Page 14 THE VILLADOM TIMES I, II & III • November 4, 2009 Mahwah Regional Chamber Connection Businesses invited to join Mahwah Chamber The Mahwah Regional Chamber of Commerce’s annual Membership Drive is now underway. All businesses in the region are invited to become members of this organization, which has been named one of the Top 25 Chambers in New Jersey by NJBIZ magazine. The drive will end on Nov. 11 with a free Open House for non-members. This event will feature a unique orientation and networking event called “All That Jazz” from 6 to 8:30 p.m. at the Illusions Nightclub, Sheraton Mahwah Hotel, 1 International Boulevard, Mahwah. Established in 1957, MRCC represents 540 businesses from over 100 towns in the region. The Chamber advertises in various publications to promote its businesses and various Chamber events, plus it offers networking, free advertising opportunities to members, including postings on its website, which gets thousands of hits each month. Member firms also have the opportunity to take advantage of numerous business development programs, aimed at helping their companies reduce costs, increase their exposure, and expand their knowledge of the business happenings in the region. Additionally, the Chamber contributes to various worthwhile causes. Proceeds from organization events, including A Taste of the Region and the annual Golf Outing benefit local non-profit organizations and charitable causes. The Chamber sponsors or assists in sponsoring many activities in the region each year, including the upcoming WinterFest, an eight-week community celebration set for Dec. 4 through Jan. 30 in Mahwah. It also offers professional development seminars, covering everything from marketing to managing stress. The Chamber also brings the business community together for one of the region’s largest Business-to-Business (B2B) expos, provides area tourism information on its website, and conducts ribbon-cuttings for new businesses. The Chamber invites everyone to work together to promote business and industry in the greater Mahwah region and to support the special needs and interests of the community. Contact the Mahwah Regional Chamber of Commerce at 65 Ramapo Valley Road, Suite 211, Mahwah, NJ 07430, or call (201) 529-5566. The MRCC website is www.; email may be sent to Kane plans special salute to the Marine Corps Mark Veterans’ Day at the Mahwah Library as Dr. James Kane presents “The Few, the Proud, the Marines” on Nov. 9 at 7 p.m. This one-hour slide program and lecture traces the history of the U.S. Marine Corps and the mystique of the brotherhood of all Marines. Kane’s presentation will include slides of battles, a discussion of the rigors of boot camp, the demands of Marine Officer Candidate School at Quantico, Virginia, and the haunting story of the six Flag Raisers of Iwo Jima. Dr. Kane, a former teacher, principal, and superintendent of schools, is an adjunct professor of education at William Paterson University. He holds a bachelor of science degree from Fordham University, a master of arts degree, and the professional diploma from Columbia University. His doctor of education was awarded following studies at New York University and Fairleigh Dickinson. This high school and college athlete enlisted in the Marines and was ordered to the Officers Candidate School at Quantico. Upon graduation from OCS, he was commissioned an officer in the U.S. Marine Corps. He served as a rifle platoon commander, commanding 44 Marines in the First Marine Brigade, Fleet Marine Force, Pacific. He later commanded a Marine company. He holds the rank of USMCR Captain. He received the New Jersey Governor’s Medal: New Jersey’s highest honor in education, and Fordham’s Alumni Achievement Award. This program is free. Call (201) 529-READ. The library is located at 100 Ridge Road in Mahwah.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               