling in the United States, and being a commodity of the Minor Baseball League. Soto breathes life into Miguel Santos, incorporating bits of humor that ring true. As a character study, “Sugar” is first rate. Extras include “Play Beisbol: The Dominican Dream;” and an interview with Soto. “Life after People” (A&E Entertainment) speculates what would happen to Earth if humans suddenly disappeared. Hollywood-style special effects combine with experts in the fields of engineering, botany, ecology, biology, geology, climatology, and archaeology to demonstrate how the landscape of the planet would change. With images of the ghostly villages surrounding Chernobyl after its nuclear accident, predictions of New York City subway tunnels turning to watery canals, and forays onto remote islands off the coast of Maine in search of abandoned towns that have vanished in only a few decades, this unusual documentary is fascinating. Animal lovers will be upset by images of what might happen to pets who no longer have their masters to look after them. This touch personalizes the film and gives it an emotional resonance. The sole bonus is a series of additional scenes. The Disney company has a long history of nature documentaries going back to such 1950s True Life Adventure films as “The African Lion,” “The Olympic Elk,” and “Secrets of Life.” “Earth” (Walt Disney Home Entertainment) continues the tradition with beautifully photographed scenes of animals in their natural habitat. In Blu-ray high definition, the images are spectacular and underscore the beauty of the animals that share the planet with us. Awardwinning filmmakers Alastair Fothegill (“The Blue Planet”) and Mark Linfield (“Planet Earth”) employ the latest innovations in film techniques to bring dazzling images to the screen. The footage was edited to form individual stories about the various animal stars. The James Earl Jones narration does help tie the images together, but is often overwritten and sometimes redundant. The power of this film lies in its photography. The Blu-ray edition also contains a DVD version. Exclusive to the Blu-ray edition is “Earth Diaries: The Making of Earth -- The Movie.” “Supernatural: The Complete Fourth Season” (Warner Home Video), new in Blu-ray, is a four-disc set containing 22 episodes that continue to follow brothers Sam (Jared Padelecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles) as they carry on their life mission to protect mankind from dark spirits. A staple of the CW Network, “Supernatural” combines scares, humor, a classic rock soundtrack, creatures, and sharp writing. In Season Four, after enduring unspeakable torture, Dean is rescued from Hell by an all-powerful creature he has never seen before -- a warrior of God who recruits Sam and Dean in Heaven’s battle against Hell. There are hints that fallen angel Lucifer will soon be freed from his prison. If this happens, he will bring on the Apocalypse. Meanwhile, the brothers hit the road, battling evil wherever they go. Throughout the season, the ultimate war draws them into its horror. Blu-ray extras include four featurettes, commentary on three episodes, extended scenes, and a gag reel. “Rescue Me: Season Five, Volume 1” (Sony Pictures Home Entertainment) is a TV action drama series about post-9/11 New York City firefighters starring Denis Leary and Gina Gershon. This three-disc set contains the first 11 episodes of Season Five. At the start of this season, Tommy Gavin (Leary) finds the relationships in his personal life slipping, but his resolve to stay sober is firm and his dedication to his job unswerving. Life is thrown into turmoil when a French reporter brings her international perspective and 9/11 footage to the firehouse. The men of 62 Truck deal with the stress in different ways. As for Tommy, it seems nothing can keep him away from the bottle as he is pushed to the limit when, among other things, he breaks up with Valerie (Gershon) and begins seeing Sheila (Callie Thorne) again, and estranged wife Janet (Andrea Roth) begins dating a new man. Season Five features guest star Michael J. Fox. Extras of the DVD set include two featurettes, one about the show’s stunt work; seven deleted scenes; and a gag reel. ARIES - Mar 21/Apr ARIES - Mar 21/Apr 20 20 Listen to naysayers this week, Aries, Listen to naysayers this week, Aries, they’re actually right about their they’re actually right about their