Page 6 THE VILLADOM TIMES II • December 9, 2009 Glen Rock for the Holidays Groups fund study of turf by John Koster pledged the necessary money for an envi12-9-09 kathy/janine ronmental study of the concept of installing GlenRockHolidayBanner(12-9-09) artificial turf on part of Lower Doremus 6 x .75” Field. Glen Rock recreation groups have The Glen Rock Council will hold a meeting on Dec. 14 to hear from all sides before possibly approving the installation – with the proviso that no tax money be involved. Dr. Michael Stewart, one of the leaders of the effort to install artificial turf, said that the recreation baseball group has put up $7,800 for the detailed plans and environmental study, the recreational soccer league and the Shooting Stars group have each contributed $7,800, the lacrosse league contributed $4,000, and the men’s softball league put up $1,000, with the football group to be heard from, but probably not until February. “I think this is a good sign and a strong show of support,” said Dr. Stewart, who is active in recreation programs. He added that the entire study would be funded by group or private donations. Glen Rock Borough Administrator Lenora Benjamin concurred that no tax money would be committed to the project, and said that the council is still taking feedback from both sides about the possible turf installation, which could cost $1 million and would be funded by donations. “No funds from the borough are going to be expended on this,” Benjamin confirmed late last week. “There’s strong support for this from the sports groups, but there are concerns from the other side about water runoff, about the environmental aspects, and about the concept of turfing instead of putting in grass.” Benjamin said the council had not reached a decision and is still open to information and opinions. Council members, speaking at the time the concept was broached about two months ago, seemed to favor permitting artificial turf on a part of Lower Doremus Field, but were adamant about not committing tax money to the project. Council members also warned Stewart and other supporters, including former Democratic Councilman Mark McCullough, that the economic climate for collecting large donations today is not what it was a few years ago. Proponents say that having a reliable all-weather turf field would allow regularly scheduled events in virtually all weather, taking the pressure off the grass fields that are now at risk for abuse by excessive use. Opponents say the reduction of grass coverage by use of non-absorbent plastic turf could increase flooding problems and that, when compared with grass fields, turf fields result in more minor injuries. Community enjoys Tree Lighting The Glen Rock Chamber’s Annual Tree Lighting took place recently at Main Street Park. Revelers enjoyed free hayrides, a petting zoo, a sing-a-long and a performance by Magic Zak. (Photos courtesy of Dee and Gary Stevens.) ngs eeti r m G ro f Glen Rock REED AUDIO SYSTEMS EXCEL DENTISTRY Dr. Mayra Modesto-Garrido and the staff of Excel Dentistry wish you Happy Holidays and a Healthy New Year Gary Stevens TaeKwonDo 236 Rock Road • Glen Rock, NJ 07452 We Wish All Our Neighbors, Friends and Students a Happy Holidays from your friends at REED Reed Audio and a AUDIO SYSTEMS 379 Lincoln Avenue, Glen Rock, NJ • 201.652.0400 MOBILE & MARINE INSTALLATIONS 536 Broad Street • Glen Rock, NJ • 201.445.5151 Providing the best in martial arts training to this community since 1984. (201) 670-7263