May 6, 2009 THE VILLADOM TIMES I • Page 11 MOTHER’S DAY! PLANT A TREE FOR FLOW Area �������������� ������������������������� Regional trustees select board officers by Frank J. McMahon The Ramapo Indian Hills Board of Education elected a new president and vice president at its annual reorganization. Wayne Peterson, a Franklin Lakes representative whose term expires next year, was elected president of the board, and Jane Castor, an Oakland representative whose term expires in 2011, was elected vice president. Both were elected by a unanimous written ballot of the board. The three recently elected members of the school board were also sworn in, with Business Administrator Frank Ceurvels administering the oath of office to Franklin Lakes representative Ira Belsky, Wyckoff representative Robert Gebhard, and Oakland representative Elizabeth Pierce. Oaths of office were also administered to the two new student representatives to the board, Rachel Alpert of Ramapo High school and Priscilla Kelly of Indian Hills High School. Peterson was elected to his first term on the board in 2007 by the voters of Franklin Lakes. He replaced Jack Kleinert who did not seek reelection that year. Peterson has lived in Franklin Lakes for more than 20 years and has a son who will graduate from Indian Hills High School this year. He also has a daughter who graduated from Ramapo High in 2004, and a son who graduated from Indian Hills High in 2007. He is a 1980 graduate of Cornell University with a dual major in mathematics and economics. He is also a graduate of the University of Chicago’s Graduate School of Business, where he earned an MBA with concentrations in finance and statistics. He completed a 20-plus year career with Morgan Stanley in February 2003, where ������������� ���������������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������� “The Gardener’s Shed” NOT TO BE COMBINED WITH ANY OTHER OFFER MUST PRESENT THIS COUPON • EXPIRES 5-29-09 Any Flowering Tree or Shrub for MOM 10% Off $ 10” Hanging Baskets PROVEN WINNERS $ MUST PRESENT THIS COUPON EXPIRES 5-29-09 1995 Endless Summer HYDRANGEAS BLOOMS ALL SUMMER! MUST PRESENT THIS COUPON EXPIRES 5-29-09 34 95 3 gal. 3’- 4’ $ 2995 95 4’- 5’ $39 MUST PRESENT THIS COUPON EXPIRES 5-29-09 ARBORVITAE Farm-Grade Top Soil Sale $ 99 MUST PRESENT THIS COUPON • EXPIRES 5-29-09 1 3 cf Bags 40 lb. Bag MUST PRESENT THIS COUPON • EXPIRES 5-29-09 MULCH Cedar $399 Red Cedar $499 Black Cedar $499 his final position was president of Morgan Stanley Commodities Management Inc. Petersen has served on the Finance, Personnel/Goals and Evaluation, and Public Relations committees of the board and he was the board’s representative to the municipal governing bodies in the three towns in the district. Castor was elected to her first three year term on the regional high school board in 2008. She has served on the Education and Policy committees and has been the board’s representative to the parent teacher student organization at Indian Hills. She has lived in the Borough of Oakland since 1990, and has two sons who attend Indian Hills. She has a BBA in human resource management from Pace University in New York. In the community, she has worked for the elementary and middle school parent-teacher-organizations and the parent-teacher-student-organization at Indian Hills. The Fair Lawn law firm of Fogarty & Hara, Esqs., was appointed by the board to serve as its legal counsel until the board’s next reorganization meeting in 2010. The board also authorized the execution of an agreement with Paul Green of the law firm of Schwartz, Simon, Edelstein, Celso & Kessler of Morristown to serve as the board’s special counsel until June 30, 2010. That law firm will continue to represent the district in the ongoing litigation with the Bergen County Vocational and Technical School District in Hackensack, which includes the Bergen County Academies, concerning the state’s requirement for all school districts to pay the tuition and transportation costs for any students living in their districts who are accepted into the Bergen County Academies. FREE DELIVERY With Any Tree or Shrub Purchase •Installation Available 1ST ANNUAL SPRING GALA PERFORMANCE Saturday May 30th, 1:00 PM & 7:00 PM At Berrie Center for the Arts, Ramapo College. ����������������������������������������������������������������������� PROPANE PROVEN WINNERS Endless Summer Hydrangeas • Spring Flowers • Fresh Nursery Stock • Professional Landscape Design �������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������������ ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������� 201-444-9995 • OPEN 7 DAYS 9AM–6PM ������������������������������������������������������������������ ���������������������������������������� 201-447-3910 NJHIC License #13VHO3311000 FLEXIBLE PAYMENT PLANS ���������������������� ������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������������������