Page 6 THE VILLADOM TIMES II • September 30, 2009 William J. Walsh Jr. of PSE&G will speak at the Ridgewood Village Hall Senior Lounge on Maple Avenue Oct. 8 at 10 a.m. Walsh will explain the New Jersey Energy Master Plan and efforts to help homeowners save money by reducing their energy costs. He will discuss home and office energy audits and rebates for the purchase of energy saving appliances. Walsh will also answer questions from the audience. All are invited to attend this free presentation. Refreshments will be served. The meeting is sponsored by the League of Women Voters of Ridgewood and the Ridgewood Environmental Advisory Committee. Walsh to speak and School Association is sponsoring a seminar, “Recognizing and Addressing Self-Esteem Issues in Children with Learning Disabilities,” on Wednesday, Oct. 14 from 7:30 to 9 p.m. Dr. Resa Fogel will discuss how parents and educators can recognize and assess the symptoms in children, then focus on the ways to help a child resolve self-esteem issues. A questions and answer period will follow. This meeting will take place at the Ridgewood Board of Education’s third floor conference room located at 49 Cottage Place. This program is open to the public. Learn about self esteem Learning Services Home (continued from page 3) to 12 years, and the cost of proper field grading, improvement, and maintenance of natural turf were approximately the same. “I would like to have some sort of answer within a reasonable time for this committee,” said Councilwoman Joan Orseck, who agreed that more field space is necessary. Mayor van Keuren said the council needed to see a more detailed plan and that, above all, the rest of the public needed to have an opportunity to provide input. He said no decision could be made until the council had some feedback at council meetings or by letters and e-mail, from the rest of Glen Rock. Turf