June 24, 2009 THE VILLADOM TIMES I • Page 25
Religious Notes
The parish of Church of the Guardian Angel in Allendale is participating in the Catholic Church’s “Year of the Priest.” Parish families will be taking turns each week praying in their homes for priests, and for vocations to the priesthood, in the Elijah Cup prayer program. The Elijah Cup prayer program was created by Serra International, a Catholic organization of lay people that promotes vocations. “The program is designed to remind us just how powerful praying for an increase in vocations can be,”’ said Rev. Charles Pinyan, pastor of Guardian Angel parish. The Serra program’s literature cites the Biblical passage of 1 Kings 17. During a drought, Elijah tells the poor widow of Zarapeth that if she makes him a small loaf of bread with the last of her flour and oil, her “jar of flour will not go empty, nor the jug of oil run dry, until the Lord sends rain upon the earth.” In faith, the widow baked the bread and fed Elijah. For the next year, the widow, her son, and Elijah ate bread made from the bowl of flour and jug of oil. The Elijah Cup prayer program is meant to inspire Catholics to pray with the faith of the widow of Zarapeth, and the cup will never run dry: There will always be priests to bring disciples to Jesus in the Eucharist. Each week at Sunday mass, the priest will use the Elijah Cup as the chalice. At the end of mass, he calls a family, individual, or couple forward to receive the Elijah Cup. The recipient takes the cup home, putting it in a place of honor. Each day that week, the holder of the cup prays for an increase and perseverance of vocations. The following Sunday, that person returns the Elijah Cup at mass. A prayer journal also travels with the Elijah Cup. Each week, those who have the cup enter a thought, prayer, or scripture verse. Over time, this diary becomes a spiritual journal for the parish. Pope Benedict XVI declared that the Year for Priests began on the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus: June 19. “The Year for Priests is intended to be a time for priests to be renewed in their unity with Christ and zeal in their ministry,” said Father Pinyan. “It is intended to be a time for the whole Church to pray especially for priests – that they may be good and faithful in the vocation to which God has called them – and to pray for increase in vocations to the priesthood. In a particular way, we pray that young men might be open to the call, and carefully discern whether the Lord is inviting them to follow Him in the ministerial priesthood – and that parishes and families might joyfully
Elijah Cup program celebrates ‘Year of the Priest’
nourish these potential vocations.” Guardian Angel’s first recipients of the Elijah Cup were
Tom and Elayne McGill, long-time parishioners who are celebrating their 60th wedding anniversary this year.
Church receives 13
A Service of Confirmation was celebrated at the First Presbyterian Church of Ramsey on Pentecost Sunday. Thirteen young people were received into the church before parents, relatives and friends. Pastor Michael Carrier, Clerk of Session Sharon Kroll and Youth Ministry Director Karen Robator coordinated the service with the young people participating throughout the service. A reception followed in Fellowship Hall. Standing: Youth Ministry Director Karen Robator, Alexander M. Neilsen (Mahwah), Andrew J. Coley (Mahwah), Daniel T. Knipp (Ramsey), Dylan G. Myers (Upper Saddle River), Thomas N. Felice (Midland Park), Taylor J. McNaboe (Ramsey) and Brendan P. Kretschmer (of Ramsey). Seated: Jaclyn N. Spittler (Ramsey), Jessica A. Waldeck (Ramsey), Jennifer J. Feerick (Ramsey), Kristy L. Larsen (Mahwah), Carolyn K. Edler (Mahwah) and Steven P. Felice ( Midland Park).
