Page 24 THE VILLADOM TIMES II, III & IV • April 1, 2009 DVDs (continued from Restaurant page) (Andre Dussollier), a police lieutenant eager to pin Margot’s murder on Alexandre (Phillippe Lefebvre), the scary Bruno (Gilles Lellouche), who has questionable connections outside the law, and a wealthy aristocrat (Jean Rochefort) who may have information that can clear or condemn Alexandre. These characters are used almost like chess pieces, each move, each appearance designed to counter a previous appearance or take the film in a new, unexpected direction. Rarely in film are supporting characters used so deftly. Beck is an innocent man who finds himself on the run from the Paris police because he knows he is the only one who can unravel the convoluted circumstances that point to his guilt. This is a theme mined again and again by Alfred Hitchcock, most famously in “North by Northwest.” The audience roots for Alexandre and believes that devotion to his dead wife is the driving force that propels him through a chase, the dredging up of old information, and his perception of relatives. He is fighting the clock to solve a mystery. If he fails, he will be jailed. If he succeeds, he has no idea what he will discover. “Tell No one” is a superb film -- one of the best of 2008. It has an intriguing story, excellent performances, beautifully staged action sequences, and complex characters. The unrated Blu-ray edition contains French and English audio tracks and English and French subtitles. Extras include deleted scenes and a making-of featurette. “Seven Pounds” (Sony Pictures Home Entertainment) is the oddest movie in which superstar Will Smith has appeared. He plays IRS agent Ben Thomas who, holding himself responsible for a terrible tragedy, sets out to help seven strangers as part of his redemption plan. The difficulty with the film is its identity crisis. Part mystery, part love story, part examination of the power of grief, it never really clicks, though Smith manages to hold the viewer’s attention at least for a while. Director Bonuses include several featurettes and deleted scenes. The Blu-ray edition also contains a digital copy of the movie. “Happy Together” (Kino On Video), winner of the 1997 Best Director prize at Cannes, examines a relationship in which two partners seem destined to be together, even when they decide to split up. Ho and Lai, a gay young couple from Hong Kong, are passionate lovers, but continuously snip at each other and bicker. They relocate to Buenos Aires, hoping to mend their troubled relationship, but ultimately break up. Ho (Leslie Cheung) hustles for a living. Lai (Tony Leung Chiu Wai) takes a job as doorman at a seedy club. After Ho is beaten up by a client, Lai nurses him back to health. Yet even during Ho’s recuperation, he is demanding, selfish, and thoughtless. Extras include behind-the-scenes featurettes and an interview with Director of Photography Christopher Doyle. The re-mastered DVD’s soundtrack is in Cantonese with English subtitles. “Killer at Large” (Disinformation Company) is a documentary that looks at many of the causes of overweight in America, including problems with school lunches and vending machines and the impact food lobbyists have on determining government policy. There are also stories about young people who have had gastric bypass or liposuction surgery. Interviews recount how many people, including Bill Clinton, have tried to bring attention to the obesity problem. Beyond the shocking medical statistics and newspaper headlines, “Killer at Large” examines the ethical and moral implications of the obesity epidemic with leaders of several world religions. Bonuses include deleted scenes about menu labeling and a hidden-camera interview with a McDonald’s vice president. “The Restless Conscience” (Docurama Films) is an Academy Award nominee that explores the motivating principles and activities of the anti-Nazi resistance inside Germany from 1933 to 1945. The film is a moving portrayal of individual destinies, focusing on the moral and political evolution of people whose conscience was at odds with an overpowering national consensus. Filmmaker Hava Kohav Beller points out that in 1944, at least 170 German citizens were convicted as participants in a plot to assassinate Adolf Hitler. This was the last of more than 20 attempts to overthrow the Nazi regime. “Craig Ferguson: A Wee Bit O’Revolution” (Image Entertainment) is a standup performance filmed live at the Wilbur Theatre in Boston. Ferguson, host of CBS’s “Late, Late Show,” was recently granted American citizenship. His performance covers a number of topics as the comedian shares his insights on rehab. He also criticizes the latest bigscreen James Bond for not being hairy enough. Though this concert premiered on Comedy Central on March 22, the DVD includes features not seen on