April 15, 2009 THE VILLADOM TIMES III • Page 27 Waldwick Watch Students of the month named As part of the student recognition program at Waldwick High School and Waldwick Middle School Principals Kevin Carroll and Michael J. Meyers recently named their Students of the Month for March. Faculty members made the selections. Waldwick High School students who were honored are Daniel Tyson for athletics, Thomas Braney for physical education, and Daniel Cerone for television production. Middle school students who received recognition are sixth grader Luis Amaya, seventh grader Matthew Gimelli, and eighth grader Nadine Azari. Chamber hosts 5K Run and Fun Walk The Waldwick Chamber of Commerce is hosting the Second Annual 5K Run and 1 Mile Walk on Sunday, April 26 at the Waldwick High School track on Hopper Avenue. The 5K will begin at 9 a.m., the one mile Fun Walk at 9:30 a.m. The course is certified and sanctioned by the USATF. Registration fee for the 5K is $20 by April 18 or $25 after that date. Race day T-shirts will be give to all preregistrants and to those registering on race day while supplies last. Registration fee for the Fun Walk is $10. The application can be found on line at raceforum.com. Additional information can be found at www.waldwickchamberofcommerce.com or by calling the Waldwick Chamber of Commerce at (201) 693-6734. Funds raised by this event will benefit the Waldwick Beautification Project. April films feature Oscar winners Waldwick Public Library hosts screenings of classic films of the past on Thursdays at 2 p.m. A brief introduction, setting the film in its historical context, will precede each screening. The theme for the month of April is Best Picture Oscar winners, and the schedule of screenings is as follows: April 16, “How Green Was My Valley?” (1941); April 23, “From Here to Eternity” (1953); and April 30, “Marty” (1955). Registration for the Classic Film Series is not necessary; however arrival before 2 p.m. is encouraged. Call (201) 652-5104. Professional organizer to speak Professional organizer Jamie Novak will present “Clear Clutter and Save Money” at the Waldwick Public Library on Thursday, April 16 at 7:30 p.m. In her eye-opening presentation, Novak will reveal the top 10 clutter traps that cost hundreds of dollars every year and will share simple ways to organize without spending a dime. Novak is the author of several books on the topic of organizing. Her organizing tips are frequently featured in national publications and programs that include “Family Circle,” “Woman’s Day,” “American Baby,” and HGTV’s “Mission Organization.” She is also the organizing expert for iVillage.com. The program is free and open to the public, but space is limited and pre-registration is required. The library is located at 19 East Prospect Street in Waldwick. For information, call (201) 652-5104. Village School to hold Open House The Village School, located at 100 West Prospect Street in Waldwick will be holding an Open House on Saturday, April 25, from 10 a.m. to noon for the toddler and primary programs. Those interested in learning more about programs for toddlers through middle school students for the 2009-2010 school year are encouraged to attend. Parents will have the opportunity to visit the classroom and meet with the faculty and staff. Mystery Bus Ride planned Take a Mystery Bus Ride with the Golden Club of Waldwick on Wednesday, May 6. The bus will leave the senior center at 9:15 a.m. This event will include luncheon and beverages. The cost is $46 for members and $48 for non-members. For additional information, contact Lou Sherman at (201) 670-4211. PBA offers scholarships to graduating seniors The Waldwick/Allendale PBA is offering two $1,000 Wrestlers come out on top scholarships. The Michael Shanley Scholarship will be awarded to one student from Allendale and one student from Waldwick who wish to pursue a collegiate discipline in public safety studies. Anyone wishing to apply can do so by picking up an application at the Northern Highlands or Waldwick High School guidance office. Applications will also be available at the Allendale and Waldwick police departments. The deadline for application is May 1. Contact Allendale Police Officer William Kropke or Waldwick Lieutenant Ed Weber with questions. Luncheon to feature Joyce Carol Oates Friends of the Waldwick Library will host award-winning author Joyce Carol Oates at the Book and Author Luncheon on Friday, May 8. The event will be held at the Waldwick Wrestlers competed in the 2009 New Jersey State Wrestling Tournament. Front row: Kelly Dunnigan, Joseph Parsons (seventh place) and Michael Reardon (fifth place). Back row: Jimmy Reardon, Danny Tyson (first place) and Richard Tesoriero. Not pictured: Billy Reardon who took fourth place. Ramsey Country Club from 11:30 a.m. until 2 p.m. Tickets are $35 each, and registration forms are available at the library. A prolific writer, Oates has produced some of the most controversial and lasting fiction of our time. Her novel, “Black Water,” a narrative based on the Kennedy-Chappaquiddick scandal, garnered a Pulitzer Prize nomination, and her national bestseller, “Blonde,” an epic work on American icon Marilyn Monroe, became a National Book Award Finalist. Her novels have enthralled a wide audience, and “We Were the Mulvaneys” earned the number one spot on the New York Times bestseller list. The Book and Author Luncheon is open to the public; however seating is limited and early reservations are encouraged. The deadline for reservations is Monday, May 4. For more information call (201) 652-5104. Break the Highway Trend! ...not your community’s back. Local businesses are the backbone of your community and the trend to shop the big guys on the highway hurts us all.Your local businesses have what you want... at the right price... and close to home. So, why hassle with the highways? Save Time! Save Gas! Save Money! SAVE YOUR COMMUNITY! We Need You SHOP LOCALLY. IT’S SMART. ...and besides, it’s so convenient!