Waldwick’s 90th Anniversary 1919 - 2009 Waldwick is now celebrating the 90th Anniversary of its incorporation as a bor10-7-09 janine ough in New Jersey’s Bergen County, but WaldwickCover6x3(10-7-09) to the the municipality’s origins date back 17th century. 6c x 3” The area now known as Waldwick (previously New Prospect) was part of the European settlement of New Barbadoes Township, formed in 1693, and was later part of Franklin Township, incorporated in 1772. By the late 1800s, Waldwick was included in Orvil Township along with Undercliff and Ho-Ho-Kus. Allendale, Saddle River, and Upper Saddle River severed their association with the three Orvil villages after a school-related dispute. HoHo-Kus and Undercliff later merged to Celebrate October 7, 2009 THE VILLADOM TIMES I • Page 13 The Borough of Waldwick: A light in the woods create the Borough of Ho-Ho-Kus. Orvil, which had been named for Saddle River historian Orvil Victor, remained a township until April 7, 1919, when it was incorporated as a borough. Edgar De Yoe, a state legislator, introduced the bill to change Orvil’s form of government from a township to a borough. Historical materials suggest that there were petitions against the change, but the governor signed the bill. When Victor was asked to suggest a new name for the municipality, he and his committee turned to the German language. They selected “wald,” meaning woods, and added “eck.” The name was reportedly a tribute to the Hermitage, previously called (continued on next page) Congratulations to the Waldwick Community on its 90th Anniversary An old photo of the Waldwick Train Station. ����������������������������� ������������������������ ����������� Paul Banach Construction, LLC Home Remodeling Waldwick • 201-689-0765 • Windows • Doors • Garage Doors • • Finish Carpentry • Crown Moldings, Cabinetry, Walk-In-Closets, etc... • Kitchen & Bathroom Renovations • Take advantage of the Energy Tax Credit in 2009 www.energystar.gov/index.cfm?c=products.pr_tax_credits Speak to your tax advisor to ascertain if you qualify, as these credits will make a project more economical for you! ������������ YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD NEWSPAPER Over 20 yrs. exp. • Senior Citizen Discount • Ref available upon request All work performed by owner • Free Estimates Waldwick Lions Club From the 7-22-09....Mike....from Janine PaulBanach2x2(7-22-09) 2x2”