April 29, 2009 THE VILLADOM TIMES II • Page 11 Ridgewood On May 7, Ridgewood High School’s Maroon and White Recital and Art Exhibition will feature 90 minutes of music by student performers and a showing of student art at the reception afterward. The musicians who will be performing at the Campus Center starting at 3:30 p.m. include violinist Tyler Clementi, flutists Lily Josefsberg and Yoon-Ni Nam, and vocalists Mark Kendrick, Amanda Puerto, and Elaine Thoman. Artists whose works are on display will include Anna Byon, Alec Fenstermacher, Andrew Hahn, Austi Jennee, Amy Ohta, and Alexa Toombs. The public is invited to the free concert and exhibit. Clockwise from left are Lily Josefsberg, Amanda Puerto, Tyler Clementi. Anna Byon, Mark Kendrick, Ridgewood Music Chairman Dr. Ed Schmiedecke, Yoon-Ji Nam, and Elaine Thoman. Performers set to play The Black & Decker Electric Mower Starts With The Flick Of A Switch Easy to Operate 18” Mulching Mower With Flip-Over Handle It Never Runs Out of Gas And Doesn’t Pollute! Other Models To Choose From The Ridgewood Board of Education recently accepted a number of donations for student activities. The Ridgewood Biddy Basketball group gave the school board $3,500 to be paid to J&J Gym Floors for the refurbishment of the base molding in the George Washington School board accepts donations Propane Available 7 Days A Week Mon-Wed 7:30-6, Thurs & Fri 7:30-8 Sat 8-5 27 FRANKLIN TPKE, WALDWICK www.homehardwaresupply.com 201-652-5666 OPEN SUNDAY 9-3 Middle School gym. The PEP and PEP Plus Clubs received a restricted donation of $895, and the Willard School Home and School Association donated $841 for a field trip for Willard School students.