September 9, 2009 THE VILLADOM TIMES II, III & IV • Page 17 �������������������������� The State of New Jersey recently required the local municipalities to adopt and enforce the state mandated Stormwater Management Act regulations. The aim is to prevent water pollution at the local level. The primary New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection regulation for storm water management prohibits property owners from placing leaves, litter, or debris on or along the paved roadway. In addition, leaves cannot be placed closer than 10 feet from a sewer catch basin. The reason for this is to prevent leaves, litter, and other debris from entering the catch basins. Debris that enters the storm sewer system impacts New Jersey’s lakes, streams, rivers, and the ocean. Every resident is urged to take special care to reduce the amount of pollutants in our drinking water. There are several simple things everyone can do on a daily basis to protect the quality of local drinking water. Place all litter in trash receptacles. Never throw litter, such as cigarette butts, in the street or down storm drains. Recycle as much as possible. Avoid overusing fertilizers and do not apply them before a heavy rainfall is expected. Fertilizers contain nitrates and phosphates that cause algae blooms that can cause fish kills. Recycle all used motor oil; never dump used motor oil into storm drains or on the ground. Used motor oil contains toxic chemicals. If you wash your car at home, use a non-phosphate detergent and wash it on the grass to minimize runoff. If you use a commercial car wash, try to find one that recycles its wash water. Pick up after pets and dispose of waste in the garbage or toilet. Animal waste contains bacteria and viruses that can contaminate shellfish and cause the closing of bathing beaches. Use organic alternatives to pesticides whenever possible. Many products that kill pests also are toxic to humans, animals, aquatic organisms, and plants. Do not discard hazardous products with regular Wyckoff Sale Days! Sept. 10, 11, 12 Take action to keep the community’s water clean household trash. Products such as paint thinners, mothballs, or drain and oven cleaners contain toxic ingredients when improperly used or discarded. Use natural or less toxic alternatives whenever possible. Avoid adding grease, household hazardous products, and solids to your septic system. Inspect your system annually; pump it out every three to five years depending on its use. An improperly working septic system can contaminate ground water and cause public health problems. The speed limit signs say 35 mph. What does that really mean for drivers? As a driver, you are not always entitled to travel at 35 mph. Sound judgment should come into play, not the gas pedal, according to the Wyckoff Police Department. Drivers need to be aware of road conditions and other motorists on the road, especially when approaching intersections. Frequently, distracted drivers may slow down instead of stopping at an intersection, or they may disregard or not notice a stop sign and enter the roadway without looking. The law requires drivers, even motorists driving at the speed limit, to be prepared to slow down or stop. Title 39, the New Jersey Statute that regulates motor vehicle driving requires drivers to drive at an appropriate reduced speed when approaching an intersection and in multiple other situ- Speed limits are not an entitlement ations. Wyckoff Police Chief Benjamin C. Fox reminds motorists that the New Jersey State Law NJSA 39:498 requires every motorist to drive at an appropriate reduced speed when approaching or crossing an intersection, a railway grade crossing, curve, or crest of a hill. Motorists should also reduce their speed when traveling on any narrow or winding roadway; while driving on snow, ice, or wet pavement; when nearing pedestrians or bicyclists; and when approaching traffic or any other hazardous conditions. Chief Fox reminds motorists to watch for black ice when driving in the winter months. He added that motorists should remember to exercise common sense, sound judgment, and awareness of their surroundings, all of which are important when driving.