February 11, 2009 THE VILLADOM TIMES II • Page 17
Glen Rock Roundup
Chamber reschedules meeting The Feb. 9 meeting of the Glen Rock Chamber of Commerce has been rescheduled for Monday, Feb. 16 at 6:30 p.m. The meeting will be held at the Glen Rock Savings Bank located at 183 Rock Road. Interfaith Bible study continues The Glen Rock Jewish Center and Good Shepherd Lutheran Church have launched the second year of free Interfaith Bible Study sessions with Rabbi Neil Tow and Pastor Roger Spencer. This year’s classes focus on prophecy in the Bible, what it is, what it means, and what can be learned from it. This second session in the series will focus on Isaiah. The group will meet Monday, Feb. 23 from 7:30 to 9 p.m. at Glen Rock Jewish Center. All sessions are independent, and attendees can choose to come to any or all sessions. Contact Rabbi Tow at (201) 652-6624 or rabbi@grjc.org. The Glen Rock Jewish Center is located at 682 Harristown Road in Glen Rock. Seniors celebrate feast day The Glen Rock Seniors will travel to the Brownstone in Paterson on March 18 for “La Festa di San Giuseppe.” Entertainment will feature the vocalist DaVido, comic Jack Swersie, and The Ace in the Hole All Star Band for dancing. The cost of $44 for members and $47 for non-members includes lunch and bus transportation. The bus will depart Wilde Park at 10:30 a.m. For more information and reservations contact Andy at (201) 444-5498. Group to discuss “Messages from My Father” The book discussion group of the Glen Rock Jewish Center will meet Tuesday, Feb. 24 at 8 p.m. to discuss “Messages from My Father” by Calvin Trillin. The Glen Rock Public Library has several copies of this book available. Contact the center at (201) 652-6624 for more information. The Glen Rock Jewish Center is located at 682 Harristown Road in Glen Rock. League to hear speaker The John A. Girgenti Civic League will host Secretary of State Nina Mitchell Wells, Esquire on Tuesday, Feb. 10. The meeting will be held at 7:30 p.m. at San Giuseppe Hall, 131 Wagaraw Road, Hawthorne. Book club to discuss immigrant experience The March selection for the Neighbors book discussion group is “A Short History of Tractors in Ukrainian” by Marina Lewycka. The discussion will take place on Monday, March 2 at 7:30 p.m. at the Glen Rock Library. Multiple copies of the book will be available at the reference desk. The discussion group meets the first Monday of each month to read and discuss books on the topic of immigration to the United States. The Glen Rock Library is located at 315 Rock Road in Glen Rock. Call (201) 670-3970. ‘Now Showing’ comes to town Everyone is invited to view movies on Thursday afternoons at the Glen Rock Library. “Now Showing” will be presented every Thursday at 2 p.m., produced and hosted by Vito Chiricco. The February schedule will include “Monkey Business” on Feb. 12. This 1952 film directed by Howard Hawkes stars Cary Grant, Ginger Rogers, Charles Coburn, and Marilyn Monroe. Barnaby Fulton, a chemist, is working on a youth formula for a chemical company by testing it on chimps. His very understanding wife, Edwina, helps him by being very supportive. His boss’ secretary helps by displaying her legs, which are wearing Barnaby’s indestructible pantyhose. When Esther, the chimp, mixes her own formula, and it gets in the water cooler in the lab, the fun begins. Barnaby goes back in age twice, as does Edwina. Wild rides in a hot sports car, roller skating, jive dancing, and scalping Edwina’s childhood boyfriend, Hank Entwhistle, all ensue. “The Thief of Bhagdad” will play on Feb. 19. “The Thief of Bagdad,” 1940, Prince Ahmad is the rightful King of Bagdad, but he has been blinded and cast out as a beggar. Now a captive of the wicked Grand Vizier Jaffar, he is cast into a dungeon where he meets Abu, the best thief in all
Bagdad. Together they escape and set about a series of adventures that involve a Djinni in a bottle, a mechanical flying horse, an all-seeing magic jewel, a flying carpet and a beautiful princess. The last feature for February will be “Hell’s House” on Feb. 26. “Hell’s House,” 1932, stars Bette Davis and Pat O’Brien. Davis was only 23 and O’Brien only 34 and only in movies for two years when this was produced. Not yet contract actors for Warner Brothers, they were Hollywood newbies who not only brought the audiences into the box offices while being grossly under paid. This movie is part reform movie and part “B” picture melodrama. Mature Parishioners to meet The Saint Catharine Association of Mature Parishioners will hold a Saint Patrick’s Day celebration, “The Wearing