Page 8 THE VILLADOM TIMES I • March 18, 2009
Committee declines free landscaping proposal
by John Koster
Members of the Wyckoff Township Committee regularly ponder ways to save taxpayers’ money, but they recently turned down an offer from a local landscaping contractor who had proposed free landscape work around Wyckoff Town Hall in return for a sign crediting the landscaper posted on public property. Committee members present at last week’s work session – Deputy Mayor Rudy Boonstra chaired the meeting in the absence of Mayor Joseph Fiorenzo – declined the proposal. “Refer him to Partners in Pride,” said Township Committeeman David Connolly. “Those people do a lot of work to beautify the community, so refer him over to them.” The committee members also made a common front against a proposed bill to allow favorable zoning policy toward “inherently beneficial uses,” which they took to mean environmentally friendly features on proposed projects that could also be used to drive a wedge into the autonomy of Wyckoff’s planning and zoning boards. “It’s really the beginning of an erosion of zoning powers,” Township Attorney Robert Landell told the committee. “It’s really going to let special interest groups get in there. Cell towers are next.” Committeemen directed Landell and Township Administrator Robert Shannon to work up a resolution opposing the favorable policy toward “inherently beneficial uses” so the committee could go on record against the bill now being studied in Trenton. Scanlan suggested that Wyckoff might also want to contact GeesePeace representatives now active in Ridgewood and Glen Rock to help stem the tide
of goose droppings in Wyckoff parks and playing fields. “Some of the playing fields in town are just…I wouldn’t want my kids out there,” Scanlon said.
Township committee members agreed that the situation is worth investigation. Members of GeesePeace dip Canada goose eggs in oil, which prevents incubation and hatching of goslings.
Going green
In October 2008, the Wyckoff Environmental Commission added electronics recycling at the Recycling Center. This has been a very successful addition as to more than 3 tons of electronics have been removed from the Center, reducing the waste stream considerably. Electronic devices (televisions, computer monitors, hard drives, printers, etc.) can be dropped off at the Center Monday through Saturday, check website at www. for hours of operation. Residents are encouraged to utilize this program. Pictured are members of the Wyckoff Environmental Commission contributing to the electronic products recycling container located at the Recycling Center on West Main: Alex Cascardo, Randy Hoogerheyde, Mark Borst, David N. Connolly, Drita McNamara, Henry Shotmeyer III and Chairman Brian Bigler.
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