June 3, 2009 THE VILLADOM TIMES II • Page 11
Glen Rock
The Tea @ 2 on Tuesday Book Discussion Group will meet on Thursday, June 16 for a discussion of �Blindness� by Joseì Saramago, winner of the 1998 Nobel Prize for Literature. The discussions are informal. Home baked cookies are brought in by par-
Tea @ 2 Book Group to discuss ‘Blindness’
ticipants. The group meets the third Tuesday of each month at 2 p.m. in the library�s reading room. For additional information, call the library at (201) 670-3970. “Blindness,” a parable about loss and disorientation, evokes the horrors of the twentieth century. It is a powerful portrayal of man’s worst appetites and weaknesses, and man’s ultimately exhilarating spirit. This powerful novel of man’s will to survive against all odds was published in Portuguese in 1995 and in English in 1997. It is the story of an epidemic of blindness afflicting nearly everyone in an unnamed city, and the social breakdown that follows. The novel traces the misfortunes of a handful of characters who are among the first to be stricken and centers on a doctor and his wife, several of the doctor’s patients, and assorted others thrown together by chance. An English-language film adaptation of the novel was directed by Fernando Meirelles. Mark Ruffalo stars as the doctor and Julianne Moore as the doctor’s wife. The film opened the Cannes Film Festival in
2008. The book group’s upcoming titles for discussion will be “How to be Good” by Nick Hornby on July 21. This delightful comedy concerns a woman whose plans to divorce her crabby husband are sidetracked by his sudden, loony, embrace of saintliness. Though the 72-hour metamorphosis is a bit of a stretch, no matter; this hilarious romp encourages the reader to play along. The Aug. 18 discussion will be Shakespeare’s “The Taming of the Shrew.” The Friends of the Glen Rock Library will present a production of this show on Sunday, July 19 at 7 p.m. This popular romantic farce revolves around the battle of the sexes and has delighted audiences for hundreds of years. The library is at 315 Rock Road.
Borough seniors plan trips
The Glen Rock Seniors are planning a day at Monmouth Park Race Track on Wednesday, June 10. The group will meet at 9:45 a.m. at Wilde Park with the motor coach departing at 10 a.m. The cost is $38 for members and $41 for non-members. The price includes admission to the Turf Club, Parterre Level 1 in the clubhouse and trackside. There will also be a buffet lunch. Jackets are required for men, and no jeans or shorts are permitted. Return time is approximately 7:30 p.m. To reserve a seat and for additional information, call Ed at (201) 445-9238.
It’s Nikon Demo Day
at Wholesale Photo 1 DAY ONLY! th Saturday, June 6
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Meet the Factory Representative!
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Offers Expire 6/6/09
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Wholesale Photo Café
& Digital Imaging Center
Midland Park Shopping Center Midland Park, NJ 07432
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