Midland Park September 16, 2009 THE VILLADOM TIMES I • Page 5 Sidewalk improvement fees to be temporarily waived Midland Park residents and businesses whose sidewalks are in need of repair will have the construction fee waived if they undertake the project before June 1, 2010. The permit fee can be as high as $150, depending on the length of the sidewalk, according to Borough Administrator Michelle Dugan. The deteriorating condition of some sidewalks has been the topic of discussion at several recent meetings of the mayor and council, with residents complaining that this impairs the safe passage of pedestrians. Cracked, raised, uneven, and missing sections or slabs present a hazard to pedestrians, and, according to borough ordinances, sidewalk repairs and maintenance are the responsibility of the property owner. The borough has decided to be proactive on the matter and is offering to waive the fee as an incentive for residents to comply voluntarily. “We want as much voluntary cooperation as we can get from the community,” Dugan said. Councilman Patrick “Bud” O’Hagan suggested that the worse offenders be contacted as soon as possible and asked to comply before they are issued a summons. “We know that some people will have to be forced to do it, but we want everyone to know with plenty of notice,” commented Councilman Bernie Holst. He suggested that information be posted on the borough web site, particularly as it relates to the residents’ responsibility when the sidewalk problem is caused by tree roots. Councilman Nick Papapietro pointed out that residents can alter the sidewalk’s location if a healthy tree is affecting its condition. Holst, the Department of Public Works liaison, said that the DPW is looking to institute an annual sidewalk inspection program, similar to Waldwick’s, that would identify the worse offenders and follow up until the problem was resolved. The borough’s fall newsletter will include photos of some problem sidewalks for residents to use in their own assessment of whether repairs are necessary to mitigate an unsafe condition. Dugan is also suggesting that neighbors might want to get together and collectively do the repairs to save money. She also recommended that residents may want to contact their homeowner’s insurance company to see if they offer any premium adjustments for such improvements. Sidewalk repair permits may be obtained in the Borough Clerk’s office between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. The Midland Park Panthers Girls Basketball Team became the third grade tournament champions. Coaches are Jerry Mercadante and Mike Sasso. Standing are: Emily Kontos, Christa Sasso, Sofia Hansen, Dana Carey and Chloe Kasbarian. Front row: Leah Mercadante, Emma Sclafani, and Hanna Douma. Panther pride! “WOW! My Children Have Changed.” Join Us with your family and friends NOW! Special Family Class! 854 Franklin Avenue, Franklin Lakes, NJ 07417 • htaekwondo8585@gmail.com Choose from thousands of costumes & accessories Dogs 8-26-09 pat/janine - Infants - Kids - Teens - Adults Funny to Scary - Conservative to Sexy HTaeKwonDo3x3(8-26-09) 3 x 3” We Have It All WE’RE BACK Halloween Store Grand Opening Special all purchases through SEPTEMBER 20, 2009 We Accept All Competitors Coupons • Only one coupon per customer AVO HIGHWID AYS 30% OFF 201-707-7500 693 Wyckoff Avenue (Entrance by Wyckoff YMCA) 201-644-0285 350 Ramapo Valley Rd. (Rt.202) Oakland, NJ (Coppertree Mall) Wyckoff, NJ www.MerryHalloween.com