Page 4 THE VILLADOM TIMES II • December 23, 2009
Local citizens appointed to village’s municipal boards
by John Koster The Ridgewood Village Council has appointed a number of individuals to municipal boards, including the Community Relations Advisory Board and the Parks, Recreation, and Conservation Board. Appointees to the Community Relations Advisory Board include award-winning educator Helen Aslanides, Paulette Perry, Jean Dorsey, Geoff Scowcroft, Ridgewood Mayor David Pfund, Roann Rubin, Sid Dawson, Avon Morgan, Alice Newton, The Reverend Jan Phillips-Singer, Glen Rock Police Chief Fred Stamen, Barbra Brown, Janet Chambers, Helen Lindsay, Sikh leader Avtar Singh, Glen Rock Mayor John Van Keuren, Carol Martin, Oliver Newton, Sidney Smith, Pam Scarpa, Amy Plasencia, Susan Donnelly, Simon Stoffell, Beatriz Pinzou-Jordau, Andrew Brown, Ridgewood Police Chief John LiPuma, Barbra Goldberg, Rev. Thomas Johnson, Sean McCooe, Fay Reid, Al Blake, Mahmoud Hamza, Ridgewood High School teacher Medha Kirtane, and Nadeem Dawson. Maribeth Lane has been named to the Ridgewood Parks, Recreation, and Conservation Board. Her term will expire at the end of 2012. The council also appointed the following individuals to the Open Space, Recreation, Farmland, and Historic Preservation Committee for a one-year term: planning board member Charles Nabantian, attorney and recreation leader Edward Seavers, Director of Parks and Recreation Timothy Cronin, Sports Council member Robert Lasky, and residents Ralph Currey, William Gilsenan, Eleanor Gruber, and Frank Schott. Elisa Legg has been appointed to the Ridgewood Library Board of Trustees for a term that will expire at the end of 1214. The council has appointed members of The Project Pride Committee to oneyear terms Chairman Gary Cirillo, Alyssa Becker, Tonia Cohen, Barbra D’Amato, Donna Dorsey, Ann Leahy, Debbie Higgins, Assistant to the Village Manager Janet Fricke, Maribeth Lane, Rita Bernstein, Samantha Gibble, Mary Anne Sage, Ann Schott, Samantha Turino, Victoria LaChapelle, the Holt family, the Neborsky family, the Stephan family, the Stadulis family, the Saltalamacchia family, and the Connelley family. John Young has been appointed as the fire sub-code official for a four-year term effective immediately and expiring at the end of 2013.
Police report petty thefts
The Ridgewood Police Department has investigated petty thefts at Ridgewood High School and stolen mail and a package from an Oak Street residence. On Dec. 9, a student at Ridgewood High School reported that his Mac book was taken from a gym locker, and another student reported that his iPhone and calculator were taken from his gym locker. On Dec. 12, a resident on Oak Street reported that she had become suspicious after she determined that her newspapers had been stolen for the past few days and a mail order purchase she made had not been delivered. She called the vendor and discovered that the package had been shipped, but she had not received it. The Ridgewood Detective Bureau is investigating.
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