Waldwick May 27, 2009 THE VILLADOM TIMES III • Page 5 La Vie En Rose Bakery Cafe recently celebrated its grand opening with a ribbon cutting ceremony. It is located at 10 West Prospect Street in Waldwick - the owner is Rosemary Smith. The event was attended by family, friends, town council members, Chamber of Commerce members and the Waldwick community who came to wish her success and luck. Pictured are Mayor “Buddy” Litchult, owner Rosemary Smith, Mike Smith (Rose’s husband) and President of the Waldwick Chamber of Commerce Christine Figliuolo. A warm welcome The Borough of Waldwick may soon be able to add yet another telecommunications company to its list of “tenants.” T-Mobile is seeking to co-locate on the cell tower at Industrial Park. ATT Singular and Verizon already have antennas on the 125-ft. tower, for which they pay the borough $55,000 a year. In all, the town collects $200,000 a year from cell tower leases on borough property. Borough Administrator Gary Kratz said that final details were being worked out with T-Mobile before going out to bid on the lease. He said a minimum bid price of $27,000 a year would be established, with yearly inflation increments of 3 percent. Kratz said T-Mobile had requested additional ground space outside the equipment compound to accommodate its electron- T-Mobile seeks location on borough’s cell tower ics cabinets but to date had not indicated exactly how much more space was required. He said space is at a premium at that location behind the DPW garage, so he was exploring the possibility of stacking the equipment platforms each company requires to minimize the encumbrances on the site. “We’re running out of space there. We are looking to do electronics recyclables” and would need more space for this program, he said. Kratz also suggested the possibility of increasing the height of the existing monopole to 150 feet. The added height would allow for a total of up to five co-locators, which would bring additional revenue to the borough. The tower was initially designed with expansion capabilities, he said. ���������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������������� ���������� ������������������������� ����������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������� ������������ Caring for Your Beautiful Landscape is our Specialty ������������������������� LET THE PROFESSIONALS ���������� SAVE YOU TIME AND MONEY ���������������������� We offer three levels of Property Maintenance & Garden Service Basic or Premium Lawn Care Design Contruction (Design Fees Apply) Irrigation Lighting Service Residential & Commercial N.J.D.C.A. Lic#13VH01114000 www.chrisjameslandscaping.com (201) 670-9000 4-22-09----ChrisJamesColorSpring4x4(4-22-09) 3col x 4” Ester for PROOF... from Janine