Page 10 THE VILLADOM TIMES III • June 3, 2009 Ho-Ho-Kus Student Council promotes effort to keep gazebo clean by Jennifer Crusco Alexa Pagliaroni of the Ho-Ho-Kus Public School Student Council and Student Council Advisor Karin Frassetto visited the Ho-Ho-Kus Borough Council last week to present the students’ Adopt a Gazebo plan to keep the Ho-HoKus Town Green’s landmark a tidy, graffiti-free place for everyone to enjoy. Plans call for the Green Team, a subgroup of the Student Council, to visit the gazebo once a week to clean up this community meeting place. Frassetto added that HHKTV, the school’s television studio, would produce an episode on this effort. At a recent meeting of the borough’s governing body, council members noted that trash, vandalism, and graffiti have plagued the local landmark. They considered installing security cameras, and even a suggestion to move the gazebo off the green. Following that discussion, Councilwoman Maryellen Lennon and Council President John Police salaries questioned (continued from page 5) town manager (Ho-Ho-Kus Borough Administrator Don Cirulli) if, due to the current economic crisis in the country, we were willing to ‘give back’ any current or future compensation,” Leonard told Villadom TIMES. “We were not shown any evidence of budget shortfalls or provided with any other financial information. We respectfully declined the request. It is my understanding that the chief agreed to give up the new $30,000 police car that we were scheduled to receive this year. I also understand that the chief was told to reduce overtime this year, which he did. “I can tell you that we do greatly respect the community we serve. Just this month, the PBA set up the baseball Speed Throw booth at the school fair, and four of our members, including me, volunteered hours at the booth with the children. Also, at our last PBA meeting, we voted unanimously to pay $650 for this summer’s Junior Police Academy class charter bus that will take the graduates to a minor league baseball game for their graduation.” In 2008, the chief reduced overtime by almost 900 hours. This year, he eliminated the $30,000 expense for the new police vehicle, and again cut the budget for the department’s overtime. After the meeting, CFO Citro, who recently began his work for the borough, noted that the borough under-budgeted for the police department’s expenses in 2008. Due to unforeseen events, he said the borough was $80,000 under budget. He stressed that each year’s budget is a plan, and figures are not precise. Citro also said that comparing one year’s budget to another year’s budget does not provide an accurate picture. He pointed out that anyone analyzing the budgets must consider what was actually spent. The total tax bill for a Ho-Ho-Kus resident includes expenses for the municipal government, the school district, and Bergen County. In 2008, taxpayers spent approximately 30 percent of their total tax bill on municipal services, including road improvements, administration, public works, and police salaries; 57 percent of the total tax bill funded the school district; and 13 percent supported Bergen County expenses. The council held last week’s hearing, but did not give its final approval to the budget as the State of New Jersey has yet to review the municipality’s spending plan. Student Council Advisor Karin Frassetto and Student Council Project Manager Alexa Pagliaroni display the Adopt a Gazebo project poster. CLEARCUT WINDOW & SIDING INC. No Job Too Small or Too Large • Custom Fitted Windows • Vinyl & Wood Siding • Small Additions • Replacement Doors, Storm Doors • Porch Enclosures • Roof Repairs • Custom Decks Fully Insured • No Subs Out of the way, but worth it. Major Credit Cards Accepted Mongelli decided to take the borough’s concerns to the HoHo-Kus Public School, where they proposed a cooperative cleanup effort that would incorporate authorities from the borough and the school. Ho-Ho-Kus Superintendent Deborah Ferrara said the students were quick to respond to the council members’ message. She explained that the concept is that the students who are involved in keeping the property clean will take “ownership” of the gazebo, treat the structure with more respect, and encourage others to do the same. Addressing Pagliaroni and Frassetto’s plan at last week’s public meeting, Ho-Ho-Kus Mayor Thomas Randall said, “It’s wonderful. We’re receptive to it. The gazebo is a centerpiece in town.” Mongelli said, “We all believe the solution lies with the students and the student body.” He added, “We applaud your efforts.” Ho-Ho-Kus DPW Superintendent Mike Frank recently sent a crew to power wash the gazebo and stain it to cover the writing. 201-512-1804 85 Hillside Ave, Midland Park • 201-444-4760 • 201-445-1164 Open Mon-Fri 9-6, Sat 9-5, Closed Sunday Schweinfurth Florist Back Yard Pool Program ® Ridgewood YMCA Ages 3-Adults • Co-Ed June 22-August 21 ������������� �������������������� ����������������������� ����������������������� ��������������� • • • • • June 22-July 3 July 6-17 July 20-31 August 3-14 August 17-21* Men’s Sandals ���������������������������� ��������������� ������������ � � ����������������������� ��������������� �������������� �������������� ������������� ������������ �������������������������������������������������� ����������������� ������ ���� Registration is on-going. Contact Janet Oliver, ext. 304