of the Green,” at the Brownstone on March 13 at 11 a.m. There will be lunch and entertainment. For reservations, contact Mary at (201) 791-3812. Trips are open to nonmembers. Coleman fundraiser sponsors sought The Clara E. Coleman School is seeking sponsors for its 47th annual fundraiser, which will be held Saturday, March 28. The Las Vegas Style Casino Night event will be held at the Community Hall at Saint Catharine’s Church in Glen Rock. More information is online at www.ColemanCasino2009.com. Sponsorship packages range from $50 to $1,000 and include event website advertisements, marquee-style billboards at the event, and featured spots in a virtual program slideshow that will be shown throughout the four-hour affair. Cash, in-kind, and fundraiser item donations of any size and value are accepted and appreciated. Sponsorships and donations are tax-deductible. To become a sponsor, make a donation and get specifics visit www.ColemanCasino2009.com. Inquiries may be directed to Jodie Stewart, event chairperson, at (201) 6891869 or by e-mail at ColemanCasino2009@yahoo.com. Art donations sought The Glen Rock Poverty Awareness Project is planning an Art Fundraiser and Film Festival on April 18. There will be a screening of original films by high school students. Each film will be about on of the UN Millennium Development Goals. A guest speaker from Partners in Health will also be there. In order to make this a successful event, they are looking for donations of art. Artists, sculptors, photographers, etc. are sought who would be willing to donating a piece of their work. All funds will go directly to Partners in Health, which fights the diseases that plague the poor, such as malaria, HIV/AIDS, TB, etc. Contact Beth Fernadez at (973) 420-0079.
Financial workshops continue The fourth of the Glen Rock Library’s financial workshop series will focus on “How-Tos: Trimming Household Budgets and Using Time, Teamwork, and Space for Needed Transitions” on Feb. 10 from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Methods of bartering, building interdependence and considering self-employment will be explored, and a speaker from the Bergen County Board of Social Services will describe eligibility for food stamps, family care and cash assistance. A panel format will again be used for the Tuesday, Feb. 17, session on “Making New Career/Retirement Decisions Based on Values, Spirituality and Market Realities.” Barry Lowe, manager of Counseling and Training for the Bergen One-Stop Career Center, and Walter Hecht, Dean of Continuing Education at Bergen Community College, will outline available services for building or changing careers. Numerous non-profit, governmental and educational organizations have teamed up to present these timely workshops, including The SOURCE, the Glen Rock Public Library, the Interfaith Religious Leaders of Ridgewood, the Community Resource Council, Bergen County’s United Way, Bergen Community College Continuing Education, the Bergen One-Stop Career Center, the Bergen Workforce Investment Board, the Valley Hospital, and West Bergen Mental Healthcare. Call Jean Baker Wunder at The SOURCE, (201) 6704673. Reservations are suggested and can be made by calling the Glen Rock Public Library at (201) 670-3970. The library is located at 315 Rock Road in Glen Rock. Nursery School holds registration Registration for 2009-10 is open at the Glen Rock Jewish Center Nursery School. This state licensed preschool offers classes for two-, three-, and four-year-olds, Kindergarten Enrichment, Mommy and Me, and Summer Day Camp. Certified teachers offer a wide range of age appropriate hands-on activities with an emphasis on self expression, individuality, and creativity. Professionally taught weekly classes in yoga and music are part of the curriculum for all age groups and three- and four-year-olds go on at least two field trips a year. Flexibility in scheduling is available. Parents are encouraged to create a nursery school schedule that works best to fit the needs of their family. The school is open from 9 a.m. to 2:45 p.m., offering half and full day programs, with before and after care available daily. All classes are filled on a first come, first served basis. Students hail from Glen Rock, Ridgewood, Fair Lawn, Wyckoff, Midland Park, Mahwah, Ramsey, Hawthorne, and other local towns. Synagogue affiliation or any connection to Judaism is not necessary for participation in our programs. For more information or to arrange for a visit call (201) 652-6624 or e-mail: grjcnursery@gmail.com.
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