Page 4 THE VILLADOM TIMES I • June 10, 2009 Franklin Lakes Borough COAH plan submission deemed complete by Frank J. McMahon The Borough of Franklin Lakes has been advised that its COAH plan, also known as the housing element and fair share plan, which was sent to the state’s Council on Affordable Housing on Dec. 30, 2008, has met all the requirements for submission to COAH and can now be submitted to the public for its review. The borough has advertised the availability of the plan and its supporting documentation at the office of the borough clerk at the municipal building on DeKorte Drive in a legal ad as required by law. In that legal advertisement, the public has been advised that comments or objections to the borough’s petition for substantive certification of the plan by COAH must be submitted to that government agency in Trenton by July 6. Once the public review and comment period has been completed, COAH will begin its review of the plan and will work with the borough on a substantive review of its third round growth share plan, which could culminate in COAH’s final approval and certification. According to Paul Grygiel, the borough’s professional planner, the plan identifies three zones in the borough as areas where additional affordable housing would be permitted, along with two properties owned by the borough, to provide the reasonable opportunity for the construction of 72 affordable housing units within Franklin Lakes. That number is less than the 147 units COAH had calculated as the borough’s obligation under its new third round regulations, but Grygiel explained that the lower number was determined by the borough’s COAH Committee after an analysis was conducted of the residential and non-residential construction in the borough, the developable vacant land available, and the potential growth of residential and commercial development in the borough over the next 10 years. In order to provide the reasonable opportunity for the construction of those units Grygiel said the COAH Committee recommended that the retail business zone in the downtown business area on Franklin Avenue, the I1 industrial zone in the Commerce Street area, and the I-2 industrial zone in the Susquehanna Avenue and Tice Road area, would be rezoned, along with two boroughowned properties on DeKorte Drive. According to Grygiel, the Franklin Avenue zone is appropriate for affordable housing units above the stores in that area because it is near major highways and it has the infrastructure to support that type of housing as that area is redeveloped over the next 10 to 15 years. He has told the planning board that COAH accepts assisted living residences as affordable housing, and a 40-unit facility would be appropriate in the I1 industrial zone on Commerce Street, while multifamily residential affordable housing units were recommended in the I2 industrial zone on Susquehanna Avenue. Those rezoned areas would provide the opportunity for the eventual construction of 38 affordable housing units, and the balance of the 72 unit obligation would come from the two properties on DeKorte Drive. One of those properties would include a special needs single family house on a lot near Franklin Avenue. That house would have five bedrooms and count as five affordable housing units. The other would include 12 affordable housing units that would be built on borough-owned property across the street from the municipal building. The credit for those units, along with a bonus credit of 18 for permitting rental units over and above the borough’s rental unit obligation, would satisfy the borough’s 72 unit obligation. Grygiel said the plan provides a way for the borough to address its affordable housing obligation using redevelopment without spreading new development all over the borough, but rather in areas where there are suitable roads. Custom Pet Sitting Karen Luschar, a former Broadway entertainer, will be performing “Singing for Victory: Songs of WWII” at the Franklin Lakes Public Library on Saturday, June 13 at 2 p.m. This nostalgic mix of the fun and heartfelt songs that kept our country together and hopeful during the Second Luschar to perform patriotic concert World War. This concert is scheduled in celebration of Flag Day. 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