Waldwick May 13, 2009 THE VILLADOM TIMES III • Page 3 District earns top scores from QSAC monitors Dr. Robert F. Penna, Waldwick’s superintendent of schools, recently received word from New Jersey Commissioner of Education Lucille E. Davy that the local district has achieved top scores in the recent Quality Single Accountability Continuum performance review. In her letter dated April 27, Davy advised Dr. Penna that the district has been placed on a continuum for each of the five areas that were evaluated. Those areas, and their placement on the continuum, include: instruction and program, 96 percent; fiscal management, 100 percent; operations, 98 percent; personnel, 100 percent; and governance, 100 percent. “As noted above, your district satisfied at least 80 percent of the weighted indicators in each of the five areas of the QSAC review process,” Davy wrote. “Therefore, I am pleased to designate your district as a ‘high performing district.’” She added, “Since the district has completed the QSAC process, it is hereby certified, pursuant to NJAC 6A:30-4.1(c), to continue operation as a public school district in the State of New Jersey for a period of three years or until the district’s next QSAC review.” Dr. Penna explained that recent legislation calls for QSAC monitoring of the local districts every three years. Commenting on the process in Waldwick, he said, “We prepared internally, and then a team came in led by Dr. Patrick Piegari. The team visited the schools and interviewed a host of people.” The review, which was exhaustive – and exhausting, according to Dr. Penna -- included an examination of the district’s finances and facilities. The team then returned to explore the issues of personnel, programs and instruction, and matters pertaining to the board of education. “We succeeded, as I knew we would,” Dr. Penna said of the process. “We have been praised heavily. We knew when (the team members) walked out the door they were very pleased.” The superintendent acknowledged the internal preparation that facilitated the review process, adding, “The staff worked very hard.” He said the district is faring well overall, and recently passed its Middle States evaluation. He indicated that test scores are up, and that the Traphagen School is being considered for Blue Ribbon status. Blue Ribbon honors will be announced later this year. Supportive parents David Becker, Suzanne Becker, Louise Henthorn and Louise McMath attened the recent ‘Serenade on the Savannah’ event in support of the Village School. The program was inspired by the cultural studies curriculum that focused on Africa this year.