Page 24 THE VILLADOM TIMES I • March 4, 2009 CLASSIFIED cont. from preceding page RR E L I G I O U S ELIGIOUS Thank Prayer Jude for you St. answering the prayers. to my Thank you Mary Blessed Virgin for answering my prayers. (Never known to fail) Oh, Thank you Holy Spirit for most beautiful flower of Mt. answering my prayers. S.C. Carmel, fruitful vine, splendor of heaven, Mother of Prayer to the the Son of God. ImmacuBlessed me in my late Virgin, assist Virgin (Never Oh, to of Oh, necessity.knownStar fail) the most beautiful flower me, Sea, help me and showof Mt. Carmel, fruitful vine, splenherein you are my mother. dor of Mary, Mother Oh, Holy heaven,Mother ofof the Son of God. ImmacuGod, Queen of Heaven and late I humbly me in my Earth!Virgin, assist beseech necessity. bottom of the you from theOh, Star of my Sea, help me and show me, heart to succor me in this herein you are are none necessity There my mother. Oh, Holy Mary, Mother that can withstand youof God, Oh, show me herein, power. Queen of Heaven and Earth! humbly beseech you are I my mother. Oh, you conceived without Mary, from the bottom of my heart to succor me in this sin, pray for us who have necessity thee (3x). none recourse to There are Holy that I place this cause in Mother, can withstand you power. Oh, show me herein, your hands (3x). Holy Spirit, you are my mother. Oh, you who solve all problems, Mary, conceived I can light all roads so that without sin, my for us who have attain pray goals. You who recourse to divine gift to gave me the thee (3x). Holy Mother, I place this cause forgive and forget all evilin your hands (3x). Holy Spirit, against me and that in all you who solve life you are instances in my all problems, light all want so that I can with me, Iroads in this short attain my goals. You all prayer to thank you for who gave me the divine gift things as you confirm onceto forgive I never want to evil again thatand forget all be against from you in in all separatedme and that eterinstances in my life you are nal glory. Thank you for your with toward me and mine. mercy me, I want in this short prayer to must say this The personthank you for all things consecutive days. prayer 3as you confirm once again days, the request After 3 that I never want to be separated from you in eterwill be granted. This prayer nal be published after your must glory. Thank you for the mercy toward Immaculate favor is and mine. The person must you this Heart of Mary, Thank say for prayer 3 my prayers. KV answering consecutive days. After 3 days, the request will be granted. This prayer Prayer to must be published after the favor isSt. Clare granted. Immaculate Ask St.of Mary, Thank you for Heart Clare for 3 favors, 1 answering my impossible. business, 2 prayers.EAP Say 9 Hail Marys for 9 days with lighted candles. Pray Prayer to whether you believe or not. St. Clare Publish the 9th for 3 favors, Ask St. Clare day. “May the Sacred Heart impossible. 1 business, 2 of Jesus be praised, adoredfor gloriSay 9 Hail Marys & 9 days fied today &” with lighted every Pray Request will be granted no whether you believe or not. matter how impossible it Publish the 9th day. “May seems. Publication must the Sacred Heart of Jesus be promised. Thank yougloribe praised, adored & for answering my & every PM fied today prayers. day.” Request will be granted no matter how impossible it seems. Publication must be promised. Thank you for answering my prayers. kv ARTICLES RELIGIOUS BEDROOM 8-PIECE $975 FURNITURE BEDROOM 8-PIECE $975 NEW BOXED, ALL WOOD SLEIGH/MISSION WITH 10-YEAR WARRANTY. MATTRESS SET. HANDCRAFTED, DOVETAILED FURNITURE 412-4947351. Will Deliver. Franklin Lakes Scribe LeMay to discuss state history Dr. Joseph LeMay will present the “History of New Jersey” with emphasis on Bergen County to The Woman’s Club of Franklin Lakes on Monday, March 9. Dr. LeMay is professor emeritus of political science at Ramapo College. He has taught at Rutgers and Vassar College and has studied political economy at Princeton University. Dr. LeMay has a BA from the Pennsylvania State University, an MA from Georgetown University and a Ph.D. from Fordham. In 2003, he was awarded the “prix De Quebec” by the government of Quebec for his research on the smaller cities of the province. During the past three years, he has developed the lecture series on New Jersey history for the Hermitage. He has also published several articles on the history of Mahwah. The meeting will be held