television: an interview with Ferguson and a speech he gave in Boston. ARIES - Mar 21/Apr 20 ARIES - Mar 21/Apr 20 Catch up on your shopping bills and Catch up on your shopping bills and you will feel relieved when they’re you will feel relieved when they’re all paid off, Aries. There could be an all paid off, Aries. There could be an additional work-related expense that additional work-related expense that comes up the next few weeks. comes up inin the next few weeks. TAURUS - Apr 21/May 21 TAURUS - Apr 21/May 21 You may be trying complete things You may be trying toto complete things on time, Taurus, but the stars indicate on time, Taurus, but the stars indicate that you’ve just taken on too much. that you’ve just taken on too much. Prioritize your work and see a subPrioritize your work and see ifif a subordinate can help out with the load. ordinate can help out with the load. GEMINI - May 22/Jun 21 GEMINI - May 22/Jun 21 Your multitasking skills may be put Your multitasking skills may be put toto the test by Wednesday, Gemini. You’re the test by Wednesday, Gemini. You’re inin “cleanup” mode and are trashing old “cleanup” mode and are trashing old papers and junk that has gathered on papers and junk that has gathered on your desk. your desk. CANCER - Jun 22/Jul 22 CANCER - Jun 22/Jul 22 You are very sync with the universe, You are very inin sync with the universe, Cancer, and that spells out safety and Cancer, and that spells out safety and security your life the moment. security ininyour life atatthe moment. Make the most the cosmic peace Make the most ofofthe cosmic peace that ensues. that ensues. LEO - Jul 23/Aug 23 LEO - Jul 23/Aug 23 You must treat yourself some muchYou must treat yourself toto some muchneeded rest, Leo. Make plans for getneeded rest, Leo. Make plans for a a getaway, possible. A change of scenery away, ifif possible. A change of scenery and landscape can only do you good. and landscape can only do you good. VIRGO - Aug 24/Sept 22 VIRGO - Aug 24/Sept 22 Going about your normal routine this Going about your normal routine this week, Virgo, could reveal welcome week, Virgo, could reveal a a welcome surprise. Expect an old acquaintance surprise. Expect an old acquaintance surface your life again with totosurface ininyour life again ----with positive results. positive results. LIBRA - Sept 23/Oct 23 LIBRA - Sept 23/Oct 23 You’re thinking about getting pet, You’re thinking about getting a apet, Libra, but don’t know it’s the right Libra, but don’t know ifif it’s the right move this stage in your life. Your move atat this stage in your life. Your best time act is in early May. Rebest time toto act is in early May. Research your options until then. search your options until then. SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov 22 SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov 22 Things will go your way this week, Things will go your way this week, Scorpio. Although not normally comScorpio. Although not normally comfortable the spotlight, you don’t shy fortable inin the spotlight, you don’t shy away from the opportunity show away from the opportunity totoshow your knowledge and experience. your knowledge and experience. SAGITTARIUS - Nov 23/Dec 21 SAGITTARIUS - Nov 23/Dec 21 IfIf you have something special on your you have something special on your agenda work, it’s best if you keep agenda atat work, it’s best if you keep the presentation under wraps until the presentation under wraps until Friday, when the stars will be your Friday, when the stars will be inin your favor. favor. CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan 20 CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan 20 Long hours spent work leave your Long hours spent atat work leave your partner feeling neglected. Treat him partner feeling neglected. Treat him oror her to some special alone time to her to some special alone time to rekindle the relationship. Otherwise, rekindle the relationship. Otherwise, a a fight may ensue later. fight may ensue later. AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb 18 AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb 18 The time right to kick a bad habit The time isis right to kick a bad habit oror to make a significant life change, to make a significant life change, Aquarius. won’t be easy, but you Aquarius. ItItwon’t be easy, but you have the guts press ahead. Others have the guts toto press ahead. Others will provide support. will provide support. PISCES - Feb 19/Mar20 PISCES - Feb 19/Mar20 Your creativity boundless this week, Your creativity isis boundless this week, Pisces. Naturally artistic, you can take Pisces. Naturally artistic, you can take your skills far as your imagination your skills asas far as your imagination will let you. will let you. Answer Last Week’s Puzzle Answer toto Last Week’s Puzzle