Page 32 THE VILLADOM TIMES I & III • May 20, 2009
‘Star Trek’ DVDs
(continued from Entertainment page) pleasant to re-encounter these characters in a more youthful form. Kirk’s impulsiveness and Spock’s deliberate adherence to logic are intact, and more screen time is
devoted to the other characters than in the TV episodes. The screenplay is thoughtful, dialogue is witty and character-appropriate, pace is quick, and performances are uniformly good. “Star Trek” is the perfect film to launch the summer movie season. battle the bullying grasshoppers who threaten his home. When he happens upon a bumbling troupe of circus bugs instead, their only hope for victory is the bond of friendship and the strength of their imagination. The animation is excellent, establishing an intriguing miniature world and setting out an epic tale of oppression and rebellion against slavery. Because the subjects are not human, the film can be enjoyed as a simple insect adventure and as a metaphor for freedom. Other vocal talent is provided by Kevin Spacey, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Hayden Panettiere, Phyllis Diller, and David Hyde Pierce. The Blu-ray edition features never-before-seen animated sequences from the original story treatment; “Geri’s Game,” the 1997 Best Animated Oscar-winning Short; director’s audio commentary; and the 1934 Walt Disney Silly Symphony cartoon, “The Grasshopper and the Ants.” “Crips and Bloods: Made in America” (Docurama) takes cameras to the streets of Southern California neighborhoods with a disturbing legacy. A quarter of its young men will wind up in prison. Others will end up dead. These neighborhoods in South Los Angeles are home to two of America’s most dangerous African-American gangs, the Crips and the Bloods. Over the past 30 years, more than 15,000 people have been murdered on these streets in an ongoing cycle of gang violence that continues to this day. It was here, not far from the gated mansions and affluent communities of Bel Air and Beverly Hills, that America’s most bloody and costly outbreaks of civil unrest erupted twice, 27 years and just three miles apart. Filmmaker Stacy Peralta blends graphic archival footage with interviews, documenting the emergence of the gangs and offering insight into how this ongoing tragedy might be resolved. The film is narrated by Forest Whitaker. Extras include a making-of featurette, deleted scenes, and interviews with L’il Wayne and Snoop Dogg.
ARIES - Mar 21/Apr ARIES - Mar 21/Apr 2020 Romantic interests take center stage, Romantic interests take center stage, Aries, you attract the attention of Aries, as as you attract the attention of a would-be special someone. Turn a would-be special someone. Turn onon the charm that makes you irrisistible the charm that makes you irrisistible and you’re bound make a a match. and you’re bound to to makematch. TAURUS - Apr 21/May TAURUS - Apr 21/May 2121 Travel plans will have be postponed, Travel plans will have to to be postponed, Taurus. An unexpected turn events Taurus. An unexpected turn of of events requires you stay close to home requires you to to stay close to home base for the time being. It should blow base for the time being. It should blow over a a few days. over in infew days. GEMINI - May 22/Jun GEMINI - May 22/Jun 2121 Maintaining a long-term friendship Maintaining a long-term friendship is is onon your mind, Gemini. Don’t worry, your mind, Gemini. Don’t worry, that minor argument you had not that minor argument you had is is not enough sever the relationship. Hurt enough to to sever the relationship. Hurt feelings will mend. feelings will mend. CANCER - Jun 22/Jul CANCER - Jun 22/Jul 2222 You have taken a a project that a You have taken onon project that is is a step above your skill level. Instead step above your skill level. Instead of of doing allall wrong, accept that you doing it it wrong, accept that you might need a little help, and call the might need a little help, and call in in the reinforcements. reinforcements. LEO - Jul 23/Aug LEO - Jul 23/Aug 2323 Don’t past experience put a a damper Don’t letlet past experience putdamper onon your upcoming trip with friends. your upcoming trip with friends. This time around you’ll pleasantThis time around you’ll bebe pleasantly ly surprised at the results. Romantic surprised at the results. Romantic sparks will