Page 28 THE VILLADOM TIMES I & III • June 3, 2009 (continued from Restaurant page) consumerist society of the 1960s. Director Jean-Luc Godard was voted the third-greatest filmmaker ever, behind only Orson Welles and Alfred Hitchcock, by the latest “Sight and Sound” poll of the world’s leading film critics. “The Jetsons: Season 2, Volume 1” (Warner Home Video) contains 21 episodes of the TV show that was the 21st-century equivalent of “The Flintstones.” Created by animation veterans William Hanna and Joseph Barbera, the show focuses on George Jetson, who works for Spacely Space Sprockets. George commutes in an atomic-powered bubble and lives with his wife, Jane, and their children in Skypad Apartments. A robot maid packs son Elroy off to school in a pneumatic tube each morning. Teenage daughter Judy spends her free time learning the latest dance, the Solar Swivel. Astro is the family dog. George’s boss is Cosmo G. Spacely (voice of Mel Blanc). The original series was produced between 1962 and 1963 and rerun on Saturday mornings for decades. Its ongoing popularity led to further episodes produced for syndication between 1985 and 1987. The color episodes in this threedisc collection are from this period. An extra, “The Jetsons Return to the Future,” examines how the second season was DVD releases updated for a new audience. Interviews include animation historians and cast members. Two new collections of TV dramas from Walt Disney Home Entertainment are new to DVD. “Army Wives: The Complete Second Season” tells the story of the loyalty, love, and strong bonds that sustain families through the sacrifices demanded by military life. It takes pains to establish real characters and set up situations that feel authentic. TV drama veterans Catherine Bell (“JAG”) and Kim Delaney (“NYPD Blue,” “CSI: Miami”) head the cast. The five-disc set includes featurettes, deleted scenes, and more. “Raising the Bar: The Complete First Season” is yet another TV legal drama in the mold of “L.A. Law,” “Law & Order” and “Murder One.” Created by Steven Bochco (“Hill Street Blues”), the show focuses on idealistic public defender Jerry Kellerman (Mark Paul Gosselaar), who learns to navigate the justice system and the personal politics of the courthouse as he struggles to get a fair hearing for his clients. Jerry and associates Rosalind Whitman (Gloria Reuben), Richard Patrick Woolsley (Teddy Sears), and Bobbi Gilardi (Natalia Cigliuti) often find themselves squaring off against Michelle Ernhardt (Melissa Sagemiller), a prosecutor trying to balance her desire for real justice with her need to placate an assistant D.A. (Currie Graham), whose job is to win cases. None of the characters is painted broadly, and there are no bad guys among the principals. Conflict comes from the cases themselves. look, reflecting a worldwide war with little to focus on other than raw survival. What McG gains in look, he loses in sound. “Terminator Salvation” has to be one of the most annoyingly loud movies of the year. Of course explosions and gunfire are loud, and the movie has plenty of both, but even in more subdued scenes, the decibel level is amped to the max. Making a key moment louder to emphasize a plot point is understandable, but the viewer should not jump during ordinary moments such as the lighting of a flare, closing of a gate, or starting of a car. Perhaps the sound level was set to compensate for substance in the script. Rated PG-13, “Terminator Salvation” tries to breathe life into a once-popular cash cow of a franchise, but it always boils down to script. Despite its numerous special effects, star casting, and vividly rendered war-scarred landscape, “Terminator Salvation” is at best a routine B picture with an A budget. ARIES - Mar 21/Apr 20 ARIES - Mar 21/Apr 20 Take the time do an important Take the time toto do an important project the right way, Aries, you’re project the right way, Aries, oror you’re bound have to do it again in a a few bound toto have to do it again in few weeks. With much on your plate, weeks. With soso much on your plate, now’s not the time for mistakes. now’s not the time for mistakes. TAURUS - Apr 21/May 21 TAURUS - Apr 21/May 21 Put on a happy face, Taurus. Things Put on a happy face, Taurus. Things aren’t bad as you’re making them aren’t asas bad as you’re making them seem. Trust that by week’s end you’ll seem. Trust that by week’s end you’ll be back better spirits for a a while. be back inin better spirits for while. Others will notice the change. Others will notice the change. GEMINI - May 22/Jun 21 GEMINI - May 22/Jun 21 You’re going the distance a a relaYou’re going the distance inin