Page 6 THE VILLADOM TIMES III • April 15, 2009 Area Last week, Republican and Democratic candidates filed for the June 2 primary election. The winners of the Democratic and Republican primaries will face off in the general election this November. A listing of the candidates follows. Allendale Incumbent Republican Council Members Jim Strauch and Elizabeth White will seek reelection to the Allendale Borough Council this year, with no challengers from either party registered for the November election. Strauch, who operates an environmental window company, was almost elected on a write-in some years ago on his initiative to save as many trees as possible during Candidates file for June 2 primary election development of Crestwood Park. He later won election as an endorsed Republican candidate. White joined Mayor Vince Barra and Councilman Robert Schoepflin in the struggle to prevent the development of Orchard Commons after Strauch started a campaign to raise funds by private donations. She recently participated in a council meeting as an image and voice on a computer screen when she was actually in Jamaica. The Allendale Borough Council is now evenly split between men and women, not including Mayor Barra. All six members are Republicans. Ho-Ho-Kus Republican incumbents Kevin Crossley and Doug Troast have filed for their party’s primary. Crossley has been involved with the Ho-Ho-Kus/Saddle River Athletic Association and the Recreation Committee for Ho-Ho-Kus. He has also served as vice president of softball operations, and as a coach for girls’ basketball and softball. He has served on several ministries in his church, and has chaired several fundraisers for the Girl Scouts of Nassau County. He has been a council member since 2002. Crossley holds a bachelor’s degree in business administration from Nathaniel Hawthorne College in New Hampshire. He was elected to Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges. He is executive vice president and chief operating officer of Club Agency Insurance Brokerage LLC of Garden City, NY. He holds New York State Agency and broker’s licenses for property, casualty, and life insurance, and serves as corporate secretary of Tri-County Independent Insurance Agents Association of Nassau, Queens, and Kings counties. Since 1988, he has been a member of the Nominating Committee for the Automobile Club of New The Black & Decker Electric Mower Starts With The Flick Of A Switch Easy to Operate 18” Mulching Mower With Flip-Over Handle It Never Runs Out of Gas And Doesn’t Pollute! York’s Board of Directors. Crossley and his wife, Patricia, have three daughters. Troast joined the council in 2000. He also served three years on the borough’s zoning board. He is chief executive officer of the John Troast Group, a construction and real estate development company. He served on former Governor Whitman’s Property Tax Commission and as a trustee of the New Jersey Organization for a Better State. He and his wife, Joanie, have three children. They are members of Saint Gabriel’s Church. Saddle River Two candidates have filed for the Republican primary in Saddle River, where two three-year seats are available on the council. Incumbent Councilman John E. Murray and newcomer Bruce E. Walenczyk will seek voters’ endorsement. No Democrats have filed for this year’s primary. Upper Saddle River Republicans Vincent Durante and Dr. Joanne Florio have filed for the two council seats. Incumbents Scott MacDowell and Barbara Ripston did not seek reelection this year. Ripston has also announced her resignation from the council. (See related story on page 10.) Durante has over 25 years of professional and managerial experience in pharmaceutical and health and beauty products. The 13-year borough resident has also served on the local board of health and as a basketball coach for the recreation department. Dr. Florio, a lifetime borough resident, has been a practicing chiropractor and nutritionist since 1988. She is president/treasurer of Deer Creek Valley, Inc. and contributes to the sales and distribution of vitamin supplements and organically grown products. She is a member of the local board of health and is currently president of Saddle River Valley Junior Woman’s Club. 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