April 1, 2009 THE VILLADOM TIMES II, III & IV • Page 29 Home Improvement & Gardening other debris that may block the even flow of water from sprinkler heads; uneven distribution can lead to too much water in some areas and not enough in others. Do the can-can. Conduct a “can test” for even watering. Place open, empty tin cans or paper cups every 10 to 15 feet throughout your yard and begin watering. Compare the level of water in each receptacle. If the water levels differ significantly, adjust the flow and spray pattern of the sprinklers as needed. Out with the old, in with the new. Replace cracked, chipped or worn plastic nozzles. A broken sprinkler can wreak havoc on lawns and water bills. Don’t be deceived by warm air temperatures. That may not mean increased ground temperature. Use a small shovel to make sure that the ground below the lawn and garden is frost-free to a full 12 inches. Irrigating while the ground is frozen may result in a burst pipe. Follow the rule of six. Water long enough to saturate Spring Helpful tips toward sprinkler season smarts the soil six inches deep. Poke a screwdriver into the soil to see how deep the water is being absorbed. If the screwdriver meets resistance caused by dry-hardened soil less than six inches from the surface, adjust watering times to increase soil saturation. Flush it out. Twist two sprinkler heads completely off and then turn on the sprinkler system for two or three minutes. This should flush out any debris and relieve air pressure in underground pipes. Value your valves. A leaky valve will waste water. Inspect each valve to make sure it is operating properly. Overly wet areas in the lawn, resulting in muddy patches, may be a sign of a leaky valve. Be prepared. Replace the backup battery in the timercontroller every six months and keep a copy of the watering schedule nearby. A power surge or brief outage could cause the timer-controller to reset and clear all the preset watering programs. (NAPS) You might be able to save money and protect our environment simply by giving your in-ground sprinkler system an annual checkup. Doing so will help keep your lawn and garden healthy and green. A few easy-tofollow tips, from the experts at Rain Bird, can aid you in saving water all season: Get with the program. Check your irrigation controls and programs. Make sure your settings are appropriate for expected seasonal rainfall. Clear your heads. Look for rocks, dirt, sand and HARDSCAPE & MASONRY • Patios & Walls • Stonework • Pool Decks • Driveways • Steps • Full Masonry Lic. #13VH02631200 Owner Operated email: drew1068@optonline.net 201-847-2552 “Since 1989” IT’S TIME! �������������� ������������������������� �������������������������� Pansies Tulips Pottery ������������� 2-11-09 pat/janine CirinoBW2x2(created2/11/08) 2 X 2” • Spring Flowers • Fresh Nursery • Professional • Free Delivery Stock Landscape Design ����������������������������� 201-444-9995 • OPEN 7 DAYS 9AM–6PM PROPANE ������������������������������������������������������������������ ���������������������������������������� 201-447-3910 NJHIC License #13VHO3311000 ������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������� ���������������������� www.FELNJ.com FLEXIBLE PAYMENT PLANS