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The Episcopal Parish for Midland Park and Wyckoff 497 Godwin Ave — Midland Park — 201-444-6168 The Eucharists: 8 and 10:00 Sunday Rev. Charles N. Arlin,Arlin AM The Rev. Charles N. Rector Sunday Eucharists: 8, 9:30 (Contemporary Family Worship) & 10:15 a.m. Sunday School at (July — for children Sundays 8 Nursery, Adult Forum and Education at 9:309:00 a.m. only) and 10 a.m. Eucharist •10 AM August at a.m.
cofgsmp@verizon.net • www.dioceseofnewark.org/goodshepherd.midlandpark Nursery and Education at 10:00 a.m. cofgsmp@verizon.net • www.dioceseofnewark.org/goodshepherd-midlandpark We are handicappedaccessible We are handicapped accessible www.dioceseofnewark.org/goodshepherd-midlandpark
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SUNDAY 9:45am Bible Study •• 11am Morning Worship • 6pm Evening Worship 9:45am Bible Study 11am Morning Worship • 6pm Evening Worship WEDNESDAY WEDNESDAY 7pm: Awana Clubs (ages 3 to grade 6) • 7:30pm: Junior Youth Ministry 7:15pm: Awana Clubs (age 3 to grade 6) • 7:15pm: Jr/Sr Youth Ministry 7:30pm Adult Bible Study and Prayer
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125 Glasgow Terr, Mahwah. 201-529-2117 The Episcopal Wednesday MidlandWorship Schedule Sunday and Parish for Evening Park and Wyckoff Sunday Ave - Midland Worship 10:15AM 497 GodwinBible— 9:15AM - Park — 201-444-6168 Wednesday - Worship 7:30PM The www.holycrossmahwah.org The Rev. Charles N. Arlin Website:Rev. Charles N. Arlin, Rector Sundays: 8, 9:30 (Contemporary) 11a.m. Eucharists
HOLY Adult Forum and Education at at 9:00 a.m. Sundays Nursery,CROSS NURSERY SCHOOL only) 8 and 10 a.m. Eucharist • (July — August 9:30 a.m. Half & Extended Day Programs - Openings Nursery and Education at - Call for cofgsmp@verizon.net • www.dioceseofnewark.org/goodshepherd-midlandpark New Mommy & Me Program 10:00 a.m. Details We are handicapped accessible Website: www.holycrossnurseryschool.com www.dioceseofnewark.org/goodshepherd-midlandpark
PO Box 212 - Dept. H, Midland Park, NJ 07432 or drop by our office 174 Paterson Ave., Midland Park
• 7:30pm: Adult Bible Study and Prayer
THE CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD AbundantParish for Midland Park and Wyckoff Life Reformed Church The Episcopal
Sundays 8 and 10 a.m. Eucharist •Available) at 9:00 a.m. only) (Nursery (July — August Nursery and Education at 10:00 a.m. Pastorswww.dioceseofnewark.org/goodshepherd-midlandpark Larkin – Rev. Dr. Gene Poll & Rev. Tom
THE CHURCH OF Christian Church THE GOOD SHEPHERD Powerhouse for Midland Park and Wyckoff The Episcopal Parish
SundaysSunday a.m. Eucharist • (July — August at 9:00 a.m. only) 10 Worship Service ~ 10:30 a.m. Nursery8&and Nursery & and Education atduring(Infants - 5th grade) Children’s Church during service service Nursery Children’s Church 10:00 a.m. Sr. Pastor Jeff Sr. Pastor•Jeff Boucher • Assoc. Vadala Greg Valdala Rick VerHage Boucher Assoc. Pastor Greg Pastor • Lay Pastor www.dioceseofnewark.org/goodshepherd-midlandpark
Summer Worship Service: 10:00 AM The Rev. Charles N. Arlin
475 Lafayette Ave., Wyckoff •— 201-444-6168 497 Godwin Ave — Midland Park 201-444-8038
phone: 201-540-1993 • e-mail info@powerhousechristianchurch.org phone: 201-825-3533 • e-mail: info@powerhousechristianchurch.org
The Rev. Charles N. Arlin Sunday Worship Service - 9:00am & 10:45am
500 West Main Street, Suite Park — 201-444-6168 2, Wyckoff, NJ 07481 497 500 West Ave — Midland 2, Wyckoff, NJ 07481 Godwin Main Street, Suite
Religious Directory – 201-652-0744
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