October 14, 2009 THE VILLADOM TIMES I • Page 21
Eleanor F. Cronin of Ho-Ho-Kus, formerly of Franklin Square, New York and Topton, Pennsylvania, died Oct. 2. She was 83. She was a member of the United States Cadet Nurse Corps. She is survived by her children, Thomas G. of Ho-Ho-Kus, and Kathleen A. Chapman of Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, and one grandson. She was predeceased by her son Terence John. Arrangements were made by C.C. Van Emburgh Funeral Home in Ridgewood. Michael T. Costigan of Tamarac, Florida, formerly of Ridgewood, died on Oct. 5. He was a U.S. Army veteran of WWII. Before retiring, he was a postal worker for U.S. Post Office in Ridgewood. He was a member of the National Letter Carriers Association. He was a member of the Elks Lodge in Hollywood, Florida and a former member of the Elks Lodge in Ridgewood. He is survived by his wife Frances Costigan (nee Puglis), his children Stephen Costigan of Ridgewood, and Denise LoFaro of Tenafly, and one grandchild. Arrangements were made by Costa Memorial Home in Hasbrouck Heights. Memorial donations may be made to the V.A. Hospital in East Orange. Rose Marie DiGiovanni, nee Fichera, of Wyckoff, formerly of Farmingdale, New York, died Oct. 2. She was 91. She was a seamstress and a homemaker. She is survived by her children Earnest of Convent Station and Phyliss of Upper Saddle River, seven grandchildren, and four great grandchildren. She was predeceased by her husband, Patsy. Arrangements were made by C.C. Van Emburgh Funeral in Ridgewood. Memorial donations may be made to the Christian Healthcare Center, 301 Sicomac Avenue, Wyckoff, NJ 07481. Christalla Dimitriou of Wyckoff died Oct. 4. She was 76. She is survived by her husband Theodore, her children Bonnie Faria of Saugus, Massachusetts, Christina Symeonides of Wyckoff, and James Dimitriou of Hawthorne, and four grandchildren. Arrangements were made by Vander Plaat Funeral Home in Wyckoff. Memorial donations may be made to Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church 467 Grandview Avenue, Wyckoff, NJ 07481. Edna Intveld, nee Titus, of Wyckoff, formerly of Oakland, died Oct. 4. She was 78. She is survived by her children of Kathy Bichan of Oakland, Jim Intveld of West Milford, and David Intveld of Vernon, and grandchildren. Arrangements were made by Oakland Memorial Home in Oakland. Memorial donations may be made to the American Heart Association 1 Union Street, Suite 301 Robbinsville, NJ, 08691 or the American Diabetes Association P.O. Box 11454 Alexandria, VA 22312. Jennie L. Korsgen, nee Schmidt, of Midland Park died Oct. 7. She was 100. Before retiring she was a teacher at the Dwight Englewood School in Englewood. She is survived by her son Gerard Korsgen of North Haledon, five grandchildren, and two great grandchildren. She was predeceased by her husband Hugo Korsgen, and her son David Korsgen. Arrangements were made by Vander Plaat-Vermeulen Memorial Home in Franklin Lakes. Angelo Lacatena of Franklin Lakes died Oct. 4. He was 71. He was a U.S. Navy and Coast Guard veteran. After retiring as a production manager for Ciba Geigy, he Providing emotional and worked at the Oakland Post Office for seven years. He was spiritual support, professional a member of the American Legion Post 369. He served as counseling and financial and a councilman for nine years for the Borough of Oakland, material assistance to New including service as council president, and police commisJersey Children with cancer sioner. He is survived by their families. and his children Richard Lacatena, du t i b l and Michael Lacatena, his sister Marlyn Conklin,candehis You a x De Donations are T partner Joan Fenners. Her was predeceased by his son Tom Lacatena. Arrangements were made by Oakland Memorial Home in Oakland. Memorial donations may be made to a charity of choice.
