Midland Park
June 10, 2009 THE VILLADOM TIMES I • Page 5
Incumbent Midland Park Councilmen Bernard Holst and Scott Pruiksma defeated Mark Braunius and Matthew O’Toole in last week’s primary election, earning the two available Republican council slots on the November election ballot. No Democrats were on the ballot for the council slots, and there were no writeins. The write-in practice has been used by Democrats in previous elections to get on the ballot instead of filing nominating petitions. With 603 voters (31 percent of registered Republican voters) turning out at the polls, Pruiksma received 371 votes and Holst 350. O’Toole, a political newcomer, garnered 153 votes and Braunius, a former councilman, received 149. Holst and Pruiksma credit their win to the uncertain economic times and the fact that the borough is being run efficiently and with open communication between the
Republican incumbents retain ballot slots
elected officials and the department heads. “Bernie and I are known for fiscal prudence and responsibility. This known brings a sense of security,” said Pruiksma, crediting volunteers with having helped the borough attain its financial stability. “We are committed to representing the people of Midland Park with open, transparent, diligent, accessible leadership,” he added. Pruiksma also noted that he and Holst act as a team and often discuss issues with each other. “Bernie has many life experiences in the business world, and has served both in the Armed Forces and the Lions Club. He has been a great mentor to me,” Pruiksma said. The Republican line headed by Gubernatorial Candidate Chris Christie garnered the most votes throughout. Christie received 325 votes to Steven Lonegan’s 248 and Rick Merkt’s 16. In the highly contested general assembly race, Dave Russo and Scott Rumana received 318 and 285 votes, respectively, vesting Anthony Rottino, who received 201 votes, and Joseph Caruso, with 212. Freeholder hopefuls John Driscoll, Jr. and Robert Hermansen polled 296 and 280, respectively, to Arthur Lavis’ 163 votes and James Feeney’s 192.
Only 8 percent of the borough’s registered Democrats turned out at the polls, and none of the spots on the ballot was contested. Governor Jon Corzine received 56 votes. Mark Bombace and John Agostinelli received 57 and 54 votes, respectively, for the general assembly. Current Freeholders Julie O’Brien and Vernon Walton polled 63 and 53 votes, respectively.
Midland Park’s borough engineer is working on reconfiguring the layout of the proposed outdoor basketball courts adjacent to the DePhillips Community Center to allow for some parking spaces there. Because the old courts at that location are in disrepair, recreation complex users park on the site during sporting events. Engineer Mike DeSena told the mayor and council at its last meeting that a college-length court, suitable for high school games, and another smaller court could fit in T-formation at the location of the old courts. If the courts are moved back closer to the back fence, perpendicular parking for 10-12 cars could be accommodated along the front fence. Another option, according to Mayor Joseph Monahan, would be to place two courts side by sides parallel to the community center, with parking parallel to the track. “There would be less wasted space and make for better pedestrian traffic,” he said. The borough has received a grant from the Bergen County Open Space Trust Fund
New courts in design stage
in the amount of $92,000 for the reconstruction project. This will be matched with an equal amount from the borough’s own Open Space Trust Fund. Plans call for resurfacing and fencing in the area and installing safety lighting. Some existing lighting will actually be removed, and no nighttime lighting or drainage is proposed. DeSena said that an access gate would be provided for maintenance purposes, but that no other car access would be provided. The outdoor courts can be used by the town’s basketball association for games and practices, by the summer and other recreation programs and for pick-up games of adults and teenagers. Courts are at a premium in the borough, forcing use of out-oftown facilities for practices and games. The work would most likely not be completed until the spring of 2010, according to Borough Administrator Michelle Dugan, since construction would have to be worked around the summer camp and football programs.
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