March 18, 2009 THE VILLADOM TIMES II • Page 9
Art prodigy visits village middle school
Jacob Scola, a six-year-old art prodigy from Waldwick, was an honored guest of the National Junior Honor Society at Ridgewood’s Benjamin Franklin Middle School, where he demonstrated his prowess. Scola, who came to the school with his parents, was introduced to the Ridgewood students by teacher Margarete Hyer. He enjoyed a warm welcome with “tie-dye” cupcakes and trainshaped sugar cookies at a reception. He also met Benjamin Franklin Middle School Principal Anthony Orsini. His interview and art demonstration took place at the BFTV film studio. The young artist received questions about his veloptosaurus drawing and then drew a whale, drafting the original outline with what students and teacher called incredible precision and adding details including proportioned fins and the horizontal notched tail, which he referred to as flukes. At the end of the interview, Scola and the class adjourned to the art studio for Hyer’s Apprentice to Master Class, where the youth immediately sat down and began to draw an illustration of three dinosaurs, one of them positioned on a perfectly pro-
portioned cliff with proper perspective. As the Benjamin Franklin Middle School students watched and interacted, Scola produced dinosaur drawings in a variety of materials, and molded two three-dimensional dinosaurs that students said perfectly resembled the dinosaurs in his drawings.
Jacob Scola with Ms. Hyer.
Irine Fokine School of Ballet in Ridgewood will host an Open House on Sunday March 22 for boys and girls ages four through seven. Former student Eric Tamm of the American Ballet Theater’s corps de ballet, will guest teach a ballet class for intermediate, advanced, and adult students from noon until 1:30 p.m. At 1:30 p.m. the faculty and the very young students of the school will host the Open House.
Ballet school hosts Open House
Over the years, many of Madame Fokine’s former students have entered the ranks of some of America’s most beloved ballet companies, including New York City Ballet, American Ballet Theater, Boston Ballet, Ballet Russe, Joffrey Ballet, Harkness Ballet, and Louisville Ballet. Irine Fokine School of Ballet is located at 33 Chestnut Street in Ridgewood. Phone (201) 652-9653 for information.
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