Page 6 THE VILLADOM TIMES II • September 9, 2009
Emmanuel asks...
Can You Help?
help now so we can continue to provide all of the free services help to families who have a child dealing with cancer. For more information about us, log onto our website at Lisa’s life changed drastically from being the girl for whom everything went right to dealing with challenges and one crushing loss after another. She can remember thinking or saying, “I’m so lucky.” She was an amazing student athlete who excelled in her studies and in basketball and soccer. She won many scholarships after receiving a 1600 on her SATs and accepted a scholarship to a prestigious school. Here she met and eventually married Tom, who was widely considered a wonderful man with a promising career ahead of him. Lisa was hired after graduation and her employer paid for her graduate studies, which she completed with apparent ease. She was identified as a leader and was on track for training and advancement. So was Tom, who also had one success after another. Both of them held one great job after another and continually advanced. Lisa took time off from work to have two children, Tom Jr., 6, and Alison, 4. It was like living in a dream. Then the rains came. Tom was in a 15car accident, and the police came to Lisa’s door at 9:30 p.m. with stunning news. He had been killed instantly. Six months later, Lisa began exhibiting symptoms that were eventually diagnosed as multiple sclerosis. About eight months after that Tom Jr. was diagnosed with leukemia. Lisa said it has been like being at
News from Northern Region of the Emmanuel Cancer Foundation: Our hat’s off to the members of the Glen Rock Women in Community Service (WICS) for their recent contribution and for their ongoing support. We thank all the food contributors who stepped up this summer to help us through our slowest time of year. Midland Park High School and Wyckoff’s Lincoln School get our belated thanks for their contributions given at the end of last school year. The summer was too short and now it is the beginning of a new school and college year. Ready or not, here it is! This year, we 4-29-09 karen/janine are asking community organizations such EmmanuelHelp3x.75(4-29-09) as schools, churches, temples, and places of x .75 to consider becoming involved at 3 work a greater level. If you have not yet lent us a hand, we heartily invite you to make yourself known to us. Involvement can include a variety of activities: businesses can host a fundraiser such as a Dress-Down Day or a Golf Outing, or might contribute a certain percent of profits for one day. Schools can do a food collection, have a Pajama Day or Hat Day (everyone pays $5 for the privilege of wearing PJs or a hat to school), or host an event like a basketball game, a dance, or even a dance-a-thon and contribute the proceeds. Churches and temples can call us for a variety of suggestions including making a financial contribution, collecting non-perishable foods, assembling birthday bags, and purchasing gift cards. The economy has been challenging for many of us and we want to turn things around and get in the right direction. We need your
the wrong end of the bowling alley, where you’re getting hit repeatedly. With our caseworker’s help, Lisa has been putting the pieces back together the best she can. Her son is early in his treatment and they are dealing with things one day at a time. Their biggest need is for counseling and planning services. If you would like to help this and many families, all of whom are facing challenging circumstances, please consider making a financial contribution to ECF’s Financial
Family Assistance Fund. To help: Call (201) 612-8118 before you stop by. Please do not leave items at the center without checking with us first. Our storage space is limited. Hours are Monday, 10 to 1; Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday 10 to 5; and Thursday, 10 to 2. The Northern Regional Center is located at 174 Paterson Avenue, Midland Park, NJ 07432. Visit us on the web at As always, thank you for helping the children and their families!
Fix Graydon
(continued from page 5) of view at a number of council meetings, some calling the proposed new pool complex a “white elephant” and others arguing that Graydon in its present state is a barrier to attracting new residents to Ridgewood and maintaining recreation programs for residents with young children. The $10 million pool reconstruction now proposed would include a full-sized rectangular pool and children’s pools. Municipal officials said they are open to all proposals. J. KOSTER
New School of Dance Arts
Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Hip Hop, Creative Movement, Contemporary Dance
including Pre-School Dance for 3 Year Olds, Jr. Gymnastics for Pre-K & Kindergartners, Dance for Definition - Adult Classes, Beginner Ballet Classes for High School Students. New this Year: Yoga, Dance Essentials & Boys Only Classes. offering age appropriate classes in
In-Person Registration will be available beginning on August 18 through September 10, 16 & 18 Godwin Plaza on Tuesdays & Wednesdays from Godwin Ave, Midland Park Noon to 4:30, and on Thursdays from 10:30 to 1:00.