June 17, 2009 THE VILLADOM TIMES I • Page 19 Emmanuel asks... Can You Help? News from Northern Region of the Emmanuel Cancer Foundation. Our hat’s off to: MSO organization for the recent Golf Outing fundraiser which netted over $1,800 for our cause. We also thank Calvin Coolidge School in Wyckoff for their food drive, which helps keep the food flowing to our clients! Eleven-year-old Michael’s family is facing real adversity. He has spent an entire year dealing with a variety of problems, and he is currently receiving treatments for his brain tumor. It has been quite a year of loss for him. Michael has lost his sight due to brain surgery, he lost his father (who moved and left no forwarding address), he lost his home because mom could not afford to live there anymore, and he lost his on the decline. Historically, retail membership has been poor, particularly as chain stores replaced family-owned businesses • the need for a meaningful value proposition that encourages participation (what will we get out of it?) • the need to figure where and how leveraged purchasing can be taken advantage of and thereby increasing the value proposition of the chamber; • partnering with the board of education and guidance offices to provide better job placement for young adults. • providing sufficient parking to service the older business areas. This major issue has gone unresolved, hindering businesses. Chamber President Chris Rossi said the suggestions made at the meeting would be discussed and followed through. The mayor and Borough Administrator Michelle Dugan volunteered to work with the chamber to vet out the prioritized ideas, resolve current open question and most importantly, to try to align resources and volunteers for each of the high priority ideas. Monahan said he anticipates getting back to the group and the chamber at large over the next 30 to 60 days to solicit further input, assign tasks and provide feedback. Revitalize (continued from page 7) “The biggest problem has been to get new people and to get the two areas of town to work together on any project,” said Richard Lewis of Statewide Reports, a former chamber president. Stephanie Bassler of Little Ivy Learning Center agreed. “We have to find ways to work together in ways that will benefit the community and our businesses,” she said. “We have to point out the value of being in this area,” said Richard Bassler, also of Little Ivy. He suggested that 4-29-09 karen/janine the borough’s larger employers be contacted and asked to encourage their employees to shop locally. EmmanuelHelp2x.75(4-29-09) Resident Russ Kamp suggested the chamber host a 3 x .75 to entice members to join and to then link them website together in a common goal. He also suggested members get together and negotiate joint services, such as payroll, insurance, banking services or purchasing supplies. Among the challenges identified by those present at the meeting were: • increasing chamber membership, which has been social network because his illness left him unable to attend school. His mom, Nancy, works hard and tries to do best that she can, given the overwhelming circumstances. Nancy is a brave single parent with five children: Kaitlyn, 12; Kristen, 10; Connor, 6; and Bobbie, 8. Because they recently had to move into an unfurnished apartment, we are asking for a variety of items to help them regain some of what was lost. Requests include summer clothes for the kids (call us for exact sizes); bake ware, cooking utensils, carpeting or rugs, curtains or blinds, paint, lights or ceiling fixtures, a lawn mower, and major appliances (washer, dryer and refrigerator). Your direct contribution to the Family Financial Assistance Program will help Michael’s family and the many other families served by the Emmanuel Cancer Foundation. To Help: Call us at (201) 612-8118 before you stop by. Please do not leave items at the center without checking with us first. Our storage space is limited. Our current hours are Monday, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m..; Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.; and Thursday, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The Northern Regional Center is located at 174 Paterson Avenue, Midland Park, NJ 07432. Please visit us on the web at www.emmanuelcancer.org. As always, thank you for helping the children and their families! Paul Banach Construction, LLC Home Remodeling Waldwick • 201-689-0765 • Kitchen & Bathroom Renovations • Finish Carpentry Crown Moldings, Cabinetry, Walk-In-Closets, etc... 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We Offer Line Of Credits And Financing Plans .19 1.5 liter 201.345-5621 Now that’s something to celebrate! No rain checks issued. Not responsible for typographical errors.