Page 24 THE VILLADOM TIMES I • March 25, 2009
Classic films
(continued from Restaurant page) friendship, family, how war creates personal turmoil, and how events experienced at a young age follow one and mold him into the adult he becomes. Director Marc Forster (“Monster’s Ball,” “Finding Neverland”) structures his film like a three-act play. The first act is the richest as he shows us the close relationship between two young friends who become the reigning neighborhood kiteflying team. Amir controls the kite, attempting to cut the string of other boys’ kites. When he succeeds, Hassan -the kite runner -- darts through narrow streets to retrieve the stringless kite as a trophy. The scenes of kite flying, enhanced by a bit of computer magic, metaphorically underscore the innocence and freedom of childhood. The concerns of adulthood are not yet theirs and some dark secrets are still well hidden. The movie’s background of war-torn 1970s Afghanistan and its unfolding story over many years give it a sweeping, epic feel. It is impeccably directed and its cast completely effective in portraying complex characters working through issues of guilt and responsibility. “Bolt” (Disney Home Entertainment) is a funny, animated feature about Hollywood dog star Bolt (voice of John Travolta), who believes Tinseltown’s special effects are real. He is accidentally shipped off to New York City and separated from his “person” friend, Penny, who is his child costar (voiced by Miley Cyrus) on a weekly TV kiddie show. The film uses the same premise as “The Truman Show” -- an innocent mistakes artifice for reality -- and sustains it with lots of amusing sight gags in a road trip where Bolt has to cope in the real world, without benefit of laser-beam eyes and super strength. Along the way, Bolt meets up with a couch-potato hamster named Rhino (Mark Walton) and a wisecracking alley cat named Mittens (Susie Essman). In theaters, “Bolt” was shown in 3-D. The DVD and Blu-ray releases are in the standard flat, 2-D version. Bonus extras are plentiful and include the animated short “Rhino,” a music video, deleted scenes, a featurette showing the voice cast in session, and a close look at “Bolt’s” art direction. “Side Effects” (Warner Home Video) focuses on pharmaceutical representative Karly Hert (Katherine Heigl), who pushes doctors to prescribe her company’s latest medications even though they may have questionable results. Unhappy with her job, she decides to quit in six months, but during this time two big changes occur. First, she meets Zach (Lucian McAfee), who seems to be the perfect guy, and romance blooms. Then she is put in charge of launching a new drug and becomes an integral part of a massive marketing campaign. Though on the surface a romantic comedy, “Side Effects” reveals the inner workings of the drug industry. Director Kathleen Slattery-Moschkau once worked as a pharmaceutical representative, became disgusted with what she was doing, quit, and wrote this film, balancing its light comic moments with unpleasant truths about an industry driven more by profit margins than health concerns. Extras include deleted scenes, outtakes, and a making-of featurette.
ARIES - Mar 21/Apr ARIES - Mar 21/Apr 2020 You may a bit on edge, Aries. You may bebe a bit on edge, Aries. Even though you can’t see the future, Even though you can’t see the future, rest assured that good challenges rest assured that good challenges lielie ahead. You’re ready for the tasks ahead. You’re ready for the tasks at at hand. Remember, friends will chip in. hand. Remember, friends will chip in. TAURUS - Apr 21/May TAURUS - Apr 21/May 2121 An authority figure’s negative reacAn authority figure’s negative reaction may leave you feeling frustrated tion may leave you feeling frustrated and confused, Taurus. Take heart that and confused, Taurus. Take heart that the real reason doesn’t have do with the real reason doesn’t have to to do with your ideas. your ideas. GEMINI - May 22/Jun GEMINI - May 22/Jun 2121 Money and friendship would a Money and friendship would bebe a messy mix this week, Gemini. It’s messy mix this week, Gemini. It’s better not loan money to someone better not to to loan money to someone close, you may never get it back. close, oror you may never get it back. Expect hurt feelings. Expect hurt feelings. CANCER - Jun 22/Jul CANCER - Jun 22/Jul 2222 Keeping secrets creates ethical Keeping secrets creates ananethical dilemma for you, Cancer. However, dilemma for you, Cancer. However, it’s best you keep what you know to it’s best if if you keep what you know to yourself for just a bit longer order yourself for just a bit longer in in order to to protect all involved. protect all involved. LEO - Jul 23/Aug LEO - Jul 23/Aug 2323 A A family member may be getting on family member may be getting on your nerves, Leo, even though your nerves, Leo, even though hehe oror she isn’t doing anything over the she isn’t doing anything over the top. Venting will help. Just honest top. Venting will help. Just bebe honest about voicing your feelings. about voicing your feelings. VIRGO - Aug 24/Sep VIRGO - Aug 24/Sep 2222 The time has come stop frivolous The time has come to to stop frivolous spending, Virgo. Hide those credit spending, Virgo. Hide those credit cards and keep minimal cash hand. cards and keep minimal cash onon hand. Otherwise you could see your bank Otherwise you could see your bank account dwindle quickly. account dwindle quickly. LIBRA - Sep 23/Oct LIBRA - Sep 23/Oct 2323 This week, others are set being This week, others are set onon being elusive and nonresponsive. Don’t elusive and nonresponsive. Don’t letlet it get to you, Libra. Use it as an it get to you, Libra. Use it as an opportunity catch up on what you opportunity to to catch up on what you need do. need to to do. . . SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov 2222 You’ll spending more time on travYou’ll bebe spending more time on travel,el, socializing and entertaining this socializing and entertaining this week, Scorpio. Relish the attention week, Scorpio. Relish the attention you will receiving, even though it’s you will bebe receiving, even though it’s not something you normally seek. not something you normally seek. SAGITTARIUS - Nov 23/Dec SAGITTARIUS - Nov 23/Dec 2121 You’ve been optimistic about getting You’ve been optimistic about getting the financial backing you need for the financial backing you need for anan important investment, Sagittarius. important investment, Sagittarius. However, expect a setback the next However, expect a setback in in the next few days. few days. CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan 2020 Bigger and better things may on Bigger and better things may bebe on your mind this week, Capricorn. But your mind this week, Capricorn. But the rigors everyday life don’t leave the rigors ofof everyday life don’t leave you much time for basking the you much time for basking in in the glow what could be. glow ofof what could be. AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb 1818 Your goal for advancement work Your goal for advancement at at work isn’t too far off. Just keep your nose isn’t too far off. Just keep your nose to to the grindstone, Aquarius, and you’ll the grindstone, Aquarius, and you’ll see of your hard work will pay see allall of your hard work will pay off soon. off soon. PISCES - Feb 19/Mar PISCES - Feb 19/Mar 2020 You feel very dissatisfied with a close You feel very dissatisfied with a close friend. Resentments over money may friend. Resentments over money may have come between you, Pisces. Make have come between you, Pisces. Make strides remedy it. strides to to remedy it.
Horror film remake
(continued from Entertainment page) easily as he would butter toast. The R rating certainly informs the would-be viewer that there is strong content here, but it is the intensity and brutality of some scenes that will make this film hard to take for many. Director Iliadas has crafted a truly nightmarish movie. I have always felt that the best kind of horror is the kind that is possible. There are no Freddy Kreugers, no vampires, no werewolves, and no ghosts here. Instead, there are sadistic people who thrive on seeing others in pain. As reprehensible as that sounds, it can happen, and that is what makes “The Last House on the Left” so unsettling.
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