January 21, 2009 THE VILLADOM TIMES II • Page 23
Ridgewood Notes
Recipes sought from village seniors Senior programs at the Community Center are becoming more and more successful and are considered a very important offering through the Ridgewood Department of Parks and Recreation. Current programs are geared to improve health and fitness, offer relaxation, introduce and refine art talents, offer new friendships, and more. As the center offerings continue to grow, expenses increase also. In order to ensure quality programs are able to continue at reduced prices, the Recreation Division will oversee the preparation of a cookbook for fundraising themed “Seniors Share Mom’s Favorites.” To submit a favorite salad, appetizer, soup, entrée, dessert, etc. call the office at (201) 6705560 to request a form. The deadline for recipe submissions will be March 31, 2009. In order keep costs at a minimum, the collection, printing and assembly will take place in-house in the recreation office with volunteers from the community. Sponsorships and donations will be sought for all necessary expenses. Net proceeds will benefit the Community Center Trust Fund, which currently provides subsidies to all program expenses. Suggestions for entertainment sought The Youth Lounge at the Ridgewood Community Center provides a safe place for local teens to gather on Friday evenings from 7 to 10 p.m. and have friendly competitions in pool, air hockey, foosball, and board games, watch a movie, or play Xbox on the big screen. The lounge provides a “clubhouse” venue for teenagers to mix with their peers. Supervision is provided at all times. Parents and teens are asked to submit suggestions for programs at the lounge. Call (201) 670-5560 or e-mail ridg ewoodrecreation@covad.net. The Youth Lounge is located in the lower level of the Village Hall, 131 North Maple Avenue. Shabbat dinner and service offered Temple Israel and Jewish Community Center of Ridgewood will host a Shabbat dinner which is open to the entire community on Friday, Jan. 30 followed at 7 p.m. by the regularly scheduled family service geared toward families with children of all ages, especially those ages four through 13. There will be singing, stories, and a service led by Rabbi David Saltzman, Cantor Caitlin Bromberg, and Director of Education Rabbi Sharon Litwin. Temple Israel members and non-members are invited to have a kosher meal, socialize, and join in a unique Friday Shabbat service. For non-members especially, this is an opportunity to experience the synagogue community. The dinner (Chinese fare) is affordably priced at $12 per adult, $8 for children five to 12 years old, and free of charge for children four years old and younger. The maximum price for a family is $40. The dinner will include all the usual Shabbat traditions including zmirot (Shabbat songs) and lively discussions. RSVP for the dinner by sending payment to Temple Israel, 475 Grove Street Ridgewood. Shabbat services are held on Fridays at 8:30 p.m. and Saturdays at 9 a.m. During the week minyan takes place on Sundays at 9:30 a.m. and Tuesdays at 7:45 p.m. Temple Israel’s web site is at www. synagogue.org. Call (201) 444-9320. Witness the inauguration at the library The Ridgewood Public Library will host a special, live television presentation of the presidential inauguration in the library’s Belcher Auditorium on Tuesday, Jan. 20 at 11 a.m. All are welcome. The Ridgewood Public Library is located 125 North Maple Avenue. OLMC MOMS plan events All families are invited to simplify Ash Wednesday by joining OLMC MOMS at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 25, for a prayer service for children and families, followed by a simple meal in the OLMC parish center. A pasta dinner, drinks, and family crafts and handouts will be provided. Cost is $5 per person, or $15 per family. For more information, and to RSVP for the event, contact Maureen Meyer (201)251-3872 or Lisa Kuczkowski at (201)445-0590, or email meatlessdinner@olmcmoms.org. All mothers are invited to join OLMC MOMS at 9:15
a.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 4, for a presentation by Glen McCall, director of youth ministry for OLMC, as he discusses ways to foster spirituality among adolescents and teenagers. The presentation will be held in the OLMC Parish Center, 1 Passaic Street, Ridgewood. For more information about the event, contact Christy Kearney at (201) 857-4136 or clkearney@optonline.net, or visit the website at www.olmcmoms.org. To reserve babysitting for walking children, contact Maggie McCormick by e-ail at childcare@olmcmom.org. For more information about OLMC MOMs, visit www. olmcmoms.org. HILT travels to Hunterdon Hills Playhouse HILT (Highlights in Leisure Time), Ridgewood’s seniors’ club, in collaboration with Ridgewood Parks and Recreation, is sponsoring a day trip to the Hunterdon Hills Playhouse in Hampton on Thursday, Feb. 26. A luncheon will be served with a choice of five entrees plus a dessert buffet. Afterwards, the show, “The Music of America,” will