at the Ambulance Corps Building in Franklin Lakes at 7 p.m. For more information, contact Eileen Leone at (201) 848-9330. Republican Club to meet The Franklin Lakes Republican Club will meet on Tuesday, March 10 at the Senior Center in the fire department headquarters on Bender Court at 8 p.m. The club invites all borough residents to this meeting. Public school registration planned Registration for the Franklin Lakes schools will take place March 9 through 13 for new students to the district. Parents of children attending private school who will be in the first grade in the Franklin Lakes schools for the 20092010 school year are encouraged to register their children as soon as possible. Colonial Road School, Woodside Avenue School, and High Mountain School first-grade parents in these local school areas can contact their school directly. Parents of children starting kindergarten in September are also encouraged to register as soon as possible. School parents may call the board of education office at (201) 891-1856 to find out which school their child will be attending and may then register at the school. For more information go to Library celebrates Saint Patrick’s Day In celebration of Saint Patrick’s Day, Dr. James P. Kane will share an audio and slide program, “Enchanting Ireland: Its History, People, Music, and Incomparable Beauty,” at the Franklin Lakes Public Library. The program will be presented on Monday, March 9 at 7 p.m. All are invited to this program featuring the land known as “40 shades of green.” No registration is necessary. Library offers computer classes, movies The Franklin Lakes Library will hold computer classes during the month of March. Monday evening classes begin at 7 p.m. and include: “Searching Strategies” on March 9, “Unlock Google’s Full Potential” on March 16 and 23, and “What is E-mail and Why Should You Care?” on March 30. Wednesday morning classes begin at 11 a.m. and include: “What is E-mail?” on March 4, and a beginner’s computer class on March 18 and 25. All are welcome to register at the adult reference desk by calling (201) 891-2224. The Friday Movie Matinees at the library will be held March 6 and 20 from 1 to 3 p.m. Refreshments will be provided. No registration is necessary. Breithaupt to address auxiliary The Franklin Lakes Branch of the Valley Hospital Auxiliary will hold a meeting on Monday, March 16 at 10:30 a.m. at the Franklin Lakes Library on DeKorte Drive. Susan Breithaupt, LCSW, a health promotion specialist from Valley Hospital’s department of gerontology will present “How to Talk to Your Doctor So Your Doctor Will Listen.” For further information, call Eileen Leone at (201) 848-9330. Board of education to meet The Franklin Lakes Board of Education will meet on Tuesday, March 3 at 8 p.m. The meeting will be held at the Franklin Avenue Middle School. RUBBISH REMOVAL Complete clean-outs Basements/garages Shed & pool removall Special winter pricing Free est. SAME DAY SERVICE 201-447-5887 TREE SERVICE ACADEMY ARBOR CARE Tree Shrub & Stump Removal Pruning * Land Clearing Firewood Est. * 40 Years 201-825-8525/201-447-4474 TUTORING 300+=5+2 An increase of 300 points-120 in Math, 100 in Writing, 80 in critical reading-got our SAT tutorial student 5 acceptances, 2 wait-lists- $60 an hour. 201-394-3156 Math, all areas + SAT prep BSIE MBA MS Mahwah area. Call Bob 201-236-9625 NEW BOXED, ALL WOOD Thank You St. Jude SLEIGH/MISSION WITH May the 10-YEAR Sacred Heart of WARRANTY. Jesus be adored, gloriMATTRESS SET. HANDfied, loved DOVETAILED and preserved CRAFTED, throughout FURNITURE the world now 412-494and Will Deliver. 7351. forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus, pray for us St. Jude, worker of miracles, pray B forD S -St. Jude, help ofL E us. ” P L U S H / P I the LOWTOPS, pray for us. Say ORTHOhopeless, PEDIC AND MEMORY this prayer nine times a day FOAM” ninth day, your prayer FULL...$169. by the QUEEN...$189. KING SIZE will be answered. PubliMATTRESS, ALLpromised. NEW. cation must be SEALED Thank you IN Jude. KV St. PLASTIC W/10 YR. WARRANTY DELIVERY AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY. PLEASE CALL 412-787-9128 R E A L E S T AT E VEHICLE PARKING Outdoor Vehicle Parking Rt. 17 Ramsey 201-327-1200 CALL FOR PRICE WANTED Wanted - House or small comm. property that needs work, here or at shore. Mike 201-891-5450 FOR SALE FIREWOOD Hardwood/ Fruitwood. Hardwood & softwood mix - $300 for 2 cords. 