Waldwick December 2, 2009 THE VILLADOM TIMES III • Page 3 Governor helps celebrate Blue Ribbon designation Above: Waldwick Mayor Russell Litchult with Governor Jon Corzine. Right: People at the Blue School celebration. Pride shone through on Nov. 21 as the Waldwick school community celebrated the Traphagen School’s designation as a National Blue Ribbon School. It was evident in the decorations, in the large attendance, and in the speeches. “You are the best of the very best. You make New Jersey proud,” said Governor Jon Corzine, who attended the event along with county officials. “It takes great leadership; it takes great teachers, but most of all it takes committed students,” he added. “Our staff prides itself on creating programs that are unique to the children, that seek to develop the whole child,” said Superintendent of Schools Dr. Robert Penna. “We are ahead of the curve in a lot of areas. We were proud of our school before we were nominated as a Blue Ribbon school. This is the icing on the cake,” said Traphagen Principal Robert Sileo. The school’s own celebration for the students on Nov. 25 included a laser show. “We want the children to know that we appreciate all their efforts,” said Dr. Penna after the second event, which was held for the students. “I’m proud of the students and staff at Traphagen School and I was pleased and honored that Governor Corzine, Bergen County Executive Dennis McNerney, and Dr. (Aaron) Graham, (executive superintendent of schools for Bergen County) came to Traphagen to celebrate our victory.” The Blue Ribbon Schools Program honors public and private elementary, middle, and high schools that are either academically superior or that demonstrate dramatic gains in student achievement to high levels. In addition to being honored at a ceremony in Washington, DC, where each school receives a plaque and flag signifying Blue Ribbon status, these schools serve as models for other schools throughout the nation. ������� ����������������������� Grand Opening ����������������������������������� ������������������� ������������������������������������������������ ���������������������������� ��������������������� ����������