June 24, 2009 THE VILLADOM TIMES I • Page 3 Wyckoff Teachers take vote of no confidence in superintendent by John Koster A half dozen spokespersons from the Wyckoff Education Association stood up at the June 15 Wyckoff Board of Education meeting to explain why the teacher’s union had overwhelmingly voted no confidence in Superintendent of Schools Dr. Janet Razze. Wyckoff’s annual competitive fire department inspection was the focus of an article in “Fire Engineering,” a national magazine for professional and volunteer firefighters that appeared last week. “It’s a great article,” Mayor Joseph Fiorenzo said with satisfation. “When a national publication covers a department such as Wyckoff’s, describes it in such detail, and holds it up as a model, it’s an honor.” Wyckoff Township Committeeman Rick Alnor and Fire Chief David Murphy both spent a lot of time working with the Fire department appears in national publication writer of the article. The entire township committee was delighted with the piece, and said so at the work session before last week’s public meeting. Township committee members were less delighted to learn that a property owner had dropped a bid to purchase 1,500 square feet of land on the Wyckoff/Franklin Lakes border for $7,000, because officials in Franklin Lakes agreed to grant a variance, a decision that negates the necessity of the land purchase. The lot is too small to be used for independent construction. J. KOSTER “Privatization was the straw that broke the camel’s back – the staff never felt so demoralized and unappreciated,” WEA cochair Kathy Bowers said. “We did not come to this decision overnight. Bowers headed a group of teachers who listed the reasons for their vote of no confidence; most of those reasons focused on educational economic constraints. WEA spokespersons criticized the decision to terminate all full-time instructional aides who had insurance coverage – and the memorandum which they said failed to distinguish between school-insured instructional aides, who were let go, and uninsured instructional aides, who were retained. The decision to privatize the school custodial staff – postponed after a prolonged meeting in which parents and teachers asked that the custodians be retained – was also mentioned. Some teachers said they did not feel secure when custodians they did not know had access to the buildings. Teachers also said that popular physical fitness, reading, and computer programs had been altered unilaterally, and that in some cases they had to disrupt their own schedules to keep existing programs relevant for students. Dr. Razze was also criticized for supervision of the last stages of completion of the school construction project, particularly at the Sicomac School. (continued on page 23) Like the idea and philosophy behind acupuncture but are scared of needles? Why not try Tuina Massage. Let us Gift Certificates help you relax, replenish, and rejuvenate. Available ����������������������������� ������������������������ ����������� Come on in and get your 20% off with this coupon! WELLNESS CENTER ������������������������������������������������������ ������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������ A Neighborhood Massage Therapy   You won’t be in the waiting room long The office is open 7 days a week You can reach your doctor 24 hrs./day 7days/week We use state-of-the-art equipment with electronic medical records Open House Meet & Greet Back By Popular Demand! You’re Invited!  Come see what the buzz is all about! ������������ YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD NEWSPAPER meet and greet/open house Time: Saturday, June 27th 11AM - 4PM Sunday, June 28th 11AM - 4PM Place: 810 Franklin Avenue, Franklin Lakes Food: Catered by the Market Basket We’d like to meet you and your family. Please feel welcome to stop by and introduce yourself to the practice. RSVP is not required, but would be appreciated. Call (201) 485-7557 or email emichaels@milestonespediatrics.com We are accepting new patients from newborns to age 21. Call (201) 485-7557 to schedule an appointment 810 Franklin Avenue Franklin Lakes, NJ 07417 www.milestonespediatrics.com