Page 30 THE VILLADOM TIMES I • September 16, 2009 DVDs (continued from Restaurant page) galleries of the two 1939 films. “Camille” (National Entertainment Media), available on Blu-ray and DVD, is a dark romantic comedy. Camille (Sienna Miller) is a nonstop talker in the “dumb blonde” mold who is madly in love with bad-boy Silas (James Franco). She lives in her own world, not realizing that Silas may not feel about her the way she feels about him. For Silas, Camille represents his path to freedom. Her Uncle Raymond (Scott Glenn), the town sheriff, lets Silas out of jail to marry her. This is the wedding of Camille’s dreams, and her dream honeymoon is to follow. Silas, however, has other ideas. Camille and Silas take off on his motorcycle for Niagara Falls. On the way, her incessant chatter leads to a big argument in a roadside diner. There, they encounter Cowboy Bob (David Carradine), who owns a team of pastel-colored rodeo horses. When an unforeseen accident occurs, Camille’s dream is shattered. Miller and Franco are charming and anchor this offbeat spin on romantic drama. Gregory MacKenzie’s direction is reminiscent of some of the Coen Brothers’ movies and that duo’s quirky, memorable characters. There are some real surprises, which makes the film all the more surreal. There are no extras. Two new Walt Disney Home Entertainment DVD sets feature season episodes of popular TV medical dramas and are packed with extras. “Grey’s Anatomy: The Complete Fifth Season” is a seven-disc set containing every Season 5 episode plus one full disc of bonus features including bloopers, deleted scenes, cast interviews, and extended episodes. The “Private Practice: The Complete Second Season” box set contains six discs. Among the bonuses are: “Patient Confidentiality,” extended episodes, the featurette “Life Through the Lens: The Pictures of Chris Lowell” (the actor who plays Dell Parker), deleted scenes, and bloopers. Both sets are presented in Widescreen with Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround Sound. ARIES Mar 21/Apr 20 ARIES - -Mar 21/Apr 20 A run in with an old flame leaves you A run in with an old flame leaves you frazzled, Aries. Let run off you like frazzled, Aries. Let ititrun off you like water from duck’s back instead. water from aaduck’s back instead. Concentrate on current matters rather Concentrate on current matters rather than what could’ve been. than what could’ve been. TAURUS Apr 21/May 21 TAURUS - - Apr21/May 21 Your ability to see the positive side Your ability to see the positive side of things will be put to the test when of things will be put to the test when aa challengearises on the homefront. challenge arises on the homefront. Be patient,and things will work out Be patient, and things will work out for the best. for the best. GEMINI May 22/Jun 21 GEMINI - -May 22/Jun 21 The impending holiday season has The impending holiday season has you worried that you won’t have you worried that you won’t have enough time to get everything done. enough time to get everything done. Rest assured that with little help Rest assured that with aalittle help from friends, you will. from friends, you will. CANCER Jun 22/Jul 22 CANCER - -Jun 22/Jul 22 There’s no point in concentrating There’s no point in concentrating on what’s been going wrong so far, on what’s been going wrong so far, Cancer. Rather, focus on what has Cancer. Rather, focus on what has been going right. Just small change been going right. Just aasmall change in your outlook can mean lot. in your outlook can mean aalot. LEO Jul 23/Aug 23 LEO - -Jul 23/Aug 23 Hidden purchases put damper on Hidden purchases put aadamper on your upcoming holiday spending, your upcoming holiday spending, Leo. Curb that credit card use until Leo. Curb that credit card use until you get your finances in order or else you get your finances in order or else you’ll blow your budget. you’ll blow your budget. VIRGO Aug 24/Sept 22 VIRGO - - Aug24/Sept 22 A fresh start is what you need to gain A fresh start is what you need to gain aa newperspective on your life, Virgo. new perspective on your life, Virgo. Relocating or changing careers can Relocating or changing careers can provide