Page 8 THE VILLADOM TIMES I • October 28, 2009
Emmanuel asks...
Can You Help?
News from Northern Region of the Emmanuel Cancer Foundation: Our hat’s off to the Church of the Nativity for the recent food collection and to the mystery donor of grocery store food cards. Volunteers are needed at our local office at the following times: Monday, 1 to 5 p.m.; Tuesday, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.; Thursday, 2:30 to 5 p.m.; and Friday 1 to 5 p.m. This year, we are asking the community, including schools, houses of worship, and places of work, to consider becoming involved with us at a greater level. Whether you currently help us or never have helped us in any way, we invite you to get involved at this critical time. Many nonprofit organizations such as ours have experienced a significant drop in financial and material contributions. 4-29-09 karen/janine Involvement can take many forms, but doesn’t have to EmmanuelHelp2x.75(4-29-09) take a lot of time. For example, businesses can host a fundraiser such 3 x .75 as a “Dress Down Day, when employees make a donation to wear casual clothes,” host a Golf Outing, or contribute a certain percentage of profits for one day. Schools can collect non-perishable food items, or raise funds for ECF by hosting a “Pajama Day” or “Hat Day,” when everyone pays $5 for the privilege of wearing PJs or a hat to school. Schools can also fundraise by hosting a basketball game or a dance and charging admission. Churches and temples may call us for a variety of suggestions, including making a financial contribution, collecting non-perishable foods, assembling birthday bags, or purchasing gift cards. We need your help now so we can continue to provide all of the free services help to families with a child who is
battling cancer. Manny is now two years and three months old and has been meeting a big life challenge by combating leukemia since he was diagnosed last summer. Manny has two brothers, Johnny, 11, and William, 6. The boys’ parents are John and Alicia. John works for a delivery company and has had his hours cut back. Mom was cleaning homes, but quit to help Manny get to frequent doctor visits. He has had complications from the bone marrow transplant he had earlier this year. The family could use gift cards for gasoline stations, and clothing or department stores. The boys love Legos and Transformers and would be happy gifts of these
items (new or used). This family has been struggling to keep things together and would be grateful for any help. A financial gift to our Family Financial Fund helps this family and many other families we serve. Call us at (201) 612-8118 before you stop by. Please do not leave items at the center without checking with us first. Our storage space is limited. Hours are Monday, 10 to 1; Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday, 10 to 5; and Thursday, 10 to 2. The Northern Regional Center is located at 174 Paterson Avenue, Midland Park, NJ 07432. Visit us on the web at As always, thank you for helping the children and their families!
Wyckoff’s Partners in Pride group is offering a reward to anyone who turns in the person or persons who have been stealing the group’s Welcome to Wyckoff signs. Within the past year, the Wyckoff Police Department has investigated the thefts of three of the signs, funded and donated by Partners in Pride, a group that organizes township-wide cleanups and supports beautification projects with volunteer labor and money. Two signs were stolen in 2008, one from the border with
Reward for information on stolen signs
Mahwah and one from the border with Waldwick, and a third sign was stolen a few weeks ago, this one from the border with Mahwah. The handmade wooden signs cost $700 each and require a considerable amount of time to construct. Anyone with information about who stole the signs, or where the signs are now, can attempt to qualify for the reward by calling the Wyckoff Police Department at (201) 891-2121.
Midland Park candidates
(continued from page 4) the decreasing funds from state and federal sources, preparedness in case of a disaster, increasing volunteerism and encouraging public participation in the electoral process. “I would like to remind people to come out to vote. Even though we (Bernie and Scott) are running this year unopposed, it is very important. It is a privilege that we should not take for granted. Men and women are fighting for us, and the freedom to vote right now. Please honor them by taking some of your time and casting your vote. Please remember Nov. 11 by thanking a veteran for what (he or she has) done,” Pruiksma commented. Polls will be open from 6 a.m. until 8 p.m. on Nov. 3. Districts 1, 2 and 4 vote at the Firehouse on Witte Drive; District 3 votes at Memorial Library; and District 5 votes at the Church of the Nativity’s O’Connell Hall on Prospect Street.
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Break the Highway Trend!
...not your community’s back.
10-21-09 mike/janine MichaelAcademy2x2(10-21-09) 2x2” Rev5 Local businesses are the backbone of your community and the trend to shop the big guys on the highway hurts us all.Your local businesses have what you want... at the right price... and close to home. So, why hassle with the highways?
Save Time! Save Gas! Save Money! SAVE YOUR COMMUNITY! We Need You
...and besides, it’s so convenient!