Page 22 THE VILLADOM TIMES I • October 14, 2009 sents a slender, muscular man in his prime with blood stains on his brow, wrists, arms, and feet, a lance wound in his side, and dozens of scourge marks on his back and legs. The shroud image shows that the nails were driven into the base of the hands, which is consistent with the Roman technique for execution by crucifixion. From the Middle Ages through Victorian times, the nails of the crucifixion were shown driven through the palms of the hands, which will not support a human body. No one in the Middle Ages would have known enough about anatomy to have produced a human image of such accuracy. The use of cadavers in the study of medicine was forbidden during the High Middle Ages and only allowed during the Renaissance, some time after the shroud was first documented. The tracks of blood on the shroud show a correct pattern to indicate that the man was crucified and hung on the cross for a considerable time until the blood congealed. The blood, described by one skeptic as iron oxide, has since been confirmed as real human blood, and at least one scientist asserts that the blood is Type AB, widely shared among Mediterranean Jews such as the Holy Family and the Apostles (about 37 percent) but very rare among people from Northern Europe (about seven percent). Carlton Coon, a renowned physical anthropologist who was not at all religious, took one look at the image on the shroud and proclaimed the man “a noble Arab or full-blooded Sephardic Jew.” Coon added that the image was produced after the man was dead. The male model used by a late-medieval forger would almost certainly not have been a Sephardic Jew, probably would not have had Type AB blood, and would not have been dead when the image was made, unless the master forger was also a murderer. No one in the 13th century knew about blood types and it is doubtful that anyone would have known that religious first century Jews wore their hair as long as the man depicted on the shroud. The AP article, which made some effort toward objectivity, mentioned the problem of the pollen. The shroud was dusted with pollen from a number of flowering plants, most of them flourishing in Israel or in Turkey, where the shroud is said to have been protected by local Christians in Edessa for several centuries. Many of the plants that left their pollen on the shroud do not grow in Europe. Since trade between Europe and Palestine had been largely terminated by the collapse of the Crusades in 1292, it is doubtful that a late-medieval forger would have been able to obtain a strip of linen pollinated in the Holy Land even if he had understood the importance of doing so. Swiss criminologist Max Frei was the first to document the pollen patterns. Avinoam Danin, an observant Jew, former Israeli soldier, and perhaps Israel’s greatest botanist, showed through his independent research that the plants that pollinated the shroud grow between Jerusalem and Jericho. Those plants, Danin found, would have been pollinating in April -- the time of the Passover and the crucifixion. It is unlikely that a medieval forger would have anticipated this. “They won’t give up,” the leader of the team that faked their own shroud said. “Those who believe in it will continue to believe.” Nor should they give up. The real challenge to the authenticity of the shroud came in 1988, when radiocarbon dating in three different labs found the cloth dated to around 1380: too recent to have been in the Holy Land at the time of the crucifixion. These tests were genuine science, peer-reviewed, and the similar dates from all three labs made them eminently plausible. Subsequently, it developed that the shroud had been patched during the Middle Ages and the patches would have dated from about the 14th century. A subsequent test gave a wider parameter of age to what would have been the original shroud linen, and this parameter allowed for a date as old as the first century: the time of the crucifixion. No one on either side agrees what would constitute absolute proof, but the fact that a group of scientists taking money from atheists and agnostics came up with what their sponsors wanted to hear is not peer-reviewed science like the controversial but responsible radiocarbon tests of 1988. It’s subsidized hokum. The fact that Gregory Peck and Sam Waterston were photographed impersonating Abraham Lincoln does not mean that there was no real Abraham Lincoln. The fact that a student dusted with red ochre produced a recognizable image on a piece of cloth does not explain why nobody found red ochre on the shroud, along with the pollen of a number of plants that do not grow in Italy or France. The lesson is that whoever pays for the experiment tends to get what he pays for until peer review and repeated tests show whether the experiment is bogus or legitimate. AP did some of the homework on this one. They mentioned that the experiment in forgery was founded by atheists and agnostics, and they mentioned the pollen, though not the blood type or the fact that the radiocarbon testing had been conducted on cloth that most scientists now admit did not represent the totality of the shroud. As an old reporter once told me when I was a kid, “Follow the money.” We know who paid for this. We know why the results came out the way they did. This just in: The Italian Committee for Checking Claims on the Paranormal has elected to tell the world the Shroud of Turin must be a fake because they have produced what they claim is a plausible copy using technology that would have been available in the Middle Ages. In the sixth paragraph of the story, The Associated Press dutifully notes that the research project was “funded by the debunking group and by an Italian organization of atheists and agnostics.” If that disclaimer had been in the first or second paragraph, it could have saved some people a lot of reading, but let’s be analytical and objective. The scientists working with the Committee for Checking