Page 24 THE VILLADOM TIMES II & IV • December 16, 2009 ‘Brothers’ (continued from Entertainment page) between these scenes and the sequences in Afghanistan is dramatic. Gyllenhaal has the less showy role, but undertakes it effectively. Tommy has his own demons and is trying to put his life back together, despite a father who has no faith in him and a society that does not embrace an excon. The role of Tommy is underwritten. A scene is set up in which he is about to make amends to the person he robbed, but the actual encounter is never shown. Gyllenhaal’s sad eyes convey hurt and resignation at being the “bad son,” but it would have been nice to see the character of Tommy fleshed out more. Portman provides the heart of the story. She is a woman lonely for her husband, protective of her kids, and initially disdainful of Tommy, who is more the black sheep of the family than a contributing member with feelings and troubles of his own. A major revelation which, unfortunately, many critics have blurted out, considerably changes the dynamics of “Brothers.” Relationships alter, suspicions are aroused, the children are adversely affected, and those perceived as strong reveal weakness while those regarded as weak display tremendous strength. When the film seems headed to an obvious conclusion, the viewer is again surprised. The technique of parallel editing -- cutting back and forth between events occurring simultaneously in different places -- works extremely well here, since each series of events will eventually impact the other. The action sequences in Afghanistan are filmed realistically with a no-holds-barred ferocity, underscoring that danger is always out there and can turn lethal. Yet “Brothers” is not a traditional war movie, since focus is on the effect of war, not combat. Rated R for violent content and language, “Brothers” is not political. It is about people whose lives are touched by someone fighting a war on two fronts, a foreign land and the home front, where comfort and security have given way to tension and fear. hold to return home to upstate New York where his parents are struggling to make ends meet with a failing motel. In an attempt to boost business, Elliot has held a number of outdoor music festivals, attracting mostly sparse audiences of friends and neighbors. When he learns that two neighboring towns have already refused permission for a rock concert, Elliot, in his capacity as head of Bethel’s Chamber of Commerce, offers the promoters a permit. This might bring some badly needed business to his parents’ motel. The first rule of comedy is that it should elicit laughter. “The Hangover” (Warner Home Video) follows the rule, mixing 30-something guys heading to Las Vegas for a bachelor party with a mystery, creating gag after gag in the process. The comedy is unbridled thanks to its liberating R rating, so anything goes. “The Headless Woman” (Strand Releasing) relates the tale of Veronica (Maria Onetto), who undergoes an emotional meltdown following an apparent hit-and-run accident. This is a psychological horror film. Graphic gore has been replaced by lots of eeriness and suspense. The film is in Spanish with English subtitles. Extras include a UCLA Film & Television Archive Q&A session. ARIES - Mar 21/Apr 20 ARIES - Mar 21/Apr 20 Romance has eluded you for few Romance has eluded you for a a few weeks, Aries, but this week you’re weeks, Aries, but this week you’re ready get back in the love race. Wine ready toto get back in the love race. Wine and dine that special someone and the and dine that special someone and the results will wonderful. results will bebe wonderful. TAURUS - Apr 21/May 21 TAURUS - Apr 21/May 21 Too much holiday spending has left Too much holiday spending has left you strapped for cash, Taurus. Don’t you strapped for cash, Taurus. Don’t worry, you’ll rebound quickly from worry, you’ll rebound quickly from your overindulgence. the interim, your overindulgence. InIn the interim, keep low key. keep it it low key. GEMINI - May 22/Jun 21 GEMINI - May 22/Jun 21 Winter weather has you imagining the Winter weather has you imagining the warm, sandy beaches a a faraway lowarm, sandy beaches ofof faraway location. Now a good time to plan a cation. Now is is a good time to plan a getaway recharge. Spend the holigetaway toto recharge. Spend the holidays on vacation. days on vacation. CANCER - Jun 22/Jul 22 CANCER - Jun 22/Jul 22 You’re better spirits than