Midland Park November 25, 2009 THE VILLADOM TIMES I • Page 7 A Godwin Avenue business owner in Midland Park wants to subdivide his property and erect a single family house on the back part of it. The question is: Which borough board has jurisdiction over the matter? Attorney Peter Jeffer, representing Bjork Builders of 157 Godwin Avenue, explained that the roughly 50 by 235 foot lot is in two zones, with the front zoned for commercial use and the back, fronting on Van Blarcom Avenue, zoned for residential use. “It’s a jurisdictional issue,” said Jeffer. “If we develop the vacant piece on Van Blarcom, it’s undersized but it conforms to other homes on that street. If we subdivide it, we stay here (planning board). But if we consider that it is two different zones, then we need to go to the zoning board,” he said, adding that his client is trying to avoid the need for a use variance. Jeffer said that the original single- Jurisdictional issue arises over lot’s subdivision family house on the Godwin Avenue end of the property was converted to an office in 1988. The application needed 10 parking spaces, but Bjork was permitted to provide only six with the understanding that the back of the lot could be developed into parking if the need arose in the future. “At that time the neighborhood was happy we didn’t develop that back lot for commercial use,” Jeffer said. The attorney added that there is a possibility of securing additional property from a contiguous neighbor on Van Blarcom to increase the area that would be available for the proposed house. He gave no specifics, however. Board attorney Darryl Siss will research the jurisdictional issue and advise the applicant to which board to apply. by Jeffer, appeared in front of the board to determine the steps he must take to get an occupancy permit for the vacant building. At issue is the fact that the owner did substantial drainage work on the property going back to 2005 without site plan approval. “This board can’t waive that,” said Siss. Included in the work, according to Jeffer, was tank removal and putting in French drains to eliminate water problems. “It was just a continuation of what was there,” said Jeffer, noting that his client was surprised when he was not able to secure a certificate of occupancy. Stafford wants to open a tire service center, a use which previously existed in part of the building and now would be considered a conditional use in the commercial zone, according to Siss. He also said that if it is considered that the use had been abandoned, the board of adjustment would have to hear the case. The building, which housed a Chevrolet dealership until the 1950s, was used for Stafford’s glass business, with an attached garage used for tire sales and alignment starting in 1975, Jeffer said. Stafford Glass site plan The owner of the Stafford Glass property at 168 Godwin Ave, also represented DISCIPLINE & EXERCISE Private Lesson, Self Defense, Family Class Disipline • Concentration Respect • Confidence For Children: For Adults: Abbey Carpet & Floor of Hawthorne America’s choice in floor fashions since 1958 Healthier Life • Weight Control Strength • Inner Peace Big Savings On Area Rugs, Remnants, Runners, Hardwood, Carpet and Laminate! Storewide Flooring Sale! Anniversary “Make Your Floors Sparkle for the Holidays!” Abbey Carpet & Floor of Hawthorne America’s choice in floor fashions since 1958 50 th 854 Franklin Avenue, Franklin Lakes, NJ 07417 • htaekwondo8585@gmail.com 11-18-09 pat/janine HTaeKwonDo3x3(11-18-09) 3 x 3” STORE HOURS Mon & Fri 9-6 Tues, Wed & Thurs 9-8 Sat 9-5 1030 Goffle Road, Hawthorne, NJ 973-427-7900 www.buyabbey.com