Page 14 THE VILLADOM TIMES I • October 7, 2009 Waldwick’s 90th Anniversary History (continued from previous page) 10-7-09 janine Waldwic Cottage. Elizabeth Rosencrantz of WaldwickBanner(10-7-09) “Waldwick,” athe Hermitage suggested the refinement to light in the .75x10” woods. John W. Quackenbush was elected the borough’s first mayor on Oct. 7. The first council members included William Evans, Jr., Ellsworth Bush, Henry Ackerman, John Van Blarcom, James Monroe, and Garret Litchult Hewson. At the first council meeting, held on Oct. 13, the governing body named Royal Carlock borough clerk, Charles Pfitzner collector, and William H. Shuart assessor. Today, the borough is led by Mayor Russell “Buddy” Litchult, and six Waldwick Council members, including Anita Bozzo, Charles Farricker, Tom Giordano, Andy Brennecke, Frank Palladino, and Don Sciolaro. The borough continued to grow throughout the 1920s. At that time, the business district included Adler’s Department Store, Holly’s Garage, Sussel’s Drug Store, Maratene’s Ice Cream Shop, Frank Falconieri’s Shoe Repair, Cracas’ Candy Store, Vincent Russo’s Food Store, Ma Bell’s Luncheonette, A&P, and Demartini’s Lumber Yard. Lindbergh Parkway was developed in the 1920s, and the Lakeview Manor neighborhood was expensive for the day, but featured boating and fishing in the lake located a few blocks from the Erie Railroad. The island in the middle of Lindbergh Parkway was used as a pedestrian walkway and as a spot for sunbathing. Community organizations included the Ancient Order of Forrestes, the Brotherhood of Conductors, the Waldwick Home Amusement Club, the Sylvandale Literary Society, the Waldwick Public Hall Association, and the Ho-Ho-Kus Fishing Club. The Redmen organization was also active in the area, holding dinners, dances, and fundraisers. Redmen’s Hall was located on Cleveland Avenue. Borough residents of Italian ancestry established a festival honoring the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, and a group of Italian men formed a local chapter of the Sons of Italy in 1923. Their clubhouse was built at the end of Zazzetti Street. The last festival was held in 1960. The Marconi Club, which was the successor to the Sons of Italy, closed the same year. In 2007, four Italian-Americans met at the Waldwick Ambulance Corps Building and decided to establish the Italian American Social Club of Waldwick, an organization that promotes Italian culture. This year, the group – now 150 members strong -- will participate in the Columbus Day Parade set for Oct. 12 in New York City. During the Great Depression, residents partook of simple entertainment, including swimming and dancing. School Principal Frank Workman opened the school library to the public, and movies were shown there twice a month. Workman also provided meals and fishing trips to local children. 1919 - 2009 �������������������������������� ����������� The borough received funds from the Works Progress Administration, which were used to construct the municipal pool in 1936. Funding was also obtained for the construction of a municipal building that included a bay for the fire department’s pumper truck and a meeting room for the firefighters. Ten years ago, when the borough celebrated its 80th anniversary, a new Waldwick Administration Building was officially opened at 63 Franklin Turnpike. A dedication was held on Saturday, Oct. 2, led by Mayor Rick Vander Wende. Greg Calderone sang the National Anthem. Certificates were presented to everyone who attended the Open House, and a special birthday cake, coffee, and cider were served. The new borough complex includes the updated public safety building, which houses Waldwick Police Headquarters, now under the direction of Police Chief Mark Messner, and bays for the borough’s fire trucks. This year, the borough installed solar panels at the administration building as a means of saving energy costs and fossil fuels. This fall, Waldwick’s Julia A. Traphagen School received the 2009 National Blue Ribbon Award. Traphagen is one of only nine in the State of New Jersey and the only school in Bergen County to have earned this honor. Blue Ribbon status is given to schools that have achieved and attained higher levels of performance. The school is under the direction of Principal Robert Sileo; Waldwick’s superintendent of schools is Dr. Robert Penna. Sileo and School Nurse Judy Larkin will travel to Washington D.C. Nov. 1 and 2 to receive a plaque and a flag in honor of achieving Blue Ribbon status. A local celebration has tentatively been scheduled for mid-November. 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