trace the history of popular country music in American in a unique way. The bus will depart from Graydon Pool at 9:45 a.m. Boarding will begin at 9:30 a.m., and the bus is expected to return to Ridgewood by approximately 5:30 p.m. The cost of the trip is $50 for HILT members and $55 for non-members. Limited seating is available. Checks should be made payable to HILT. Registration may be made in person or by mail at the Stable, 259 North Maple Avenue, Ridgewood, Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. For more information, call (201) 670-5560. ‘Peace Brigade’ to give presentation The Peace and Justice Committee of The Unitarian Society of Ridgewood will sponsor a visual, interactive presentation about the compelling work of Peace Brigades International with a special focus on Nepal on Saturday, Jan. 24 at 7:30 p.m. The Peace Brigades International speakers will be Katherine Hughes-Fraitekh, PBI’s new US executive director, and Krystal Mason, a field officer. PBI is an international organization that has been promoting nonviolence and protecting human rights since 1981. The founders of PBI shared a profound conviction that ordinary people can take action to stop war and human rights violations even when their governments cannot or will not. They currently have projects in Colombia, Guatemala, Indonesia, Mexico, and Nepal. The Unitarian Society is located at 113 Cottage Place in Ridgewood. Call (201) 444 6225 or visit www.uuridgewood.org. Foundation fundraiser underway The Ridgewood Education Foundation and Parisi’s Fitness Center in Midland Park have teamed up to offer a $49 per month membership to REF members, teachers in the Ridgewood public schools, and Ridgewood parents and their students over age 15. Signup will be at 156 Greenwood Avenue in Midland Park on Sunday, Jan. 25 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. or stop by the club on any day and speak to Jean Brennan. Parisi’s will donate a portion of the collected
fees to REF. The mission of the Ridgewood Education Foundation is to enhance the quality of education in the Ridgewood Public Schools. Since 1989, REF has awarded more than $400,000 in grants for special projects created by teachers, parents, students, and alumni. The foundation receives no government funding and is solely supported by its members. The Ridgewood Education Foundation is an IRC § 501(c) (3) non-profit corporation. All contributions are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law. For more information visit ridgewoodedfoundation.org. Open House planned Friends Neighborhood Nursery School will host an Open House for prospective students and their parents on Jan. 27 from 9:15 to 11 a.m. to learn about the two-year old and four-year old classes and on Jan. 29 to learn about the three-year old and four-year old classes. Since 1959, Friends has offered to all children from all races, religions, and backgrounds, the chance to grow and gain experience at a creative preschool. Friends Neighborhood Nursery School is located at 224 Highwood Avenue in Ridgewood. For details or alternate dates, contact Ameri Sardi at (201) 445-0681 or fnns.ridgewood@gmail.com. Sisterhood plan Shabbat Members of the Sisterhood of Temple Israel and Jewish Community Center of Ridgewood will conduct Kabbalat Shabbat services on Friday, Jan. 23, at 8:30 p.m., and Shabbat morning services on Saturday, Jan, 24, at 9 a.m. Sisterhood members will lead prayers, read torah, chant haftarah, and deliver the d’var torah. Past Sisterhood presidents will be honored with aliyot. Rabbi David B. Saltzman will preside at services. Temple Israel and JCC is located at 475 Grove Street in Ridgewood. Call (201) 444-9320. Babysitter’s certification course offered The Ridgewood Department of Parks and Recreation and the American Red Cross of Northern New Jersey have joined forces to provide the babysitter’s certification course to village residents who are between 11 to 15 years of age. Registration will be held March 14, and Saturday, April 18. Participants choose one date only. The class will run from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Community Center. Registration for this six hour course is $95. Participants should bring a bag lunch and beverage. This class has a unique interactive, educational format with activities such as identifying safety problems around the house and yard, and selecting age-appropriate toys and games for children in their care. Participants learn by doing. Course topics include how to interview for a babysitting job, how to choose safe and age-appropriate toys and games, how to perform first aid, how to diaper and feed children, how to handle bedtime issues, and tips for having a safe babysitting experience. Classes will be held in the Community Center in Village Hall, 131 North Maple Avenue. Registration can be made online at www.ridgewoodsports.org, or in-person or by mail to The Stable, 259 North Maple Avenue, Ridgewood. Call (201) 670-5560.
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