Eleanor F. Cronin
in Wyckoff, formerly Irving Park Christian Reformed Church, where he was a member of the choir. He was a member of the choir at the Holland Home. He is survived by his wife, Nellie Miller, his son Stuart Miller of Lafayette, two grandchildren, three great grandchildren, and his sisters Serena Osinga and Marjorie DeJong, both of North Haledon. He was predeceased by his sons Thomas and William. Arrangements were made by Vander Plaat Funeral Home in Wyckoff. Memorial donations may be made to the Eastern Christian Children’s Retreat, 700 Mountain Avenue, Wyckoff, NJ 07481. Ruth Peschken, nee Smith, of Midland Park, formerly of Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania, Culver Lake, and Rochelle Park, died Oct. 3. Before retiring in 1980, she served as secretary to Pastor Omar Barth of the Broadway Baptist Church in Paterson for 22 years. She was a member of the Van Riper Ellis/Broadway Baptist Church in Fair Lawn. She is survived by her children, Ruth E. Barton of Ramsey, and Donald A. Peschken of Lynchburg, Virginia, three grandchildren, five great grandchildren and her sister Mildred Kassner of Port Richey, Florida. She was predeceased by her husband, Henry C. Peschken. Arrangements were made by Vander Plaat Funeral Home in Wyckoff. Memorial donations may be made to Valley Hospice, Valley Hospital Foundation, 223 North Van Dien Avenue, Ridgewood, NJ 07450. Henry Sekeet of Florida, formerly of Paterson and Wyckoff, died Oct. 4. He was 82. He was a printing pressman for Berles Carton and Accurate Box, both in Paterson for 45 years. He was a former member of the Riverside A&S Club in Paterson. He is survived by his wife Betty Jean Sekeet (nee Chiappini) his daughter Nancy Ann Stasko of Newburgh, New York, one grandchild, and his siblings August Sekeet Galloway, and Bertha Todd of Salem, Connecticut. He was predeceased by his daughter Betty Jean Thiessen and his siblings Fred Sekeet and Fredrika Zazulka. Arrangements were made by Browning-Forshay Funeral Home in Hawthorne. Eileen M. Weber, nee Devlin, of Wyckoff died Oct. 2. She was 84. Before retiring in 1983, she was a bank teller for United Jersey Bank. She was a parishioner of Church of the Nativity in Midland Park and a member of the Rosary Society. She was a member of the Wyckoff Senior Citizen Group and Saint Elizabeth’s Seniors. She is survived by her children, Richard Weber of Marlboro, Nancy Whitney of Hyde Park, New York, and Don Weber of Westwood, five grandchildren, and her brother, Arthur Devlin of Fairfax, Virginia. She was predeceased by her husband, Richard W., and her seven brothers and two sisters. Arrangements were made by Vander Plaat Funeral Home in Wyckoff. Memorial donations may be made to the Wyckoff Volunteer Ambulance Corps, P.O. Box 214, Wyckoff, NJ 07481.
Wyckoff Wanderings
Halloween program offered The Wyckoff Public Library will offer a Halloween Readers’ Theater program for children in grades two on Wednesday, Oct. 28 at 3:30 p.m. All participants will help perform a not-too-scary Halloween story by providing special sound effects. In-person registration begins Tuesday, Oct. 20 in the Children’s Room. Call (201) 891-4866 for details. Register for winter recreation programs The Wyckoff Department of Recreation and Parks will hold registration for its winter schedule in the Eisenhower School cafeteria on Saturday, Oct. 24 from 10 a.m. to noon, and Monday, Oct. 26 from 7 to 9 p.m. The basketball activities include an instructional clinic for boys and girls in grades three and four, recreation leagues for boys and girls in grades five through eight, and a high school league. Registration fees are $50 for third and fourth grade and $55 for fifth through twelfth grade. The adult open gym program will begin Monday, Nov. 30 at Eisenhower School with pre-registration during the above dates required. Space in this program is limited to the first 100 Wyckoff residents who register. The registration fee is $50. Wyckoff Recreation will also offer traveling basketball cheerleading squads, wrestling for grades two through eight, and an indoor soft-stick lacrosse program for boys and girls in grades one and two. The registration fees are $50 for cheerleading and the first/second grade lacrosse program, and $55 for wrestling. To ensure placement in a program, sign up on Oct. 24 or 26. For more information, call (201) 891-3350. Boys lacrosse players wanted Registration for the 2010 spring