September 9, 2009 THE VILLADOM TIMES I • Page 21 �������������������������� Thomas J. Shara, president and CEO of Lakeland Bank, recently announced the appointment Jane E. Quinn to vice president/C&I lender at Lakeland’s Teaneck Commercial Loan Office. Quinn has 25 years of banking experience, most recently with TD Bank where she was a vice president and lending officer. Quinn holds a bachelor’s degree in biology from the University of Rhode Island and currently resides in Wyckoff with her husband Rory. Lakeland Bancorp, the holding company for Lakeland Bank, has a current asset base of $2.6 billion and 49 offices spanning six northwestern New Jersey counties, including Bergen, Essex, Morris, Passaic, Sussex and Warren. Lakeland Bank, headquartered at 250 Oak Ridge Road, Oak Ridge, offers an extensive array of consumer and commercial products and services, including online banking, localized commercial lending teams, equipment leasing, and 24-hour or less turnaround time on consumer loan applications. For more information, visit their website at Wyckoff Sale Days! Sept. 10, 11, 12 Jane Quinn named VP, commercial lender Newcomers plan apple picking The Wyckoff Newcomers and Neighbors will go apple picking on Thursday, Sept. 10 at 3:30 p.m. Bring the kids to Demarest Farms, located at 244 Wierimus Road in Hillsdale. The price is $5 per wagon ride and $7 for a bag of apples, kids under the age of two will be admitted free of charge. RSVP to Wendy Valerio at Wyckoff Cub Scout Pack 309 invite parents to an informational session to learn more about Scouting for grades 1-5 in the Coolidge and Sicomac areas of Wyckoff. The session will be Thursday evening, September 17th between 7-9 p.m. at the Wyckoff Fire Department - Engine Company #2 located at 180 Wyckoff Ave. The doors are open, so stop by at your convenience. Join now and participate in our Pack 309 Annual Rocket Launch (Sept 20th). For additional information on Pack 309, visit our website or call Cubmaster Dave Stern at (201) 560-1149. Out of this world