the boost you need. Just don’t provide the boost you need. Just don’t run from your problems. run from your problems. LIBRA Sept 23/Oct 23 LIBRA - -Sept 23/Oct 23 A move you were planning on makA move you were planning on making just isn’t wise at this junction in ing just isn’t wise at this junction in time. Plus, the deal isn’t quite as good time. Plus, the deal isn’t quite as good as it’s being presented. Wait for betas it’s being presented. Wait for aabetter opportunity to come along. ter opportunity to come along. SCORPIO Oct 24/Nov 22 SCORPIO - -Oct 24/Nov 22 When coworker resigns this week, When aacoworker resigns this week, you’ll realize how much more work you’ll realize how much more work will be on your shoulders, Scorpio. will be on your shoulders, Scorpio. Just learn how to delegate properly to Just learn how to delegate properly to take the pressure off you. take the pressure off you. SAGITTARIUS Nov 23/Dec 21 SAGITTARIUS - -Nov 23/Dec 21 There’s no time like the present There’s no time like the present to mend relationships with family to mend relationships with family members who’ve been distant. Be members who’ve been distant. Be patient because some of them may be patient because some of them may be reluctant to come around. reluctant to come around. CAPRICORN Dec 22/Jan 20 CAPRICORN - -Dec 22/Jan 20 A fight will ensue between you and A fight will ensue between you and aa family member this week, Capricorn. family member this week, Capricorn. ItIt willput aachasm in your relationwill put chasm in your relationshipwith this person, even though ship with this person, even though you’ve been previously quite close. you’ve been previously quite close. AQUARIUS Jan 21/Feb 18 AQUARIUS - -Jan 21/Feb 18 A financial investment is too good A financial investment is too good to be true, Aquarius, so pass it up. to be true, Aquarius, so pass it up. Relegate purchases to the safer sorts Relegate purchases to the safer sorts instead of risky stock picks or even instead of risky stock picks or even worse ... gambling. worse ... gambling. PISCES Feb 19/Mar 20 PISCES - -Feb 19/Mar 20 The time is right for some rest and The time is right for some rest and relaxation, Pisces. Get close friend relaxation, Pisces. Get aaclose friend in on the fun and double your chances in on the fun and double your chances for time away. for time away. Fall’s big screen highlights (continued from Entertainment page) begins the Christmas holiday with his usual miserly contempt, barking at his faithful clerk, Bob Cratchit (Gary Oldman), and his cheery nephew (Colin Firth). When the ghosts of Christmas Past, Present, and Yet to Come take him on an extraordinary journey revealing truths old Scrooge is reluctant to face, he must open his heart to undo years of ill will before it is too late. In “The Twilight Saga: New Moon” (Nov. 20), a sequel to 2008’s “Twilight,” Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart) recovers from her run-in with a vampire with a lust for the hunt and her blood, and celebrates her birthday with Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson) and his “family.” When Bella’s presence among the vampire clan proves too dangerous for her, the Cullens decide to leave their home in Washington State’s northwest for her sake. Completely devastated, Bella finds friendship with Jacob Black (Taylor Lautner), and realizes that putting her life in danger helps her get through this tough time. Based on the Tony Award-winning Broadway musical inspired by Federico Fellini’s classic film “8 1/2,” “Nine” (Nov. 25) stars Academy Award-winner Daniel Day-Lewis (“There Will Be Blood”) as world-famous film director Guido Contini preparing his latest picture and balancing the numerous women in his life. These include his wife, Luisa (Marion Cotillard); his sultry mistress, Carla (Penelope Cruz); his muse, the movie star Claudia Graham (Nicole Kidman); costume designer and confidante Lily (Judi Dench); his mother (Sophia Loren); and young American fashion journalist Stephanie (Kate Hudson). Rob Marshall (“Chicago”) directs, and Javier Bardem (“No Country for Old Men”) co-stars. Answer Last Week’s Puzzle Answer toto Last Week’s Puzzle