June 17, 2009 THE VILLADOM TIMES I & III • Page 9 Parents know that camp is an experience that will last a lifetime. However, they may worry about the cost, especially if there is more than one camp-aged child in the house. The good news for parents is that there is a camp for just about every budget. While fees to attend camp vary, they can range from $75 to over $650 per week for resident and day camps. Parents may also reduce the costs by asking the right questions. When talking SCHOOLS & CAMPS The bottom line about summer camp costs with the camp director, parents should ask the following: What is the refund policy? Refund policies vary greatly from camp to camp. Some refund for illness only, some will give a total refund prior to certain date, and some do not refund at all. Most camps will ask for a small nonrefundable deposit at the time of application, which may or may not go toward the cost of tuition. It is important to know the refund policy before you send any money. Is there financial assistance available? Many camps offer camperships -- a partial or total subsidy of the tuition costs, but parents need to ask if they are available. Although they are usually awarded based on need, do not assume you make too much to qualify. It is important to apply early. What is included in the tuition? Day camps will typically include transportation as part of the tuition. Resident camps may offer limited transportation, such as a van ride from a major local train station. Other amenities to ask about are fees for special programs and trips, laundry service, camp canteen, special equipment, and service organization membership. Also ask the camp director if it is appropriate to send spending money with Art camp (continued from previous page) watercolor, charcoal, and colored pencils. Students also create three dimensional works of art in clay, plasterkraft, papiermâché, wire, and found objects. These projects are offered to students at every age and skill level. Special needs children, especially those in need of help with language skills and those who need to improve fine motor skills benefit greatly from art classes, which put them on the same level as their peers. There are no disabilities in art: only abilities. Some students recognize at an early age that they would like to pursue art as a career, but schools cut back on art classes and time dedicated to art. Summertime classes are an opportunity to focus on developing art skills and to create pieces for a portfolio. Planning a portfolio before senior year allows a student to focus on college applications and essays and standardized tests. Summer art camps also include outdoor workshops. Working outdoors allows students to see objects in nature in three dimensions. Students see that the branches on a tree grow all around the tree, not just off the left and right sides as many students render them. Memories from art camp will include tangible creations that can be framed, viewed, and enjoyed for many years. This article written by The Drawing Room instructors Nancy Diehl, Kymm Zak, and Christine Zaccardi. For additional information about summer opportunities, visit Drawingroomllc.com or call (201) 4477272. The Drawing Room is located at 27 Central Avenue, Second Floor, in Midland Park. your child. Are special discounts available? Often, camps will offer special discounts for early registration, full-season enrollment, and enrollment of multiple family members. If more than one special discount applies, parents may only be able to take advantage of one offer. Founded in 1910, the American Camp Association is a national community of camp professionals and is dedicated to enriching the lives of children and adults through the camp experience. The ACA camp database provides parents with many ways to find the ideal ACA-accredited camp. For more information, visit ACA’s family-dedicated website, www.CampParents.org. This article was reprinted with the permission of the American Camp Association. ����������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������� Infants, Toddler, Preschool and Kindergarten, Grades 1-6, Ages 6 weeks to 12 years A Truly Unique Montessori School • Unique Phonics Reading Program • Computers • Music • Foreign Language • 3 or 5 Half Days • Full Days 7am - 6pm • Fastrackids • Character Education • Parenting Seminars • Dance Academy CORE of the APPLE Summer Camp ���������������������������� �������������������������� ������������������������ ��������������������� ������������� ������������������� ������������ ��������������� • Daily Swimmming Lessons, Heated Pool designed for safety of young children • Sports/Organized Games • Arts & Crafts • Field Trips • Music/Dance • In House Events Call, visit and • Nature & Science compare the advantages gained for • Computers • Cooking your child... www.applemontessorischools.com 192 Ramapo Valley Rd. 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