Page 6 THE VILLADOM TIMES III • June 17, 2009 Emmanuel asks... Can You Help? News from Northern Region of the Emmanuel Cancer Foundation. Our hat’s off to: MSO organization for the recent Golf Outing fundraiser which netted over $1,800 for our cause. We also thank Calvin Coolidge School in Wyckoff for their food drive, which helps keep the food flowing to our clients! Eleven-year-old Michael’s family is facing real adversity. He has spent an entire year dealing with a variety of problems, and he is currently receiving treatments for his brain tumor. It has been quite a year of loss for him. Michael has lost his sight due to brain surgery, he lost his father (who 4-29-09 karen/janine moved and left no forwarding address), EmmanuelHelp3x.75(4-29-09) he lost his home because mom could not afford to live there anymore, and he lost his 3 x .75 social network because his illness left him unable to attend school. His mom, Nancy, works hard and tries to do best that she can, given the overwhelming circumstances. Nancy is a brave single parent with five children: Kaitlyn, 12; Kristen, 10; Connor, 6; and Bobbie, 8. Because they recently had to move into an unfurnished apartment, we are asking for a variety of items to help them regain some of what was lost. Requests include summer clothes for the kids (call us for exact sizes); bake ware, cooking utensils, carpeting or rugs, curtains or blinds, paint, lights or ceiling fixtures, a lawn mower, and major appliances (washer, dryer and refrigerator). Your direct contribution to the Family Financial Assistance Program will help Michael’s family and the many other families served by the Emmanuel Cancer Foundation. To Help: Call us at (201) 612-8118 before you stop by. Please do not leave items at the center without checking with us first. Our storage space is limited. Our current hours are Monday, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m..; Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.; and Thursday, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The Northern Regional Center is located at 174 Paterson Avenue, Midland Park, NJ 07432. Please visit us on the web at As always, thank you for helping the children and their families! Junior League supports Bergen’s charitable groups Anniversary Celebration Chair Stacey Sandler (Mahwah), JLBC President Sarah Beane Ricca (Ho-Ho-Kus) and Rebuilding Together Executive Director Gretchen Viggiano (Glen Rock). Three local charities are now able to make more of a difference in Bergen County thanks to generous donations from The Junior League of Bergen Count. The JLBC is celebrating its 75th year by donating $30,000 to three local charities: the Volunteer Center of Bergen County, Woodlea PATH 1 Advisory Board (part of Children’s Aid and Family Services), and Rebuilding Together Bergen County. Each organization received checks in the amount of $10,000. Brought to Bergen County in 1998 by the Junior League of Bergen County, Rebuilding Together Bergen County is one of more than 200 affiliates serving communities across the United States. The Junior League’s $10,000 grant to Rebuilding Together was applied toward the renovation of the Shelter Our Sisters home in April 2009; and will continue over the next four years in the form of partial house sponsorships toward the renovations of homes for those in need in Bergen County. The JLBC is partially sponsoring Rebuilding’s lead paint education program. The JLBC’s history with the Woodlea PATH 1 Advisory Council began when the JLBC cofounded the Woodlea residence in conjunction with what was then Children’s Aid and Adoption. The $10,000 grant to the Woodlea PATH 1 Advisory Council will be used for facility renovations of a special sunroom to be used for quiet study and activity at one the residences. The Volunteer Center of Bergen County was founded in 1966 by the JLBC as a means of matching volunteers with available opportunities. The Volunteer Center’s mission is to strengthen the community by connecting people with opportunities to serve. The $10,000 grant to the Volunteer Center of Bergen County will be used in connection with its Mentoring Moms program, which trains volunteers to serve as mentors and role models for isolated and/ or overwhelmed mothers referred by the Division of Youth and Family Services and the Welfare to Work Program.