September 30, 2009 THE VILLADOM TIMES I • Page 25 Letters to the Editor (continued from page 19) and Indian Hills high schools, to promote educational excellence and to ensure that the best educational resources are always available to the township’s children. Improving maintenance methods, and upgrading as necessary, all township sports fields and parks to further promote safe and healthy forms of recreation. Support and assistance for the township’s senior citizens and veterans. There has been significant debate in Wyckoff over the last few years about land use and open space policy. We are committed to being responsible stewards of our land in Wyckoff, and we are committed to responsible and cohesive land use planning across the governing boards and committees within town. Our platform is a broad statement of the principles supporting our candidacy. Regardless of the issues that come before the township committee, our standard will always be what is in the best interest of the township residents. We will always have an open door policy for residents. We bring no personal agenda to these issues, just what is necessary to keep Wyckoff the safe, wonderful community it has been for decades. Kevin J. Rooney Christopher P. DePhillips Wyckoff Dear Editor: We have spoken with many of you in town and, based upon your reaction to recent changes in Wyckoff, it is clearly time for each one of us to have a voice in our future. We have chosen to run for Wyckoff Township Committee as a team because we believe that together we can do more to keep the decisions of our government aligned with the wishes of the residents of Wyckoff. If elected as your representatives to the township committee, our mission will be threefold: stable taxes with a fresh look at the town budget, smart growth that preserves and enhances the character of Wyckoff, and straight talk about the issues and what they mean to you. Our message is supported by our track record of past service and action; it is not an idle campaign message. As a team, and with the support of the community, we were actively involved in making the open space initiative a reality. We regularly attend township committee meetings and board meetings, speaking up when we have a concern. We are long-time homeowners. We raised our families in Wyckoff, and vow to represent all residents, whether they have just moved to town or have legacy family roots. We pledge to build on the important work already begun since the election last fall. We support open communication and televised town meetings for those who cannot attend. We will follow through on the application for open space funds that was submitted this summer, and support every effort to make the former Russell Orchards property a green space for all of us to enjoy. We pledge to appoint independent members to boards to protect the character of Wyckoff and to stay on top of the proposed and future development activity, keeping you informed as events that affect us all unfold. And we will keep a watchful eye on any and all activities in surrounding towns that will have an impact on the quality of our lives and our property values. Support for our campaign depends upon the residents of Wyckoff. We do not accept contributions from any Bergen County or state political organizations, firms doing business with Wyckoff, or township employees. Visit our website, for more information. We look forward to working with all of the township committee members in a spirit of cooperation that will carry us forward with respect for each and every one of you who calls Wyckoff home. Brian J. Hubert Diane L. Sobin Wyckoff Baseball (continued from page 3) switched to the better-maintained junior field. Artuso estimated the cost of the project to be $11,700. This would include clay, a new fence with safety capping and a concrete pad for a seasonal portable toilet. Minimally, he said, $3,200 would cover the cost of the clay, allowing the baseball association to repair the field when the current soccer recreation season ends Nov. 1. The work would have to be completed before the winter because the new softball mound must be in place by March, 2010. Councilman Bernie Holst suggested that for safety reasons, perhaps safety capping could be installed on the existing fence and then switched to new fencing when it is purchased. This would cost about $1,000, Artuso said. Mayor Joseph Monahan said the council would be in touch with the board of education to discuss a course of action. Voices for Wyckoff’s future (continued from page 3) prepared students with the opportunity to earn college credit or advanced placement and stand out in the college admissions process. Each exam is developed by a committee of college and university faculty and AP teachers, ensuring that AP exams are aligned with the same high standards expected by college faculty and some of the nation’s leading liberal arts and research institutions. More than 3,600 colleges and universities annually receive AP grades. Over 90 percent of four-year colleges in the United States provide credit and/or placement for qualifying exam grades. Research consistently shows that AP students who score a three or higher on AP Exams (based on a scale from one to five, with five being the highest) typically experience greater academic success in college and higher graduation rates than students who do not participate in AP. AP Scholars Dear Advertisers, October is... Awareness Month Breast Cancer The staff of The Villadom TIMES has chosen this month to offer a focus on Women’s Health Issues and Breast Cancer Awareness. We look forward to your support by including your advertising message in this feature section throughout the month of October, which will afford us the opportunity to inform, share and educate our readers on issues of significance to all of us. Publication: October 7 October 14 October 21 October 28 Deadline: September 30 October 7 October 14 October 21 Call the Villadom TIMES today to place your advertisement. 201-652-0744 9-23-09----BreastCancer3x 9-23-09 ester/janine