lacrosse season for boys will be held on Saturday, Oct. 24, from 10 a.m. to noon, and Monday, Oct. 26, from 7 to 9 p.m. in the Eisenhower School cafeteria. The registration fee is $80, which includes $55 for the recreation registration and $25 for the mandatory US Lacrosse registration. The lacrosse season begins March 1 and will run through May. Teams will practice a minimum of twice a week and play at least two games per week. Boys in grades three and four will also be allowed to participate in spring baseball. Every effort has been made to ensure that there will be no time conflicts between the two sports. Fifth grade boys will have to choose between lacrosse and baseball. For more information, call (201) 891-3350. Library hosts fall storytimes The Wyckoff Public Library will begin in-person (continued on page 28)
Michael T. Costigan
Ruth Peschken
Rose Marie DiGiovanni
Henry Sekeet
Christalla Dimitriou
Eileen M. Weber
Edna Intveld
Jennie L. Korsgen
Angelo Lacatena
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125 Glasgow Terr, Mahwah. 201-529-2117 The Episcopal Wednesday MidlandWorship Schedule Sunday and Parish for Evening Park and Wyckoff Sunday Ave - Midland Worship 10:15AM 497 GodwinBible— 9:15AM - Park — 201-444-6168 Wednesday - Worship 7:30PM The www.holycrossmahwah.org The Rev. Charles N. Arlin Website:Rev. Charles N. Arlin, Rector Sundays: 8, 9:30 (Contemporary) 11a.m. Eucharists
649 Franklin Ave.Avenue • 201-891-3253 • Pastor Dr. D. Webb 649 Franklin • 201-891-3253 • Interim Dr. Glen Lee Kliewer
SUNDAY SUNDAY 9:45am Bible Study • 11am Morning Worship • 6pm Evening Worship 9:45am Bible Study • 11am Morning Worship • 6pm Evening Worship WEDNESDAY 7pm: Awana Clubs (agesWEDNESDAY 3 to grade 6) • 7:15pm: Jr/Sr Youth Ministry 7:15pm: Awana Clubs (age 3 toBible Study7:30pm: Junior Youth Ministry 7:30pm Adult grade 6) • and Prayer Website: www.flbc.org • 7:30pm: Adult Bible Study and Prayer
Franklin Lakes Baptist Church Franklin Lakes Baptist Church
Looking for...Traditional Music and Bible Preaching? You’ll Find it at
PO Box 212 - Dept. H, Midland Park, NJ 07432 of Wyckoff, died Oct. 2. He was 93. He was a U.S. Army or drop by our office 174 carpenter for Isaac Degenaars veteran of WWII. He was a Paterson Ave., Midland Park of Midland Park. He was active with Habitat for Humanity. He was a member of Cedar Hill Christian Reformed Church
EMMANUEL Wilbur G. CANCER Miller of Miller FOUNDATION Wilbur G. “Whup” North Haledon, formerly 201-612-8118
HOLY Adult Forum and Education at at 9:00 a.m. Sundays Nursery,CROSS NURSERY SCHOOL only) 8 and 10 a.m. Eucharist • (July — August 9:30 a.m. Half & Extended Day Programs - Openings Nursery and Education at - Call for cofgsmp@verizon.net • www.dioceseofnewark.org/goodshepherd-midlandpark New Mommy & Me Program 10:00 a.m. Details We are handicapped accessible Website: www.holycrossnurseryschool.com www.dioceseofnewark.org/goodshepherd-midlandpark
THE CHURCH OF Reformed Church Abundant LifeTHE GOOD SHEPHERD
The Lafayette Ave., Wyckoff Park and Wyckoff 475 Episcopal Parish for Midland• 201-444-8038 497 Godwin Ave — Midland Park — Sunday Worship Service: 201-444-6168 10:30 AM The Rev. Charles N. Arlin (Nursery Available)
THE CHURCH OF Christian Church THE GOOD SHEPHERD Powerhouse for Midland Park and Wyckoff The Episcopal Parish Suite 2, Wyckoff, NJ 07481 500 West Main Street, Suite 2, Wyckoff, NJ 07481 500 West Main Street,
phone: 201-825-3533 • e-mail: info@powerhousechristianchurch.org
Sr. Pastor Jeff Sr. Pastor•Jeff Boucher • Assoc. Vadala Greg Valdala Rick VerHage Boucher Assoc. Pastor Greg Pastor • Lay Pastor www.dioceseofnewark.org/goodshepherd-midlandpark
497 Godwin Ave — Midland Park — 201-444-6168 phone: 201-540-1993 • e-mail info@powerhousechristianchurch.org Website: www.powerhousechristianchurch.org The Rev. Charles N. Arlin SundaysSunday a.m. Eucharist • (July — August& 10:45am 8 and 10 Worship Service ~ 10:30 a.m. Sunday Worship Service - 9:00am at 9:00 a.m. only) Nursery Church during service service Nursery Children’s Church 10:00 a.m. Nursery & Children’s & and Education atduring(Infants - 5th grade)
Sundays 8 and 10 a.m. Eucharist • (July — August at 9:00 a.m. only) Sunday School 9:15am - a.m. Ages All Nursery and Education at 10:00 Pastorswww.dioceseofnewark.org/goodshepherd-midlandpark Larkin – Rev. Dr. Gene Poll & Rev. Tom
Religious Directory – 201-652-0744
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