advice. Put your energy into a project advice. Put your energy into a project focused around a loved one and you’ll focused around a loved one and you’ll feel rewarded. feel rewarded. TAURUS - Apr 21/May TAURUS - Apr 21/May 21 21 A conflict at work only escalates this A conflict at work only escalates this week, Taurus. It’s hard to keep your week, Taurus. It’s hard to keep your cool, but doing will help you come cool, but doing so so will help you come out looking like better, wiser out looking like thethe better, wiser person. person. GEMINI - May 22/Jun GEMINI - May 22/Jun 21 21 AnAn impromptu trip just what you impromptu trip is is just what you need to recharge, Gemini. Take need to recharge, Gemini. Take Scorpio along the ride and you’ll Scorpio along forfor the ride and you’ll have a grand adventure. Others will have a grand adventure. Others will be be jealous of the getaway. jealous of the getaway. CANCER - Jun 22/Jul CANCER - Jun 22/Jul 22 22 You’re pouting and sulking has gotten You’re pouting and sulking has gotten you nowhere thus far, Cancer, why you nowhere thus far, Cancer, so so why continue with these antics? Others see continue with these antics? Others see right through act. Change your right through thethe act. Change your behavior this week. behavior this week. LEO - Jul 23/Aug LEO - Jul 23/Aug 23 23 You’re going to take a leap faith You’re going to take a leap of of faith this week, Leo. Don’t worry, others this week, Leo. Don’t worry, others won’t you down. The results will won’t let let you down. The results will be bechange in your outlook toward all all a a change in your outlook toward things risky. things risky. VIRGO - Aug 24/Sept VIRGO - Aug 24/Sept 22 22 Mouthing to to higher-ups is way Mouthing offoff higher-ups is no no way to what you want, Virgo. This to getget what you want, Virgo. This approach never works, why not try approach never works, so so why not try some finesse in areas concerning your some finesse in areas concerning your work life? work life? LIBRA - Sept 23/Oct LIBRA - Sept 23/Oct 23 23 A big move is in store you, Libra. A big move is in store forfor you, Libra. You have financial means to to make You have thethe financial means make a change, and now’s time to to pack a change, and now’s thethe time pack up up and get going. Expect some family and get going. Expect some family resistance. resistance. SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov 22 22 You’re swimming in dangerous waYou’re swimming in dangerous waters, Scorpio, particularly when you ters, Scorpio, particularly when you start flirting with someone who could start flirting with someone who could be be trouble. Keep your sights closer to trouble. Keep your sights closer to home and safer territory. home and on on safer territory. SAGITTARIUS - Nov 23/Dec SAGITTARIUS - Nov 23/Dec 21 21 A shock to your bank account leaves A shock to your bank account leaves you dazed and confused, Sagittarius. you dazed and confused, Sagittarius. Make for the loss with some quick Make up up for the loss with some quick action, and you’ll surprised just action, and you’ll be be surprised just how fast you things in in order. how fast you getget things order. CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan 20 20 You want to make a move, but You want to make a move, but thethe finances just aren’t there yet, Caprifinances just aren’t there yet, Capricorn. Better settle in and stash more corn. Better settle in and stash more cash away the time being. It’s time cash away forfor the time being. It’s time to put pressure your partner. to put pressure on on your partner. AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb 18 18 A big responsibility at home leaves A big responsibility at home leaves you feeling trapped. However, not you feeling trapped. However, it’sit’s not wise to take chances and sow your wise to take chances and sow your wild oats. Speak to your partner about wild oats. Speak to your partner about ways to liven things ways to liven things up.up. PISCES - Feb 19/Mar PISCES - Feb 19/Mar 20 20 Others trust in your creativity celOthers trust in your creativity forfor celebration ideas, this week, Pisces. Yet, ebration ideas, this week, Pisces. Yet, you’re just not to to challenge this you’re just not up up thethe challenge this time. You’ll rebound. time. You’ll rebound. Answer to Last Week’s Puzzle Answer to Last Week’s Puzzle