201-825-8525/201-447-4474 Kenmore Microhood-Bisque Brand new in box $275.00 Call 201-529-5125 Tell our Advertisers you saw their ad in The Villadom TIMES Your community newspaper CLASSIFIED Up to 3 lines .............................. $12.00 Each additional line................... $2.50 APARTMENTS Name _______________________________________ FOR RENT Address _____________________________________ 5BD 3BA only $237/mo! City/State/Zip _________________________________ (5%dn, 20yrs @ 8.5%apr) Phone _______________________________________ (25 Characters per line including spaces and punctuation) closures! For Listings 8001-5 Bedrooms Avail. ForeCarefully check your advertisiment the day it appears1221 we can not be 796-6049 ex. since responsible for errors of any kind in subsequent editions of the same ad. Corrections and changes, however, will be gladly made. MAIL TO: CLASSIFIEDS-VILLADOM TIMES P Box 96, Midland Park, NJ 07432 .O. Be sure to enclose your check or money order. ORDER FORM AND PAYMENT MUST BE RECEIVED BY THURSDAY 12 NOON FOR AD HELP, CALL 201-652-0744 and YOUR BUILDING HAS martyr. Great in virtue and rich Contact WoodSHIFTED? in miracles; near kinsman of for straightford Bros., Inc.Jesus Christ; faithful intercessor of all ening, leveling, foundtion who invoke your special and wood frame repairs atpatronage in time of need. 1-800-OLD-BARN. To you I have recourse from www.1-800-OLD-BARN.COM the depth of my MDHIC#05-121-861 heart and humbly beg to whom God has given such BUSINESS great power to come to my assistance. OPPORTUNITY Help me in my present urgent petition. In return I 100% RECESSION promise to you earn $800 PROOF! Do make your name inknown and cause Localto a day? Includes 25 you be invoked. St. Jude, for Machines and Candy pray for us all who invoke 1$9.995. Multi Vend, Inc. your aid. Amen. 800-807-6486Say three Our Fathers, Hail Marys and Glorias. Publication must BUSINESS TO novena be promised. This BUSINESS has never been known to fail. This novena must be BUSINESSconsecutive days. OWNER... said for 9 Online & Print answered. My prayers were Marketing to you, St. 5.3 million Thank over Jude. PM households all at one time throughout Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Ohio, New Prayer York, Virginia, West Virto the ginia, Maryland, Delaware Blessed D.C. Call & Washington, Virgin 1-800-450-7227 toor visit (Never known fail) Oh, Mt. most beautiful flower of Carmel, fruitful vine, splenCARS FOR SALE dor of heaven, Mother of the Son of God. Immacu$500!Virgin, assist me in my late POLICE IMPOUNDS! Hondas/Chevys/Jeeps of the & necessity. Oh, Star More! Cars me and show me, Sea, help from $500! For Listings 800-719-5578 ext. herein you are my mother. A499 Holy Mary, Mother of Oh, God, Queen of Heaven and Earth! I humbly beseech FINANCIAL you from the bottom of my NEED Ato succor me in this heart LOAN? No Credit? Bad Credit? Bankruptcy? necessity There are none Repo? can withstand Perthat Foreclosure? you s o n a l - A u t oshown s o herein, power. Oh, - C o me l i d a t iyou - B u s imy smother. n s o n are n e s - L o a Oh, Available conceived people “Helping without Mary, with Credit for us who have sin, pray problems since 1991” Financial Specialty recourse to thee (3x). Holy Services. I 800-654-1816 in Mother, place this cause your hands (3x). Holy Spirit, you who solve LAWSUIT $$$ACCESS all problems, light NOW!! so that can CASH all roads As seenI on attain my goals. DragTV, Injury LawsuitYou who gave me the divine gift ging? Need $500-$500,000to forgive and forget after ++ within 24/hrs all evil against Compare our low approval? me and that in all instances in NOW you are rates, APPLY my life1-888with me, 888-5152 I want in this short prayer to thank you for all things as you FURNITUREconfirm once again that I never want to be B separated fromS H / in IeterE D S - ” P L U you P L LOWTOPS, ORTHOnal glory. Thank you for your PEDIC toward me and mine. mercy AND MEMORY FOAM” The person FULL...$169. must say this QUEEN...$189. KING SIZE prayer 3 consecutive days MATTRESS, ALL request After 3 days, the NEW. SEALEDgranted. This prayer IN PLASTIC will be W/10 be published after the must YR. WARRANTY DELIVERY AVAILABLE favor is granted. Immaculate IMMEDIATELY. Thank you for Heart of Mary, PLEASE CALL 412-787-9128 answering my prayers. kr Prayer to St. Jude BUILDINGMATERIALS Oh, Holy St. Jude, apostle MISCELLANEOUS ACR METAL ROOFING AND SIDING. 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