relationship that is bound to fail, Gemini. tionship that is bound to fail, Gemini. Why not concentrate your efforts Why not concentrate your efforts on something that sure to succeed on something that is is sure to succeed instead? instead? CANCER - Jun 22/Jul 22 CANCER - Jun 22/Jul 22 It’s time step out of the spotlight, It’s time toto step out of the spotlight, Cancer, and let someone else have Cancer, and let someone else have his her moment instead. Everyone his oror her moment instead. Everyone knows you’re the life the party, but knows you’re the life ofof the party, but try being a little more humble. try being a little more humble. LEO - Jul 23/Aug 23 LEO - Jul 23/Aug 23 It’s time speak up about what’s It’s time toto speak up about what’s been bothering you, Leo. The been bothering you, Leo. The situation won’t solve itself by your situation won’t solve itself by your keeping your lips sealed. Others will keeping your lips sealed. Others will understand your point view. understand your point ofof view. VIRGO - Aug 24/Sept 22 VIRGO - Aug 24/Sept 22 You want help out a a friend, but he You want toto help out friend, but he oror she isn’t ready to accept assistance. she isn’t ready to accept assistance. Be patient, Virgo. This person will Be patient, Virgo. This person will come around by the weekend, and come around by the weekend, and will then be ready listen to you. will then be ready toto listen to you. LIBRA - Sept 23/Oct 23 LIBRA - Sept 23/Oct 23 You’re having trouble finding that You’re having trouble finding that perfect love match, Libra. Rest asperfect love match, Libra. Rest assured that some progress will be made sured that some progress will be made this week. This person someone this week. This person is is someone you see every day. you see every day. SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov 22 SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov 22 Your passion could get you trouble, Your passion could get you inin trouble, Scorpio. Stop making eyes that Scorpio. Stop making eyes atat that forbidden someone. It’s not a risk you forbidden someone. It’s not a risk you want take, especially if you are in a want toto take, especially if you are in a steady relationship. steady relationship. SAGITTARIUS - Nov 23/Dec 21 SAGITTARIUS - Nov 23/Dec 21 Now’s the time invest your money Now’s the time toto invest your money inin surefire plan, Sagittarius -- -- no a a surefire plan, Sagittarius no more of these fly-by-night operations. more of these fly-by-night operations. Leo will certainly be happy about the Leo will certainly be happy about the change. change. CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan 20 CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan 20 Has a roommate housemate been Has a roommate oror housemate been crimping your style, Capricorn? crimping your style, Capricorn? It It might be wise start looking for a might be wise toto start looking for a larger residence. This way you both larger residence. This way you both can have more private space. can have more private space. AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb 18 AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb 18 Your maturity level certainly hasn’t Your maturity level certainly hasn’t matched up with your age, lately, matched up with your age, lately, Aquarius. Stop acting silly and realAquarius. Stop acting silly and realize the role you play all of your ize the role you play inin all of your relationships. relationships. PISCES - Feb 19/Mar 20 PISCES - Feb 19/Mar 20 Confess the bad deeds you’ve Confess toto the bad deeds you’ve done, and a loved one will certainly done, and a loved one will certainly forgive you for them. The truth hurts, forgive you for them. The truth hurts, but the best option. but is is the best option. ‘Terminator’ (continued from Entertainment page) feature Yelchin more prominently. There are some nifty visual effects, especially those involving creepy underwater eel-like machines, racing motorcycles, colossal rampaging robots, and aircraft that can hover like helicopters and maneuver like fighter jets. But nothing has the impact of the silvery, constantly morphing T-1000 from “Terminator: Judgment Day.” The “been there, done that” aura makes the movie just another summer shoot-‘em-up. What is effective is the movie’s washed-out look. There are virtually no bright hues to be seen, giving the film an overcast feel, ever filled with smoke from fires and havoc wreaked by the giant robots. McG scores points for establishing and sustaining the right somber Answer Last Week’s Puzzle Answer to to Last Week’s Puzzle