Page 8 THE VILLADOM TIMES III • May 20, 2009 Waldwick Ordinance to require tenant registration The Borough of Waldwick wants to know who is living in each and every rental unit in town. Owner-occupied two-family homes are excluded from the requirements. The borough council last week introduced an ordinance amending the borough’s housing standards code to require registration by name of tenants occupying each dwelling unit. Single, non-owner occupied twofamily or multiple dwelling units are affected. Subleasing and/or receiving of rent by any tenant of a dwelling unit from another person living in the unit not named on the registration would be prohibited. “It made sense to ask landlords for names rather than the number of tenants,” commented Borough Administrator Gary Kratz at a recent meeting. “It gives us more flexibility for enforcement, more teeth, and it’s blind to ethnicity,” he added. “We have many transients. Registration will give us a record of who’s living there and the number of people. We’ll have a framework to go by for our people; they’d know what to expect. It’s a step towards code enforcement,” said Councilwoman Anita Bozzo. Former mayor and councilman Frank McKenna suggested that in the section prohibiting subleasing the words “not named on the registration” be deleted. He felt this would more definitively eliminate the possibility of tenants renting to other tenants. The proposed ordinance would also require the name and address of the record owner of the premises and of the rental business if not the same; the name and address of the managing agent of the premises and of the person in charge of providing regular maintenance services; emergency name, address and phone number; and the name and address of every holder of a recorded mortgage on the premises. The Certificate of Registration must be filed annually, on or before April 1 of each year or whenever a tenancy changes. If there is a change of tenancy during a calendar year, there would be no fee for the amended registration, but new owners would be required to register anew. A public hearing on the proposed ordinance will take place at the mayor and council’s May 26 meeting. Waldwick’s own Florence Nightingale Waldwick’s Public Health Nurse Carol Shepard was honored last week with a proclamation from Mayor Russell Litchult in observance of National Nurses Month. Litchult, shown above presenting Shepard with the proclamation, called her “Waldwick’s own Florence Nightingale” as he thanked her for her years of dedicated service. As the public health nurse for the past 17 years, Shepard provides free services for Waldwick senior citizens, such as flu shots, blood pressure tracking and B-12 shots, and gives referrals to other agencies. She also administers the well-baby clinic for children who are residents of Waldwick and seven other area towns. New director hired for municipal pool The Waldwick Pool will have a new director as it opens for the season on Saturday, May 23. Alyssa Ruggero, an elementary teacher in the Dumont school system, was appointed to the position at a salary of $9,000 for the season. The Dumont resident holds certification as a pool operator, has experience working with children in a recreation setting and has strong bookkeeping skills to maintain the operation’s financial records, according to Borough Administrator Gary Kratz. “We are excited to have her on board and are looking forward to a great season,’ Kratz said. He said about 500 persons have registered thus far, about one third of the usual membership. The popular swimming facility has received a number of improvements before opening day. New filters and pumps were installed in the main pool and the children’s pool, and lane lines have been painted at the request of the swimming club. Kratz urges residents to pre-register before opening day to avail themselves of the $10 discount per badge and to avoid long lines. (continued on page 35) Paul Banach Construction, LLC Home Remodeling Waldwick • 201-689-0765 • Kitchen & Bathroom Renovations • Finish Carpentry Crown Moldings, Cabinetry, Walk-In-Closets, etc... Windows • Doors • Garage Doors Take advantage of the Energy Tax Credit in 2009 Speak to your tax advisor to ascertain if you qualify, as these credits will make a project more economical for you! Over 20 yrs. exp. • Senior Citizen Discount • Ref available upon request All work performed by owner • Free Estimates �������������������������� ����������� ��� ����������������������������� ���������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ ������������������������ ������������������������������������ ��������������������� ����������������������������������� �������������������������������� ���������������������������������� ������� ������������������������� � �������������������� � ������������������������������������������������������������ �������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������� ��������������������� ����������������������������������������� Register Now for Fall Classes 291 Franklin Avenue Wyckoff SHOP LOCAL Support Your Allendale Merchants 201-848-8350 CeeKayDesign2x2(5-6-09) Summer Classes and Saturdays Too! 2 x 2” Hip Hop Summer Showcase 5-13-09....Mike....fromJazz, Ballet and a Show! Ages 5-7 Janine Tap, PaulBanach2x2(5-13-09) DANCEcamp 2x2” Summer Dance Pat/Janine 5-6-09 Allendale Chamber of Commerce Visit us at Spotlights on new and existing members on a rotating basis. Find out about upcoming events and goings on in Allendale Weekly Camps. Two Levels, Age 7 and up. Daily Classes Plus Dance History, Music, Anatomy, Nutrition and Fun Creative Activities! Private Voice and Dance Lessons