Claims on the Paranormal made a 21st century copy of the shroud, said to be the burial cloth of Jesus Christ, by using the methods available in the 12th century, the era just before the shroud was publicly revealed and documented, first in France, then in Italy. The committee’s scientists obtained linen cloth of the proper weave, and baked it in an oven to simulate the aging process. The would-be debunkers then placed the baked linen cloth over a student volunteer who had been rubbed with red ochre, a powdered dyestuff familiar to the ancient world and – presto! – they had what they believed to be a plausible copy of the Shroud of Turin, and thus, they believed, proof that the shroud had been faked sometime in the 1200s or 1300s, not produced spontaneously. Not quite. An English stage magician used the same technique 25 or 30 years ago and he produced an image that was visible on the cloth and showed a man lying in repose, front and back. The image, however, was blurry compared to the imprint on the Shroud of Turin. So the new experiment is not original. Neither of the ochre images would survive the kind of scrutiny imposed on the Shroud of Turin by the committees of space-age scientists, most of them from the United States, some of them Jewish or agnostic, who examined the shroud in the 1970s. The scientists used high-powered microscopes and computerized image analysis to examine the shroud. They found that the discoloration on the shroud was not due to paint or ochre. The image was produced by a process called dehydrative oxidation. Something like a scorch indelibly marked the linen but did not set it on fire. This technique, I think, was not available in the 13th century. The shroud image is also a negative in photographic terms, which is why the photographic negatives of the shroud are so much more visually impressive than the positive image on the linen cloth. The renewed fascination with the shroud dates from 1898 when an attorney and amateur photographer, Secundo Pia, obtained permission to take photographs. When he developed his photos, the image that had been faint on the linen cloth virtually leaped up at him. Nobody in the days of the Crusades had ever seen a camera. The first photographs were taken in France in the 1830s, hundreds of years after the shroud had been documented and kept in safe and supervised storage. There is no chance the shroud was faked by anyone would could have understood photographic techniques. “The Man of the Shroud” posed another problem for the forgery theory. The image is anatomically correct, and repre- Debunking the debunkers: Know exactly whom you can trust Letters to the Editor Dear Editor: My comments concern the two letters in your Sept 30 letters from candidates to the Wyckoff Township Committee. I was unpleasantly surprised that both candidacies stressed consideration of purchasing land for open space. We are already blessed with open space, including a county park. Most of the present zoning is rural residential, which requires 25,000 square foot lots, which are mostly developed and where individual homeowners enjoy open space by going out the front door. One of the candidates wants to make the former Russell Orchards property open space. That property is already an approved subdivision and would require taxpayers to shell out several millions of dollars to buy the property, whereas, if allowed to continue developing, it would increase the numbers of taxpaying residents like ourselves on open space acreage. Part of the surprise is that one of the candidacies is by Republicans who in the past have governed this town well and economically. Edward A. Oldziey Wyckoff Dear Editor: As a busy mom in town, I admire the energy and dedication that Diane Sobin has devoted to our community. Diane is a wife, mom, and a full time professional, yet she steps up to volunteer whenever she can. Diane was chair of the NBIL Cheerleading Tournament, organizing the event for the league, hosted at Ramapo High School. This event was highly successful and raised thousands of dollars for the Ramapo cheerleading squad. She pulled together the gymnastics team for help, and rallied the cheer team families to be creative with videos, T-shirts, and other Unpleasantly surprised spirit items. When her girls were younger, she acted as manager of their Torpedoes soccer team and co-coached softball. Diane was always a generous supporter of the PTOs and WEF over the years, and attended many events. We all know Diane for her work on the campaign to make our open space fund a reality, the redesign Boulder Run initiative, and the “Save the Ravine” efforts. She ran in the Republican primary twice, giving Wyckoff residents a long-awaited choice for township committee representation. Diane’s organizational skills, her ability to inspire a team, and her financial expertise are the qualities I want to see in a representative. Diane’s message has integrity, honesty, and hard work behind it -- not idle campaign promises. Diane’s track record of volunteerism and community service will get my vote on Nov. 3! I will be voting for Diane Sobin in column 3 and Brian Hubert in column 1. Carole Pasahow Dolgin Wyckoff Dear Editor: This Nov. 3, I am casting my ballot for Kevin Rooney and Chris DePhillips to be the next committeemen to the Township of Wyckoff. Kevin and Chris will continue to protect the character and integrity of our town and will be the voice of all residents in our wonderful community. They certainly have the credentials to get this job done. Kevin has a wealth of knowledge over a broad area of concerns within town. He has served Wyckoff with distinction as a member of the zoning board, most recently as its chairman. He also serves on the Shade Tree Commission identifying dangerous trees for removal, and the planting of new trees to beautify our town. Ch ris brings with him a st rong commit ment to (continued on page 28) Believes in candidates’ credentials Values Sobin’s efforts, experience