Page 8 THE VILLADOM TIMES III • December 23, 2009 Emmanuel asks... Can You Help? Our hat’s off to Linda Tarzian and her friends for their giant food collection. Many people have been stepping forward this holiday season. We thank them and we thank everyone for helping us help many families in crisis due to their child’s diagnosis of cancer. We ask our readers to consider a year-end, tax-deductible financial contribution to help us to keep our programs going. Giving has been down the past several years and we are striving to keep this important work alive, but we cannot do it without your help! Holiday miracle needed: Amelia is now five years old. When she was almost two, she was diagnosed with a brain tumor. She had surgery in Philadelphia and received chemotherapy. At the time, her prognosis as result of the surgery and chemo was cautiously optimistic. Sometimes 4-29-09 karen/janine the surgery will not get all of the cancer and it will grow EmmanuelHelp2x.75(4-29-09) back. Within a year of the treatments, she began to have seizures and was diagnosed as having epilepsy. She was 3 x .75 transferred to the hospital for tests and care. The seizures occurred on and off for awhile. This past year, the seizures started again, and she received two surgeries in New York’s Beth Israel Hospital. She now goes for physical therapy, vision therapy, and medical care. The seizures are gone due to some new revolutionary surgery. Amelia’s mom suffers from depression and really cannot provide care for the family. Amelia’s dad, Charles, lost his job because he has had to take over the parental duties. A variety of community groups have helped this family when medical care was not available. The family could use a variety of things, which we list here for your consideration: a tricycle for Amelia’s therapy, size six tops and pants for Amelia, a gas dryer, microwave, dishes, pots and pans, a cable and DVD-ready television for some entertainment, and a department store gift card so Amelia’s 15-year-old sister Samantha can buy a sweater and jeans. Our holiday hours will be limited from now until after the New Year. If you leave a message, you will receive a return call. If you write a check, make sure it is postmarked by Dec. 31 to receive this year’s tax deduction. Please call us at (201) 612-8118 before coming by. We need office volunteers the following days and times: Monday, 1 to 5; Wednesday, 1 to 5; Thursday, 2:30 to 5; Friday, 1 to 5; and Saturdays, 10 to 1. Call us at (201) 612-8118. Please do not leave items at the center without checking with us first. Our storage space is limited. Our current hours are Monday, 10 to 1; Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday, 10 to 5; and Thursday, 10 to 2. The Northern Regional Center is located at 174 Paterson Avenue, Midland Park, NJ 07432. Visit us at: www.emmanuelcancer. org. As always, thank you for helping the children and their families! County aids in Fell House effort Bergen County Executive Dennis McNerney and Freeholder Vice Chair Julie O’Brien presented open space funds on behalf of Bergen County in the amount of $800,000 to the Borough of Allendale. The funds are to be used for land acquisition of the John Fell House. Pictured are Freeholder Vice Chair Julie O’Brien, County Executive Dennis McNerney, Allendale Mayor Vince Barra and members of the Friends of the Fell House nonprofit organization.