fly. sparks will fly. VIRGO - Aug 24/Sep VIRGO - Aug 24/Sep 2222 If you haven’t had much luck with If you haven’t had much luck with re-relationships, Virgo, it might time to lationships, Virgo, it might bebe time to look the mirror. Instead of placing look in in the mirror. Instead of placing blame ‘them,’ the problem could blame onon ‘them,’ the problem could lielie with you. with you. LIBRA - Sep 23/Oct LIBRA - Sep 23/Oct 2323 You feel especially confined this week, You feel especially confined this week, Libra. could be that your same old Libra. It It could be that your same old routine has gotten you down. Change routine has gotten you down. Change things a a and you are sure to things upup bitbit and you are sure to boost your spirits. boost your spirits. SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov 2222 You have admirer, Scorpio, and as You have anan admirer, Scorpio, and as luck would have it’s that neighbor luck would have it, it, it’s that neighbor who has been glancing your direcwho has been glancing in in your direction. Pursue the relationship and enjoy tion. Pursue the relationship and enjoy your chemistry. your chemistry. SAGITTARIUS - Nov 23/Dec SAGITTARIUS - Nov 23/Dec 2121 Your nervous energy could put to Your nervous energy could bebe put to better use, Sagittarius. Why not a better use, Sagittarius. Why not trytry a home-improvement home-improvement project take up a a hobby that puts project or or take up hobby that puts idle fingers work? idle fingers to to work? CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan 2020 Waking on the wrong side of the Waking upup on the wrong side of the bed doesn’t give you free reign ruin bed doesn’t give you free reign to to ruin the days others. To make it it through the days of of others. To make through the week, plaster a smile your face, the week, plaster a smile onon your face, even if it doesn’t reflect your mood. even if it doesn’t reflect your mood. AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb 1818 Lately you’ve been demonstrating Lately you’ve been demonstrating a quick temper, Aquarius. You must a quick temper, Aquarius. You must keep it check or those around you keep it in in check or those around you are bound take offense, especially are bound to to take offense, especially loved ones. loved ones. PISCES - Feb 19/Mar PISCES - Feb 19/Mar 2020 If If you’ve been feeling bitbit under the you’ve been feeling a a under the weather, you may want have ailweather, you may want to to have ailments checked out. It’s better be ments checked out. It’s better to to be prepared than sorry later. prepared than sorry later.
(continued from Restaurant page) her grandmother Adele (Lois Smith), and dull-witted brother Jason (Ryan Kwanten). Vampires have emerged from their coffins and no longer need human blood for their fix. Sookie has a secret: She has the ability to hear the thoughts of others. Things take a turn for the melodramatic when Sookie saves vampire Bill Compton (Stephen Moyer) from having his blood stolen. The two outsiders are immediately attracted to each other, and a strange relationship develops. Creator Alan Ball is not as successful in establishing a cast of characters as colorful as those on his previous HBO effort, “Six Feet Under,” but he does take a popular screen character and give it interesting, though not always successful, spins. Since the series was produced by HBO, there are scenes of graphic violence and considerable bloodletting. Ball’s approach of integrating vampires into normal, everyday life has its satirical implications. As Sookie and her friends watch the TV news, there are reports of Evangelicals bashing vampires and warning of mixed marriage. It also seems everyone in society is addicted to vampire blood, which acts as a psychedelic drug. The show’s locations and photography add much to the series’ atmosphere, and the casting is perfect. Extras on this five-disc box set include a mock-u-mentary about vampires in America; ads for vampire dating, vampire hotels, and lawyers who service vampires; pro- and antivampire rights ads; and six audio commentaries. “A Bug’s Life” (Disney) joins the ranks of Pixar films on Blu-ray. An unliked inventor ant, Flik (voice of Dave Foley), searches for a brave band of warriors to help him
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