Page 6 THE VILLADOM TIMES III • June 24, 2009 Allendale Straw poll: Rescission of local bee ban favored by John Koster Allendale’s ban on beekeeping, one of only two ordinances against apiaries in Bergen County, may be rescinded if the borough council’s unanimous straw poll results are repeated when the associated ordinance is drafted and introduced. The vote at the most recent council meeting gave tentative approval to a revision that would delete bees from the list of forbidden dangerous animals, including ocelots, potbellied pigs and instead provide a set of standards to protect both beekeepers and people who fear bees from interfering with one another’s property rights. Drafted by Councilman Jim Strauch, who is allergic to bees and wasps, but also recognizes the important role bees play in pollination, the ordinance places the onus on winning acceptance for beekeeping on the would-be beekeeper, but does not unilaterally ban bees. “We don’t want to be human beings pollinating the plants,” Strauch said. “We want to let Nature do the job.” Specifically, the draft of the ordinance provides that: The beekeeper must register with the New Jersey Apiarist, who would provide free inspection services as per prior agreement with the council. The Allendale authorities would issue a license for beekeeping good for one year, bearing the name of the licensed beekeeper and expiring at the end of the year. The zoning officer would determine property setbacks, and all hives would have to be located at least 25 feet from the property lines. The borough council would supervise the requirements that a minimum of a quarter-acre would allow for one colony. More than a quarter-acre, but less than a halfacre, would permit two colonies. More than a half-acre, but less than a full acre, would allow four colonies, and acre or more would allow a maximum of six colonies. All residents within 200 feet would be notified. The hive would have to be protected by an appropriate fence, at least six feet in height with the gate being locked at all times to keep the hive from being disturbed. The Allendale Building Department would be responsible for approving the right to build the fence. The beekeeper would establish that the New Jersey State apiarist would come out to inspect the hives on a regular basis or as necessary. Local officials would check regularly to make sure that the bees had an adequate supply of water. Any violations would lead to an inspection of Allendale officials and possible removal of the bees. (continued on page 20) SUMMER LANDSCAPE ������������������������� � ������������� ����������������� ������������������ ������������������������ ����������������� ������������������ ��������������� ��������������� ���������������� SALE FREE No Obligation Estimates ����������� Weeping Pine Nursery ������������������������� ���������������������������������� ����������������������������������� ������������������������������� ����������������������������������������� �������������������������� ������������������������������� SAT Last Ditch? ������������ �������������������������������� ee fr 4-22-09 janine JohnKostner2x2LastDitchSAT 2x2 3-18-09 Janine AtlanticSteward6x6(2-25-09)