you’ve You’re inin better spirits than you’ve been months, Cancer, and it could been inin months, Cancer, and it could bebe due to a change of scenery. Or it due to a change of scenery. Or it could that you’ve finally just decould bebe that you’ve finally just decided lighten up. cided toto lighten up. LEO - Jul 23/Aug 23 LEO - Jul 23/Aug 23 Don’t get nervous when problem Don’t get nervous when a aproblem arises, Leo. You’ll handle with tact arises, Leo. You’ll handle it it with tact and grace. Reward yourself for job and grace. Reward yourself for a a job well done by going out for dinner well done by going out for dinner oror making extravagant purchase. making anan extravagant purchase. VIRGO - Aug 24/Sept 22 VIRGO - Aug 24/Sept 22 Your big scheme save money isn’t Your big scheme toto save money isn’t quite working, Virgo. When home quite working, Virgo. When home improvements are necessary, you’re improvements are necessary, you’re spending more than you’re making. spending more than you’re making. That leads trouble. That leads toto trouble. LIBRA - Sept 23/Oct 23 LIBRA - Sept 23/Oct 23 Mend fences with family members Mend fences with family members you’ve hurt, Libra. Round out the end you’ve hurt, Libra. Round out the end ofof the year on good terms with everythe year on good terms with everyone you know, 2010 will be a a fresh one you know, soso 2010 will be fresh start. start. SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov 22 SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov 22 Family moments are the heart of Family moments are atat the heart of this week, Scorpio. Show your tender this week, Scorpio. Show your tender side and spend much time as posside and spend asas much time as possible with loved ones. Host holiday sible with loved ones. Host a a holiday celebration. celebration. SAGITTARIUS - Nov 23/Dec 21 SAGITTARIUS - Nov 23/Dec 21 AA big brawl with a family member big brawl with a family member puts you a foul mood this week. It puts you inin a foul mood this week. It may time to cut ties with this permay bebe time to cut ties with this person once and for all, much as it may son once and for all, asas much as it may hurt. hurt. CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan 20 CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan 20 You’ve been treating a family member You’ve been treating a family member very poorly, Capricorn, even after all very poorly, Capricorn, even after all this person has done for you. Think this person has done for you. Think about where you’d right now if it about where you’d bebe right now if it wasn’t for his her help. wasn’t for his oror her help. AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb 18 AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb 18 Your stubbornness getting you into Your stubbornness is is getting you into trouble, Aquarius. Stop arguing with trouble, Aquarius. Stop arguing with a a friend family member. These petty friend oror family member. These petty squabbles are not worth the energy squabbles are not worth the energy wasted on them. wasted on them. PISCES - Feb 19/Mar 20 PISCES - Feb 19/Mar 20 Watch the fattening treats holiday Watch the fattening treats atat holiday celebrations, Pisces. Don’t sabotage celebrations, Pisces. Don’t sabotage all your hard work by packing on the all your hard work by packing on the pounds this late the game. pounds this late inin the game. DVDs (continued from Restaurant page) Blending the three stories smoothly showcases the artistry of Tarantino the writer. The movie has many wonderful scenes, and nothing seems out of place or contrived. The film comes in three editions, single-disc DVD, twodisc DVD, and Blu-ray. Extras include extended and alternate scenes, a roundtable discussion with Tarantino and Pitt led by critic Elvis Mitchell, a making-of featurette, a conversation with cast member Rod Taylor, and a film poster gallery tour. “Taking Woodstock” (Universal Home Entertainment), available in Blu-ray and DVD formats, is a very good film that came and went very quickly during its late summer release. I never understood why the public was indifferent to the film, which tells an interesting, often touching, story of the genesis of the concert that became a historic event. The central character, Elliot Teichberg (Demetri Martin), is an interior designer who has put his career on Answer Last Week’s Puzzle Answer to to Last Week’s Puzzle