January 14, 2009 THE VILLADOM TIMES III • Page 19 Saddle River Valley Notes Singles plan pizza evening The Singles Ministry at the Church of the Presentation in Upper Saddle River invites singles to join the group for pizza and music on Jan. 24 from 7:30 to 11 p.m. in the community room. The $10 cost includes pizza and two drinks (soft drinks/wine/beer). Additional drinks will be available for purchase. Volunteers are needed to help with the 6 p.m. set up, cleanup, and with serving the pizza. Anyone available to volunteer should call the hotline and leave your name. For more information go to http://www. churchofpresentation.org/Events/SingleWorld.htm. Zumba lesson offered The Upper Saddle River Library is offering a free Zumba lesson on Jan. 20 from 7:15 to 8:15 p.m. Zumba combines resistance training with interval training to tone and sculpt the body, burn fat, and maximize the caloric burn, along with hip shaking, high energy Latin dance movements. By combining the aerobics from the easy to follow dance steps with the low-impact exercise to get an all over body workout. Sign up for a free lesson with instructor Bernadette Krischeff. Registration is required. If there is sufficient interest, a 10-week session will be offered on Tuesday evening at 7:15 p.m. at a cost of $65 per student. The Upper Saddle River Library is located at 245 Lake Street in Upper Saddle River. Kindergarten orientation set The Upper Saddle River School District has planned a kindergarten program orientation for students who will enter kindergarten in the fall 2009. Parents of kindergarten age children, those who will have attained the age of 5 years on or before Oct. 1, are invited to the meeting on Wednesday, Jan. 21 from 7 to 8:30 p.m. in the Travers Multipurpose Room. Registration procedures, a typical day in kindergarten, junior kindergarten, and curriculum will be discussed. RSVP to the Reynolds School secretary at (201) 961-6300 by Friday, Jan. 16. It is essential for the district to have an accurate count of incoming kindergarten students. Anyone who knows a family with kindergarten age children who may not be aware of the program, please ask them to notify Reynolds School. Sunday Music Series at the library The Upper Saddle River Library is sponsoring an afternoon of music on Sunday, Jan. 18 at 2 p.m. with Elizabeth Kalfayan, cellist, accompanied by pianist, Elizabeth Martyn. Kalfayan performs as soloist and principal cellist with numerous symphony orchestras and chamber music ensembles throughout the United States and internationally. Sunday Afternoon Music is a free program and is co-sponsored by the Friends of the Library. The Upper Saddle River Library is located at 245 Lake Street in Upper Saddle River. Club welcomes new members The Saddle River Valley Junior Woman’s Club invites women interested in learning more about the organization to attend the next meeting on Wednesday, Jan. 28. Contact Joanne at (201) 327-1080 for more details. The club is comprised of women who share a desire to improve the lives of others within and beyond the borders of their community. They work to make a difference. Open House Month announced January is Open House Month at the YWCA of Bergen County’s Rodie Child Care Center. Parents are invited to meet the staff and tour the center between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. Monday through Friday. Located at 98 Pleasant Avenue in Upper Saddle River, the Rodie Center offers full and part time infant and toddler care, nursery school and kindergarten for children ages six weeks to six years. The center is open weekdays from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. yearround except major holidays. Call Director Diane Eide at (201) 236-3126 or visit www. ywcabergencounty.org. Bereavement support group forming systems, family changes, elements of grief, loneliness, anger, guilt, and inner healing. Registration is required and there is no charge. For dates and times call (201) 3271313 extension 46. ‘Coffee Talk’ group to meet Join the Upper Saddle River Library for a new book group, Coffee Talk, with Alice, Ann, and Camille, on the second Thursday of the month at 10:30 a.m. With three different personalities moderating the group, there is sure to be lively conversation. Refreshments will be provided. The Upper Saddle River Library is located at 245 Lake Street, Upper Saddle River. Novels at Night the Upper Saddle River Library’s Novels at Night book club meet the first Wednesday of every month. For a list of future novels and meeting dates, pick up a flyer at the USR Library or view online at uppersaddleriverlibrary.org. The Upper Saddle River Library is located at 245 Lake Street, Upper Saddle River. The Church of the Presentation in Upper Saddle River is offering a bereavement support group that is open to the public. There will be eight sessions over eight weeks with trained facilitators. Topics include family